

Studies on Ecology of Population of Water Chestnut Beetle, Galerucella Birmanica Jacoby

【作者】 韩旭

【导师】 原国辉; 丁建清; 杜予州;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 农业昆虫与害虫防治, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在北美一些国家,菱是一种外来入侵性杂草。本文通过对菱的天敌昆虫菱角萤叶甲(Galerucella birmanica Jacoby)的生物学、生态学初步的研究,探讨菱角萤叶甲能否成功作为入侵性杂草菱的天敌昆虫引种到美国,同时也为国内菱角萤叶甲的防治提供了可靠的理论依据。菱角萤叶甲成虫平均寿命23天,雌虫平均一生可产上百粒卵。菱角萤叶甲在江苏扬州地区一年发生7代。越冬成虫于4月中上旬从越冬场所出来活动至10月上旬结束。寄主专一性测定实验证明,菱为菱角萤叶甲的最适食物,在其它植物上不能存活或死亡率高。在16℃、19℃、22℃、25℃、28℃、31℃、34℃七个恒温处理下,观察了温度对菱角萤叶甲的发育、存活率、产卵量的影响,组建了相应温度下的实验种群生命表。不同恒温下的叶甲各自的发育历期不同。在19℃有最大值,34℃有最低值。总体上,温度越高,发育历期越短。恒温16℃,总发育历期为36.61d;19℃,49.69d;22℃,30.35d;25℃,30.60d;28℃,25.37d;31℃,19.94d;34℃,18.09d。幼虫龄期在34℃下最短;产卵前期在28℃最短;蛹的历期在34℃处有最低值。在19℃下生长速度最慢,34℃下发育历期最短,此温度下,生长速度最快。叶甲幼虫死亡集中在3龄期或3龄期以前,3龄以后,死亡率无太大变化。菱角萤叶甲成虫的寿命随温度的升高而缩短。叶甲产卵天数随温度的升高而缩短,22℃下成虫产卵天数最长,平均为15.6天,34℃下最短,为8.6天。菱角萤叶甲发育所需有效积温346.8414(日度)。 <WP=8>温度与平均产卵量呈二次抛物线关系y=-0.873x2+49.669x-565.71 y—平均产卵量,x—温度温度与产卵天数呈直线关系y=-0.5767x+27.347 y—平均产卵天数,x—温度。菱角萤叶甲实验种群内禀增长率与温度之间呈抛物线趋势拟和方程Y=-0.0003x2+0.0231x-0.2756 Y—内禀增长力 X—温度 叶甲越冬抗寒性随着气温下降而增强。一年之中,6月下旬和9月上旬是菱角萤叶甲种群数量达到最高峰值的时间,这与当地的气候条件是相吻合。所以要对防治菱角萤叶甲来说要主要在是5月初和8月中旬。叶甲只需1对可以在不到2个月的时间内,把7株大面积的菱角叶片全部吃光,防治效果是相当显著的。叶甲的密度越大,对菱角的控制效果效果就越显著,而且越快见效。

【Abstract】 Water chestnut(Trapa sp.) is one kind of important invasive plants in North Amercia. Based on the fisrt step study in Biology and Ecology, long term observation on water chestnut natural enemy, Galerucella birmanica Jacoby, the purpose of this dissertation is to probe into whether water chestnut beetle can become a natural enemy in North Amercia.At the same time it lay a foundation to develop control approaches against water chestnut beetle in China.The longevity of the water chestnut beetle adult was between 4 and 80days with average of 104 days. Female laid 10-318 eggs in its whole life. The larvae completed their growth in 9~12 days. Pupae required 3~4 days for development. Seven generations occurred with strong overlapping during one year in Yangzhou. First step host range tests with 5 plant species showed water chestnut is the best food of the beetle.The influence of temperature on the development, survival、fecundity etc of water chestnut beetle at 16℃、19℃、22℃、25℃、28℃、31℃、34℃ and the life tables at these temperatures were also presented. The results showed that the maximal duration of the whole generation was observed at 19℃, which is 49.69 days. The shortest duration of the whole generation was at 34,which is 18.09 days.The maximal duration of the Pupa is at 19℃ and the shortest is at 34℃.The temperature is higher, The duration of the whole generation is shorter. The highest death rate was mostly at 3rd instar or before. Oviposition period is maximum at 22℃,which is 15.6 days and shortest at 34℃,which is 8.6 days.The thermal sum were 346.8414 day-degrees.The relationship between temperature (T) and the rate of the egg development could be <WP=60>modeled with the equation:y=-0.873x2+49.669x-565.71 y—Average number of Eggs laid,x—TemperatureThe relationship between temperature (T) and the average oviposition period could be modeled with the equation: y=-0.5767x+27.347 y—Average oviposition period,x—TemperatureThe relationship between temperature (T) and the innate capacity of increase ould be modeled with the equation: Y=-0.0003x2+0.0231x-0.2756 y—innate capacity of increase, x—Temperature.The over-wintering imago had different cold-hardness at different time. winter hardiness is stronger as the temperature is lower. The super-cooling point (SCP) reach the lowest in middle winter.During one year,the maximum the number of water chestnut beetle population reach the highest point in beginning of June and bottom of setemper.,which is accord to the local climate.The water chestnut beetle population have some kind of self-adjust capacity.One couple of beetle can eat up 7 water chestnut during less than 2 moths.The effect of controlling water chestnut is remarkable. The density of beetle is bigger,the effect is more remarkable.

  • 【分类号】S476
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161

