

Effects of Black Plastic Film Mulching on Growth and Yield in Peanut (Arachis Hypogaea L.)

【作者】 郝四平

【导师】 李潮海;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过盆栽遮光试验和大田覆盖黑色地膜试验相结合的方式,研究了物理遮光对花生下胚轴伸长的促进作用,以及覆盖黑色地膜对花生生长发育和产量的影响,主要结论如下: 1 覆盖黑色地膜明显改善了花生田土壤耕作层(0—20cm)的生态环境,提高了土壤温度,减少了土壤水分蒸发。覆膜对0—20cm土层地温的影响随着土层的加深增温作用减弱,而且随着花生生育进程的推进增温效果逐渐变小。本试验的3种覆膜处理中,覆盖白色透明地膜的增温作用最大,覆盖1层黑色地膜次之,覆盖黑色2层地膜最小。 2 盆栽试验表明,花生萌发出苗期遮光使花生下胚轴显著伸长,且随着遮光程度增加,下胚轴伸长越长。遮光引起花生下胚轴IAA含量、ZR含量的提高和GA3含量、ABA含量的降低,从而使激素间平衡发生变化,IAA/ABA、ZR/ABA升高,GA3/ABA降低。通过相关分析得出,下胚轴长与下胚轴IAA含量、ZR含量、IAA/ABA、ZR/ABA、GA3/ABA呈正相关,而与GA3含量、ABA含量呈负相关。 3 覆盖黑色地膜推迟了花生胚轴和子叶见光时间,使下胚轴长增加,促进子叶节向地表的引升,使花生子叶出土率提高,促进了花生第一对侧枝早生快发,起到了“挖窝清棵”的作用。露地直播花生子叶出土率为56.40%,覆盖1层黑色地膜、覆盖2层黑色地膜和花生萌发出苗期覆盖2层黑色地膜处理花生子叶出土率分别比露地直播提高17.12%、30.66%、28.39%。 4 覆盖黑色地膜加快了花生生育进程,使花生产量形成期延长,特别是延长了花生饱果成熟期。露地直播花生饱果成熟期经历时间为17.84天,覆盖2层黑色地膜、覆盖1层黑色地膜和覆盖白色透明地郝四平:覆盖黑色地膜对花生生长发育及产量的效应研究【中文摘要】膜处理花生饱果成熟期分别比露地直播延长了9.25天、7.23天、5.81天。 5覆盖黑色地膜花生主茎高和第一对侧枝长降低,主茎粗和第一对侧枝粗增加,单株总开花数、成针数增加,果针入土数减少。覆盖黑膜花生地上部植株干物质积累快且总量大,有利于花生荚果发育。覆盖黑膜花生后期根系干重较大,延缓叶片衰老,叶面积指数高。覆膜使花生英果膨大率增加,黑色地膜更明显。 6覆盖黑色地膜对花生后期光合速率和荧光参数日变化有较大影响。一天中,覆膜花生Pn、FV/Fm、中Psll、qP、NPQ始终高于不覆膜处理。覆膜花生Pn日变化呈双峰曲线,中午有明显的“午休”现象,峰值分别出现在11时和15时,且黑膜花生Pn始终高于白膜花生;不覆膜花生Pn日变化呈单峰曲线,峰值出现在n时,然后一降不起。 7覆盖黑色地膜使花生产量显著提高,其中全期覆盖1层黑色地膜>全期覆盖2层黑色地膜>全期覆盖白色透明地膜>萌发出苗期覆盖2层黑色地膜>露地直播。花生整个生育期覆膜处理与不覆膜之间产量差异均达到了极显著水平,覆盖1层黑色地膜与白色透明地膜之间、露地直播与萌发出苗期覆盖2层黑色地膜之间也达到了极显著或显著水平。

【Abstract】 Through shading treatment in pot-cultivation experiments and mulching black plastic film treatment in field experiments, this article studied the role of light in hypocotyl elongation and the effects of black film on the growth and yield in peanut. The main results were as follows:1. Black plastic film mulch improved the ecological environment of cultivation layer (0-20cm) in peanut field. It increased soil temperature and reducing water evaporation. The raise function of plastic film to soil temperature was less and less along with the depth of soil in the range of 0-20cm and along with the growth and development of peanut. Among the three film-covering treatments, white transparent film could increase the soil temperature the most and two layers of black films increased it the least.2. In the pot-cultivation experiments, it was found that peanut’s hypocotyl was elongated obviously by shading during its germination stage. Moreover, the worse it was shaded, the more its hypocotyl was lengthened. Shading enhanced the content of IAA and ZR, reduced that of GA3 and ABA in hypocotyls, and then destroyed the balance of hormones in peanut plant. In detail, IAA/ABA and ZR/ABA were increased, while GA3/ABA was decreased. It was found after analysis that the length of hypocotyls had a positive correlation with the content of IAA and ZR, IAA/ABA, ZR/ABA, and GA3/ABA in hypocotyls, a negative correlation with the content of GA3 and ABA, and a significant positive correlation with ZR/ABA.3. Black film mulch postponed the exposure of hypocotyls and cotyledon to light, elongated hypocotyls length, unearthed more cotyledons, and accelerated the growth of lateral branch. The rate of cotyledons unearthing is 56.40% in no mulch treatment. This rate was increased 17.12% and 30.66% respectively in the mulch treatments of one layer black film and two layers black films.4. Black plastic film mulch accelerated the growth of peanut, prolonged the yield forming phase, especially pot mature phase. The pot mature phase in no mulch treatment was 17.84 days, and it was increased 9.25, 7.23 and 5.81 days in thetreatments of two layer black films, one layer black film, and white transparent film respectively.5. Mulch decreased the height of main branch and the length of the first pair of lateral branches, increased their diameters, added total blossom per plant and peanut pins, but induced the number of pins that entered into the soil. The dry matter accumulation of the upper plant was accelerated and increased, which was propitious to the development of peanut pods. Root dry matter accumulation was enlarged by mulch in the late growth stage, and therefore, the senescence of leaves was delayed and the leaves area index was enhance. The swelling rate of peanut pods was increased by mulching film, especially black film.6. Mulch influenced greatly the diurnal changes of photosynthesis rate and fluorescence parameters in the late growth stage of peanut. Pn, Fv/Fm, OPS II, qP and NPQ was always higher in mulch treatments than in no mulch treatment. In mulch treatments Pn showed a two-peak diurnal changes curve, falling at noon, and the two peaks appeared at 11h and 15h respectively; while it showed a one-peak diurnal changes curve, never climbing up after the peak, and the peak appeared at 11h.7. The yield of peanut was increased by mulch treatment. The order of yield was: one layer black film > two layers black film > transparent film > no mulch treatment. There was a significant correlation between mulch treatments and no mulch treatment, one layer black film and transparent film.

  • 【分类号】S565.2
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】319

