

Effect of Bio-organic Fertilizer on N, P and K Absorption and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco

【作者】 彭华伟

【导师】 闫新甫; 刘国顺;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 通过2003年在贵州省遵义县烤烟田间试验,研究了生物有机肥对植烟土壤营养状况、烟株生长发育和氮磷钾营养,烟碱的积累以及烤后烟品质、产值的影响。试验结果表明:1.生物有机肥对土壤营养状况的影响施用生物有机肥的处理在烤烟团棵(栽后35d)时土壤碱解氮稍低于对照,栽后50d含量为T2>T3>T1>ck( ck为纯施化肥,T1、T2、T3分别为施25%、50%、75%有机氮比例生物有机肥,下同),分别较对照提高了21.9%、20.7%和12.1%;栽后80d土壤碱解氮随着生物有机肥中有机氮比例的增加而增加。施用生物有机肥提高了各生育期土壤速效磷的含量,且栽后50d施用50%生物有机肥的处理含量最高。烤烟移栽后35d土壤速效钾的含量为T1>ck>T3>T2,35d后25%生物有机肥的处理和对照下降,而50%、75%生物有机肥的处理保持平稳。旺长期T2 >T3>T1>ck,分别较对照提高了15.99%、13.08%,8.37%。 施用生物有机肥提高了土壤有机质含量,且旺长期50%、75%生物有机肥的处理差异较对照达显著水平,提高了14.97%和14.32%。使pH值升高,但影响不显著。2.生物有机肥对烤烟生长发育的影响生物有机肥对烟株早发快长有利。50%生物有机肥处理的茎围、株高和叶数均较其它处理高,烟叶正常落黄成熟。当生物有机肥中有机氮比例过高(占75%时),主要是影响烟株栽后35~50d的生长,栽后100d时干物质积累速率较快,对烤烟的落黄成熟不利。施用生物有机肥促进了烤烟根系生长,提高地上干物质积累量。烟株干物质积累总量随着生物有机肥中有机氮比例的增加而增加。 3.生物有机肥对烤烟体内N、P、K含量、积累和分布的影响 <WP=7> 烤烟施用生物有机肥氮素在根系的积累顺序为T2>1>3>k, 随着生物有机肥中有机氮比例的升高,茎、叶中的积累量以及烟株总积累量增加。施用生物有机肥对氮素吸收速率的影响是50d前较对照明显升高;对氮含量的影响是随着生物有机肥中有机氮比例的增加,各生育期叶中氮含量增加。 施用25%、50%生物有机肥的处理根、叶中磷的含量在早期高于对照;生物有机肥对烤烟磷素吸收速率的影响为50d前施用50%生物有机肥的处理较对照增加,而75%生物有机肥的处理则较对照低;烤烟对磷素总的吸收量为施用25%生物有机肥的处理最高。施用生物有机肥提高了烟株对钾素的吸收,吸收量为T2>T1>T3>ck;在叶中的积累量随着生物有机肥中有机氮比例的增加而增加。增加了烟株体内钾含量,以叶中增加最高。烤烟对钾的吸收速率团棵后逐渐增加,50d时达到吸收高峰,施用生物有机肥烟株旺长期明显高于对照,其它时期稍有升高。4.生物有机肥对烤烟烟碱积累的影响烤烟烟碱的累积与氮素的吸收并不同步,对氮的吸收速率在移栽后50d左右达到最高峰,烟碱的积累在移栽50d前缓慢,50d后积累开始增加,打顶后烟碱积累急剧增加,最大累积强度发生在移栽后80d左右,施用生物有机肥的处理并未改变这中趋势,但烟株现蕾前的累积强度高于对照。根、茎、叶中烟碱的含量受打顶的影响,打顶前烟根含量最高,茎和叶相差不大,而打顶后烟叶远高于烟根,烟茎中烟碱含量最低。烟碱积累总量为T2>T3>T1 >ck。5.生物有机肥对烤后烟品质的影响对烟叶物理特性的影响是随着叶位的升高,叶面密度和叶片厚度逐渐增加,施用25%和50%生物有机肥的处理增加了下部叶和下二棚烟<WP=8>叶的叶面密度和叶片厚度,适当降低了顶叶的厚度。提高了下部和下二棚叶的单叶重,对烟叶的含梗率影响不大。对烟叶化学成分的影响是施用生物有机肥降低了烟叶的总糖和还原糖,使下部和下二棚的烟叶烟碱含量提高,适当提高了中上部烟叶的含钾量,下部以及下二棚烟叶的糖碱比和氮碱比趋于协调,中上部烟叶糖碱比和氮碱比更加协调。施用生物有机肥提高了烟叶中致香物的含量,下部和上部叶致香物总量随着生物有机肥中有机氮比例的增加而增加,中部叶为T2>T3>T1>Ck。不计新植二烯总量是除25%生物有机肥中部叶含量低于对照,施用生物有机肥各部位烟叶均较对照含量增加,中部叶和下部叶以50%生物有机肥处理含量最高,与对照差异显著。6. 生物有机肥对烤烟产量、产值的影响施用生物有机肥产量和产值增加,表现为T2>T1>T3>ck, 25%、50%生物有机肥的处理较对照达到极显著差异。75%生物有机肥的处理与对照差异不显著;25%、50%生物有机肥的处理对烤烟的均价和上等烟比例均提高.

【Abstract】 Through field experiment of flue-cured tobacco in zhunyi country in Guizhou province in 2003, the effect of Bio-organic fertilizer on the soil nutrition, the growth and development of flue-cured, N,P and K nutrition, the accumulation of nicotine and yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco was studied . The result showed:The contents of soil available N of bio-organic treatment was lower a little than the contrast after transplanted 35 days. After transplanted 50 days, the orders of that was T2>T3>T1>Ck( the signs of Ck,T1,T2,T3 standing for the treatment applied pure chemical fertilizer,the percentages of 25,50and 75 organic N of bio-organic fertilizer).As compared with the treatment of contrast,the contents of soil available N increased by 21.9%、20.7% and 12.1%,respectively. It was higher of the available P of the treatments applied bio-organic fertilizer than contrast during the whole growth ,especially applied the bio-organic of 50% organic after transplanting 50 days.The contents of soil available K of treatments was T1>Ck>T3>T2 after transplanting 35 days, then decliningg of Ck and T1 than stabilizing of T2 and T3. It was T2 >T3>T1>Ck which after transplanted 50 days.enhancing the percent 15.99%、13.08%,8.37%, respectively.The contents of soil organic was improved by using the bio-organic fertilizer, having obviously of the treatments of applied bio-organic fertilizer of 50% and 75% organic N after transplanted 50 days, increased by 14.97% and 14.32%. That can improve the soil pH a little. The treatment applied by bio-organic fertilizer of 50% organic N can improved the perimeter and height of stem and the number of leaf.When applied 75% organic N, it was disadvantage growth and development during 35-50 days and ripen. increased the dry material of root and the upland dry material of flue-cured tobacco, Treatments by applied bio-organic fertilizer can improve the accumulation of total dry material of flue-cured tobacco, increasing by applied organic N.The order of the accumulation N in root was T2>T1>T3>ck .increased by applied the organic N , it was improved the accumulation of N in stem and leaf and the total accumulation.The absorption velocity of N was greatly improved before 50 days after transplanted. The contents of N in leaf was increased when applied improvably organic N.Applied by the –organic fertilizer of 25% and 50% organic N, the contents of P of treatment of 25 and 50 percent organic N in root and leaf was higher than contrast at the former stage. The effect of applied 50 percent organic N of bio-organic fertilizer on the absorption velocity of P was improved than contrast before 50 days, declined by applied 75 % organic N. It was the highest of the total accumulation P by applied 25% organic N.It was advantage to the absorption of K by applied the bio-organic fertilizer. The order of the total accumulation K was T2>T1>T3>ck and improved in leaf with the organic N increased. The content of K is gradually declined during the growth and development. Utilized the bio-organic fertilizer, it was improved especially in leaf. With the velocity of absorb K rising, it reached the top on 50 days after transplant, and it was obviously heightened by applied the bio-organic at the <WP=63>times , and it was high a little at other timeIt was different that the step of nicotine accumulation than the N absorption. The velocity of absorb N reached the top on 50 days after transplant. The trend of nicotine accumulation was improved slowly before 50 days after transplant, then raised gradually, quickly enhanced after transplant 65 days, and reached the top at 80 days after transplanted. It is analogy that the treatment of bio-organic than contrast. That which increased the velocity before 65 days transplant. The order of total nicotine accumulation was T2 > T3> T1 >ck. It is influent the content of nicotine after topping. It is higher in root than in leaf and stem before that. When subtracted the top bud, it is higher in leaf than root and stem.With the leaf stage heightening, the leaf density

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