

Effects of Outer Hormone on the Growth、Development and Quality Formation of Fluecured Tobacco

【作者】 刘健康

【导师】 刘卫群;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2002-2003年,以烤烟K326为供试品种,在中国科技大学试验园区进行盆栽和大田试验.研究了ABA,IBA,GA和MET配比(T1:赤霉素10.0mg·Kg-1+脱落酸7.5 mg·Kg-1+多效唑6.0 mg·Kg-1+吲哚丁酸20mg·Kg-1;T2:脱落酸2.5 mg·Kg-1+赤霉素、多效唑、吲哚丁酸(同1);T3:脱落酸12.5 mg·Kg-1+赤霉素、多效唑、吲哚丁酸(同1);T4:赤霉素20.0mg·Kg-1+脱落酸、多效唑、吲哚丁酸(同1);T5:清水)对烤烟生长发育和品质形成的影响.试验结果如下: 1.T1,T3在一定程度上能有效地抑制地上部的生长有利于烟苗尽快还苗,T2,T4在伸根期有较大的根系活力,有助于烟苗早发快长,能为为旺长期烟株的生长奠定了良好的基础,在圆顶期有较高的根系活力,能符合由于后期脱肥的以根养叶,又能保证烟叶及时成熟落黄。 2.在移栽30天以前,叶绿素含量T3最高为1.61-1.82mg·g-1,其次为T1,为1.54-1.77mg·g-1,T2最低为1.38-1.66mg·g-1,说明在一定范围内随着脱落酸浓度的增加,叶绿素含量有下降的趋势,有利于还苗;30d至60d,各个处理之间叶绿素含量的逐渐变为T2>T4>T5>T1>T3,说明旺长期处理T2、T4叶片合成叶绿素的能力强于T5(CK)。至60d时,各处理的叶绿素含量达到最大值,为T2>T4>T5>T1>T3,60d后,叶绿素的代谢以降解占主导地位,叶绿素含量也随之降低,逐渐趋于一致,T2、T4处理的烟株叶绿素降解幅度较大,这与烟叶的逐渐成熟落黄相符合。 3.在30d至60d T2,T4的NR活性大于T5(CK),60d后,两者的NR活性小于对照,利于养分的及时消耗殆尽和烟叶成熟。T2,T4能够在较长时间内维持较高的转化酶活性,说明在一定范围内较高水平赤霉素和较低水平的脱落酸可以促进碳代谢的增强,碳水化合物生产量大,同时较高的碳代谢为烟叶的生长和其它有机化合物的形成提供了较多的碳架,进而达到烟株的旺盛生长. 4.农艺性状结果显示:TZ处理后烟株地上部分的生长状况最优,其次是T4;综合分析认为,TZ的总体表现最突出. 5.干物质积累和根/冠值及经济性状结果表明:TZ能获得较合理的植株体,合理的生物学产量和经济效益. 6.通过对烤烟烟叶中激素含量的分析表明:烟叶中激素含量为,IAA>ABA>G凡;IAA,GA3均为先上升后下降,ABA则为一直上升,变化以打顶后比较剧烈,激素的变化与烤烟成熟落黄相吻合,综合分析认为咒的总体表现最突出. 7.由不同处理不同时期总氮、烟碱、蛋白质、淀粉及可溶性总糖的变化可知,随着促进型植物激素GA3水平的升高和抑制型植物激素ABA水平的降低,烟叶总氮和蛋白质呈先上升后下降趋势,烟碱呈上升趋势,淀粉呈先上升后下降趋势,可溶性总糖表现为先下降后上升的趋势;由化学成分的分析可知,TZ,T4有较适宜的化学成分含量和各成分之间的比例协调. 8.不同处理产量、产值、上中等烟比例、均价等指标的差异均到达极显著水平。TZ、T4的产量与T5(CK)的产量差异达到极显著水平,TZ、T4产值比T5(CK)提高了21 .21%,16.85%,TZ、T4的产值与T5相比均达极显著水平,TZ的产值显著地高于T4,TZ的上中等烟比例(9 1 .84)显著大于T4(a6.55),极显著大于对照T5(ao.43),TZ、T4的均价(6.72)均极显著高于对照T5(6.06),Tl、T5的经济性状间差异不显著,T3的各项经济性状指标均极显著地低于对照T5。综上所述,处理T2、T4较好,TZ最好。表明了随着脱落酸水平的降低和赤霉素水平的上升烟草的经济性状指标均有不同程度的提高。

【Abstract】 The effects of Different Outer Hormone Dose on Growth development and Quality formation of Flue-cured Tobacco were experimented in Pot and on fields in USTC during 2002-2003. The results as follows:1. Tl T3 can refrain growth of upside so as to speed growth of seedling; T2 T4 have bigger activity of roots in root extension period and in round roof period so they contribute to fast growth of seedling to prepare for fast growth of plant and provide nutrition for leaves and undertake its maturity in time.2. 30d ago after transplantation content of chlorophyll: T3>T1>T5>T4>T2, during the period of 30-60d content of chlorophyll show T2>T4>T5>T1>T3, they reach the highest point in the 60d.They descend rapidly after 60d.3. During the period of 30-60d activity of NR: T2>T4>T5>T1>T3 so as to maturity of tobacco leaf and absorb nutrition.T2,T4 maintain higher activity of Inv in the longer period, illustrate GA3 of higher level and ABA of lower level can promote amplify of carbon metabolism and fulfill thrive growth of plant.4. Results of agricultural features as follow: plant of T2 behave the best, the second is T4.generalization assay show that ensemble showing of T2 is the most prominent.5. Results of dry matter accumulation and root/corona and economical feature show that T2 can gain more justified plant and biology output and economical benefit.6. Hormone level of flue-cured tobacco leaf show: IAA>ABA>GA3, IAA, GA3 are both firstly upswing and then descending, ABA is always upswing. Their changes are more poignant after topping and accord with maturity and yellowing, synthetic assay shows ensemble behaves are the most outstanding.7. From changes of omni-nitrogen,nicoiine,protein starch and smelted omni sugar different treatments in the different period, we know that as GA3 upswing and ABA descending, contents of omni-nitrogen, protein and starch are first upswing and then descending, but nicotine is always raising and smelted omni sugar is first descending and then upswing. By analysis of chemical ingredient we know that chemical ingredient of T2, T4 is more suitable and their proportions are harmonious.8. Output, proportion of higher grade tobacco leaf and average price of different treatments are outstanding different. Output of T2, T4 are 21.21% and 16.85% higher than that of T5. higher grade leaf proportion(91.84%) is prominent bigger than that of T4(86.58%). Average prices of T2, T4 are notably higher than that of T5.In a word , T2> T4 are better and T2 is the best. They show economical index of flue-cured tobacco is rising as GA3 upswing and ABA descending.

  • 【分类号】S572
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】269

