

【作者】 杨敏

【导师】 黄明喜;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 教育史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《淮南子》的德育思想与其政治思想有着密切的联系。在很大程度上,《淮南子》的德育思想是围绕德治主张及社会道德教化主张而展开。基于以上的认识,本文所讨论的《淮南子》德育思想主要涵盖在“德政论”和“道德教化”两大范畴里。 《淮南子》的人性论思想是其德育思想的基础。它对人性的认识深受先秦儒道人性论的影响,并具有综合儒道人性论的特点。对人的善性的认可是《淮南子》选择德政的治国主张、推行道德教化的人性根据。 秉承汉初统治者反思秦朝灭亡的经验教训、探索长治久安的治国之道的传统,《淮南子》德育思想中的德政主张由此得到充分和系统的体现。它主张实行德刑并用、法辅仁义、德教为先的治国术;重申了法的正义与公平的本质;注重统治者的道德修养。 在社会道德教化范畴里,《淮南子》主张以礼义教化民众,因民性而治;从多个层面展开了对义利的讨论;推崇以“贵忠”、“重孝”为核心的道德规范。它有着多样的德育方法主张,本文将其概括为“感而化之”、“学而明人伦”、“以事为诚”和“以养身促养德”。 汉初思想界所体现的综合性特点在《淮南子》的德育思想中得到反映:如《淮南子》吸收、改造儒道关于仁义、礼乐的学说;综合先秦儒道人性论思想的人性观等。《淮南子》的德育思想立足于当时社会现实的需要,有着对各家思想的融合,又表现出明显的儒道相黜的色彩。它对于“忠”、“孝”、“礼”等的综合和评价,在一定程度上反映了汉初的社会教化现实,体现了刘安集团所推崇的社会道德教化主张,具有一定的反现实的价值。

【Abstract】 The moral educational thoughts in Huai Nan Tzu have deep roots in its political thoughts. To large degrees, Huai Nan Tzu develops its moral educational thoughts on the basis of its rule of virtue and the cultivation of social ethics.The core of its moral educational thoughts is the theory of Man’s nature. Theories of Man’s nature of Confucian and Taoism co-exit in Huai Nan Tzu. Man’s Innate Goodness gives grounds for advocate of the rule of virtue and the cultivation of social ethics.The rule of virtue is the succession of reflection that the rulers of Early Han Dynasty drew a lesson from the subversion of Qin Dynasty. It suggests the governance with combination of the rule of virtue and the rule of law with law as an assistant means to benevolence principles and the rule of moral cultivation as the highest priority.Huai Nan Tzu discusses Yi and Li from many aspects. Its moral principles focus on loyalty and filial piety. The approaches of moral educational can be generalized as implanting the principles into everybody’s mind by spirit, learning social orders, emphasizing practical life and promoting moral development by physical improvementThe moral educational thoughts in Huai Nan Tzu reflect the mixed thoughts in Early Han Dynasty.

【关键词】 淮南子道德教育教育思想
【Key words】 Huai NanTzumoral educationeducational thoughts
  • 【分类号】B82-09
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】225

