

Effect of Different Nitrogen Forms and Ratioes on Carbon-Nitrogen Metablism of Flue-Cured Tobacco Leaves

【作者】 岳俊芹

【导师】 刘卫群;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2002—2003年,以K326为供试品种,在河南农业大学科教示范园区和河南农业大学农业生物技术与工程技术重点学科开放实验室进行大田和水培试验。分别研究了腐熟芝麻饼肥、饼肥浸提液、氨基酸与不同氮素形态配比对烤烟叶片碳氮代谢的影响。试验结果如下: 1、2002年大田试验结果表明:对于SS(蔗糖合成酶),T4(腐熟芝麻饼肥:NO3-N:NH4-N=20:40:40)有利于烤烟生育后期蔗糖的降解及烤烟氮代谢向碳代谢转化;SPS(蔗糖磷酸合成酶)活性的试验结果表明:无机氮的处理T2(NO3-N:NH4-N=0:100)一直保持相对较高的水平,说明T2在烟株生育后期还在进行大量的光合作用,进行糖分的运输。纯施无机氮时,烟叶中有效氮始终处于较高的水平,因而糖的分解代谢较弱;施用腐熟芝麻饼肥,淀粉酶活性最高,而后期施腐熟芝麻饼肥的处理淀粉酶活性最低,说明烤烟生育后期处理T4有利于淀粉的积累;对于NR(硝酸还原酶)腐熟芝麻饼肥一直处于相对较高的水平,因此T4有利于NR活性的提高;T4处理从移栽30d开始游离氨基酸含量一直低于无机氮处理,这说明施用腐熟饼肥的处理有利于叶片中糖分积累;施用饼肥的处理使烤烟生育后期还原糖、烟碱、钾、可溶性蛋白质含量的提高,而使游离氨基酸含量下降。 2、2002年水培试验结果表明:无论是纯施无机氮还是饼肥浸提液与无机氮配比,其硝态氮含量均随硝态氮施用比例的增加而增加,且施用饼肥浸提液的处理其硝态氮含量明显高于纯无机氮处理,说明饼肥浸提液有利于硝态氮的吸收、不利于铵态氮的吸收;处理T2及T2’(饼肥浸提液:N03一N:NH4一N=20:40:40)GS(谷酞胺合成酶)活性均最高;对于SS、SPS的活性试验结果表明,按态氮施用比例越大,越有利于蔗糖的合成。 3、2003年水培试验结果表明:不同氨基酸与硝、钱态氮配比的处理能明显提高淀粉酶和GS的活性。从测定的各化学成分的平均含量来看,各施肥处理间差异不大,说明氨基酸代替部分化肥施用,对烟叶所测的化学成分含量影响不大。

【Abstract】 field and solution culture experiments were conducted with K326 from2002 to 2003 to study the effect of the rotted sesame cake fertilizer amino acid and different nitrogen forms and ratios on carbon-nitrogen metablism of flue-cured tobacco leaves in Henan Agricultural University and Key Discipline and Open Laboratory of Agricultural Biological and Engineering Technique.The results were as follows:1.The results of field experiment in 2002 showed it is more suitable the decomposing of sucrose and the transform from nitrogen-metablism to carbon-metablism in the latter of growing period of the flue-cured tobacco about SS(sucrose synthesis enzyme);It showed that T2 had kept highest in the experiment and that is to say,T2 were on great photosynthesis and on the carriage of carbohydrate in the latter of growing period of the flue-cured tobacco about SPS(sucrose phosphorus acid synthesis enzyme).Inorganic nitrogen have been kept higher in the tobacco leaves,when applying fully inorganic nitrogen,so the decomposing metablism of sucrose is weaker;Applying the rotted sesame cake fertilizer can make the activity of starch enzyme keep the highest level;But applying the rotted cake fertilizer in the latter of growing period of the flue-cured tobacco the activity of amylase had the lowest level;The rotted sesame cake fertilizer had been kept highest level,so it was more suitable to the increasing of the activity of NR for T4.The content of T4 about amino acid is always higher than fully inorganic nitrogen since it was transplanted 30d.It showed it was better to the accumulating of sugar of T4 in the tobacco leaves;T4 was better to the raising the content of amino acid reduced carbohydrate potassium soluble protein and the decreasing of the content of nicotine. 2 The results of the solution culture experiment in 2002 showed it was not only applying fully inorganic nitrogen but also the ratioes the rotted sesame cake fertilizer and inorganic nitrogen,the cntent of NO3-N was increasing along with the increasing of the ratioes of the applying NO3-N and the content of the NO3-N of T4 is higher than fully inorganic nitrogen. It showed that the rotted sesame cake fertilizer was to the absorbing of the content of NO3-N and worse to the absorbing of NH4-N;The activity of GS was highest;It was showed about the activity of SS SPS the ratioes of the NH4-N was higher,it was better to the synthesis of the sucrose. 3 The results of the solution culture experiment in 2003 showed that the ratioes of the different amino acid and NO3-N NH4-N can increasing the activity of amylase and GS.The activity content of the chemistry composition had no more difference.It showed substititeing amino acid for a part of fertilizer had no more difference to thechemistry composition in tobacco leaves.

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】232

