

A Study on the Relations between Finance Expenditure Supporting Agriculture and Peasant’s Income Growth

【作者】 吕海泳

【导师】 张冬平;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业经济管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 上一世纪90年代中期,中国农村居民收入在经历了改革开放以来的快速增长之后,增幅趋缓甚至在一些地区绝对减少。作为中国最大的消费群体其收入状况直接关系农民消费预期,导致农村居民购买力下降,造成农村市场启而不动,已经成为农村社会经济发展的严重制约和整个国民经济发展的瓶颈,进而影响全面建设小康社会的进程。农民收入问题已经成为全部工作的重中之重。河南省作为一个农业人口大省,农业经济发展在整个国民经济发展中有着至关重要的作用。由于农业的产业特点决定农业天然具有弱质性以及产业外部效应外溢,加上我国传统小农生产的思想观念,财政必须对其加以扶持和引导。河南省财政一直以来对支援农村生产及事业开展都肩负重任,并发挥了重要作用。在全面建设小康社会的新时期,财政对农业、农村和农民的扶持力度也应当不断加大,同时适应农业发展新阶段经济社会发展战略的要求,调整财政支农政策目标,由支持农业生产转向支持农村全面发展,由支持农产品产量增长转向支持农民收入增长。本论文首先回顾了有关政府和市场作用理论、市场失灵以及公共物品的有关理论,结合农业自身产业特点,从理论上分析了财政支持农业发展和农民增收的必要性和我国现行财政支农政策。然后从实证的角度对河南省农民收入增长变动特征进行研究,并分析河南省农民收入增长趋缓的九个内外部因素,从四个方面分析了对整个经济社会发展的影响。论文第四部分对改革开放以来河南省财政支农变动格局进行分析,包括总量变动格局和结构变动格局两个方面。进一步分析了河南省财政支农存在的问题以及根源。第五部分通过建立财政支农与农业增加值和农民收入的回归模型和弹性模型,定量研究河南省财<WP=8>政支农对农民收入增长的作用及贡献。最后在理论和实证分析的基础上,提出河南省农业发展新阶段财政支农的政策取向和对策建议。

【Abstract】 During the middle of last decade of 20th century, Chinese peasant’s income have gone into a slow growth stage from the fast increase time after the Reform and Opening Up .As the largest consumer, their income state has effected their consuming expectation directly, and so the rural market can’t be started up. This has greatly restricted the rural society and economic development and become the bottleneck of the whole economy. Peasant’s income problem has become the most important of the all pursuits.Henan is a great agricultural province, and agriculture has vital effect on the whole national economy development. Finance has played an important role for supporting agricultural development. In the new stage to construct All-round Xiaokang Society, finance must enlarge agricultural expenditure and adjust the policy targets, not only to support agricultural production but all-round development of rural area, and turn to support peasant’s income growth from the agricultural products growth. This study reviewed some related theories about the effect of government and market, market failure and public goods, tied with agriculture industry characteristics, then analysis the necessity for finance to support peasant’s income growth and the present fiscal policy, and analysis the features of Henan peasant’s income growth fluctuation and its causes and effects. The fourth part study the pattern of finance expenditure for agriculture and further study the problem and causes. The fifth part quantitatively analysis the contribution to peasant’s income growth of the finance expenditure for agriculture by establishing recursive models and elasticity models. Based on all above researches the study brings forward the countermeasures of finance supporting agriculture in the new development stage.

  • 【分类号】F812.8;F323.8
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】563

