

【作者】 徐艳平

【导师】 莫雷;

【作者基本信息】 华南师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 心理词库是语言学及其他的认知科学领域(人工智能等)一个越来越重要的组成部分,有关研究成果越来越多,研究的主要问题涉及各种词汇信息(形、音、义)在大脑中的表征和提取。双语心理词库是心理词库研究中一个比较独特的领域,研究重点集中在双语词库概念——形式的表征关系上,主要争论的问题是:在习得双语的人的大脑中,关于两种语言词汇知识的心理词库是独立存储的还是共享的?影响这一问题的因素是什么?双语的心理词典词汇表征是一个非常重要的课题,Weinreich(1953)首先提出双语词汇知识的三种组织结构,它们分别为并列型(coordinate)、复合型(compound)及从属型(subordinate)。前人对此课题的研究曾得出许多不同的结论,但是其研究结果都是在书面语言和口头语言皆为强势对称的双语中得出,而没有考虑书面语言和口头语言为非强势对称的双语的情况。本研究选择了与双语有密切关系的双方言作为研究心理词典词汇表征的切入点,利用双方言的书面语言和口头语言为强势不对称的特点,从书面语言和口头语言两个角度分别对双方言的心理词典表征结构进行探讨。 本研究以粤语/普通话为研究对象,探讨粤语和普通话这对双方言的心理词典的词汇表征模型及它们之间的关系,整个研究共分为四个实验。 实验一和实验二对粤语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型进行探讨。实验一为文字命名实验,通过对不同语言文字的命名来初步探讨粤语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型,结果表明粤语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型初步确定为从属型,粤语书面语言的词汇表征从属于普通话书面语言的词汇表征。实验二为文字与图片匹配实验,考察在涉及深层概念提取的词汇表征中粤语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型的类型,结果表明,粵语/普通话的书面语言词汇表征模型为从属型,从而进一步证实了实验一的结果。 实验三和实验四是对粵语/普通话的口头语言词汇表征模型进行探讨。实验三考察在口头语言条件下,被试匹配声音与图片的情况,结果表明,被试对粤语口头语言和普通话口头语言的反应时间大致相同,两种语言在口头语言上的词汇表征模型不可能是从属型,应该是并列型与复合型中的一种。实验四进一步通过同、跨语言的反义词判断实验验证口头语言情况下的词汇表征类型,结果表明,粤语双方言的书面语/口语词汇表征模型初探/普通话的口头语言词汇表征模型为复合型。 本研究促进了双方言的心理词库表征研究的发展,并且对双语的心理词库表征研究具有重要的启示作用,同时,本研究的现实意义也很大,研究结果对当前的双语教育和双语教学的发展和操作有着很好的促进作用和指导作用。

【Abstract】 Mental lexicon is a important part in the language and other recognized scientific area such as the artificial intelligence,and it become more and more important since the psychology developed .the area covered all kinds of lexicon information (form, phonic,semantic )in the function of the brain. Bilingual mental lexicon is a special area in the mental lexicon research . it focus most in the relationship between the performance and the concept . What is the conceptual organization of the bilingual mental lexicon? This issue has been under investigation for more than forty years and up till now, several representational models have been proposed. But none of them separate the written language with the oral language . they all regard a language as a whole . Because diglossia is a important language study and it offers very cherish data and clue for the bilingual research , we use the diglossia to do the lexicon research .We focus on Cantonese and Mandarin .which is the important diglossia in China . we use four experiments to do the research , in order to find the mental lexicon in the two languages , and the most important is the separation ,we divided the research into two parts rwritten part and oral part.The first experiment and second experiment discuss the mental lexicon of written language between Cantonese and Mandarin . The first experiment is a naming test of different kinds of language character, the result shows that the mental lexicon of written language between Cantonese and Mandarin may be the subordinate, Cantonese is subordinate to Mandarin .The second experiment is a matching test between the character and the picture, it mainly focus on the concept , and want to discuss that how the mental lexicon of written language between Cantonese and Mandarin is token in the concept angle, the result shows that the mental lexicon of written language between Cantonese and Mandarin is veritably subordinate and prove that the result of experiment 1 is correct .Experiment 3 and 4 is focused on the mental lexicon in the oral language of Cantonese and Mandarin . Experiment 3 discuss that how the testees match the orallanguage with the picture that showed in the computer, the result shows that it can not be subordinate, and experiment 4 ulteriorly validate that it is the compound that two language is token through the method of same and contrary antonym test. This research contributes a lot to the diglossia lexicon token area , and it also inspires the bilingual lexicon research , besides , it suggests much to the bilingual education and teaching.

  • 【分类号】B842
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】419

