

【作者】 刘江涛

【导师】 章汉平;

【作者基本信息】 湖北中医学院 , 中医骨伤科学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目的 用“腰痛定注射液”行硬膜外腔置管给药,通过观察模兔患肢运动功能、神经根病理变化,并测定给药后神经根周围组织内5-HT、组织胺、PGE2含量变化;探讨中药“腰痛定注射液”对家兔化学性神经根炎的影响,为中药经椎管途径应用治疗腰椎间盘突出症提供客观依据。 方法 普通级家兔72只,雌雄各半,所有动物随机分为模型组(A组)、腰痛定组(B组)、泼泥松龙组(C组)。 通过手术在家兔L4神经根腋部置入福尔马林滤纸的方法建立家兔化学性神经根炎模型,模拟腰椎间盘突出症。 造模各组分别于术后第3天开始经导管给药1次/周,A组(模型组):生理盐水0.2ml/Kg,B组(腰痛定组):“腰痛定注射液”2ml用生理盐水稀释至20ml,按0.2ml/Kg剂量给药,C组(泼泥松龙组):泼泥松龙注射液50mg(2ml)用生理盐水稀释至20ml,按0.2ml/Kg剂量给药。于首次注药后第1、7、14、21天按时观察模型家兔征象;并于首次注药后第7、14、21天每组随机处死8只模型家兔,分别进行相关指标分析。 观察模兔患肢运动功能、神经根病理变化,并测定首次注药后第7天、14天、21天神经根周围组织内5-HT、组织胺、PGE2含量。 实验数据采用T-test,P<0.05为显著性差异,检测值统计处理的结果用均数±标准差((?)±S)表示。 结果 1 步态观察 首次注药后第7天、14天、21天B组、C组与A组比较患肢运动功能明显恢复,差异有显著意义(?P<0.05 or ?P<0.01); B组、C组首次注药后第21天与第7天比较患肢运动功能明显恢复,差异有显著意义(?P<0.01); 首次注药后第7天、14天、21天B组与C组比较无显著差异(?P>0.05)。 2 神经根局部组织内炎症介质5-TH、组织胺、PGE2含量 首次注药后第7天、14天、21天B组、C组与A组比较明显降低,差异有显著意义(?P<0.05 or ?P<0.01); B组、C组首次注药后第21天与第7天比较明显降低,差异有显著意义(?P<0.01); B组与C组比较:首次注药后第21天差异无显著意义(cP>0.05)。 3 病理切片显示神经根局部炎症反应B组、C组较A组明显减轻。;夕{北弓J医学}歹乙硕士砂}究生毕业论又结论 “腰痛定注射液”对家兔模拟化学性神经根炎具有良好的抗炎和促进损伤神经根的修复作用.实验表明“腰痛定注射液”对实验性神经根炎的炎症反应强度有调节作用,对损伤神经根具有促进修复作用.该药使局部组织中炎症介质浓度阳氏,其作用强度与泼尼松龙接近,表明该药有可能替代激素类药物应用于推管内,使腰腿痛的治疗多了一种选择.

【Abstract】 ObjectiveTo determine the effects of epidural injection of YaoToagDiag Injection on mimic lumbar radicalitis in rabbits by using YaoTongDing Injection to inject around the lumbar nerve roots by the catheters, which were implanted in the epidural spaces, observing Model rabbits’ affected extremity motor function and lumbar nerve roots’ pathological changes and measuring 5-HT, histamine and PGE2 in tissue around the lumbar nerve root .MethodsSeventy-two common-grade adult white rabbits ,male and female in half, were mimicked lumbar radiculitis by implanting filter paper soaked the formalin around them, mimicking lumbar intervertebral disc herniation; and randomly divided into three groups: Model group (group A), YaoTongDing group(group B), Prednisolone group(group C). They were injected corresponding drugs once a week postoperation by the catheters, which were implanted in the epidural spaces. Model group(group A) were injected Saline injetion; YaoTongDing group(group B) YaoTongDing injetion; Prednisolone group(group C) Prednisolone injetion. 8 Model rabbits of all group were randomly put to death on the 7th, 14th and 21st day post-injection. Model rabbits’ signs were observed on the 1st ,7th, 14th and 21st day post-injection. Model rabbits’ affected extremity motor function and lumbar nerve roots’ pathological changes were observed; 5-HT, histamine and PGE2 in tissue around the lumbar nerve root were measured on the 7th, 14th and 21st day post-injection. Experimental data were disposed through T-test, with the P<0. 05 as the standard of striking difference. The statistical results of detectingworth were expressed using the mean ?standard deviation (X ±S). Results1 Gait observation The affected extremity motor function of Group B and C were more obvious recovery than that of Group A on the 7th, 14th and 21st day, and the difference was significant (NP<0. 05 or nP<0. 01) . Those of Group B and C on the 21st day were more obvious recovery than those on the 7th day, and the difference was significant (bP<0. 01) .That of Group B between Group C on the 7th , 14th and 21st day was not so significant (CP>0. 05 ) .2 5-HT, histamine and PGE2 in tissue around the lumbarradiculitis5-HT, histamine and PGE2 of Group B and C were more obviously decreased than those of Group A on the 7th, 14th and 21st day, and the difference was significant ("P<0. 05 or "P<0. 01) . Those of Group B and C on the 21st day were more obviously decreased than those on the 7th day, and the difference was significant (bP<0. 01) . That of Group B and C on the 21st day was not so significant (CP>0. 05) .3 Pathological sectionInflammatory reactions of Group B and C were more obviously relieved than those of Group A.ConclusionsYaoTongDing injection has good effects on mimic lumbar radiculitis in rabbits. It can inhibit inflammation of the mimic lumbar radiculitis, and promote the injured lumbar nerve root to recover. Experiment expresses YaoTongDing injection has adjustment function on the inflammation of mimic lumbar radiculitis, and promote the injured lumbar nerve root to recover. The drug can decrease the inflammation mediums in the local constitution. The strength of it is approach that of Prednisolone injetion, which infers that the drug can replace the glucocorticoid drug for the epidural space injection.

  • 【分类号】R274.9
  • 【下载频次】77

