

Study on the Vegetation Community Diversities and the Partition of Degradation Phases of Degraded Hill of Xiaolangdi Reservoir Area

【作者】 魏国良

【导师】 赵勇;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 生态学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 黄河小浪底水利枢纽工程是我国仅次于三峡工程的跨世纪的第二大水利工程,也是治理开发黄河的关键工程,属国家“八五”重点项目。其开发目标是:以防洪(包括防凌)、减淤为主,兼顾供水、灌溉、发电、蓄清排浑,除害兴利,综合利用。本文采用样方法,设置了51个样方,其中包括10×10m2乔木林样方17个,2×2 m2灌草样方34个。对小浪底库区退化山地植被类型进行了物种多样性统计分析,对库区退化山地生态环境进行了不同退化阶段的划分并提出了相应的恢复建议。1、以各个植被样地为对象,以样地中乔灌草各物种的调查数据为基础,采用Shannon-Wiener指数H’, Simpson指数D1,种间相遇几率PIE,Pielou均匀度指数1(Jsw),Pielou均匀度指数2(Jsi),Patrick丰富度指数D2,Margalef丰富度指数D3等7个指标,研究了小浪底库区退化山地植被的物种多样性,并分析了物种多样性随海拔、坡向等环境因素的变化规律。结果表明:(1)黄河小浪底库区退化山地植被物种多样性,上述7种指标总体上表现出相同的变化趋势。(2)总体来看,51个样地的物种多样性指数在群落不同层次的变化规律为:草本层>灌木层>乔木层。(3)随着海拔的升高,灌木和草本丰富度和多样性指数均呈逐渐下降的趋势,变化基本同步。(4)由于阴坡阳坡光、热、水分条件的差异,表现出阴坡植被生长比阳坡茂密,植物群落结构、种类组成都较阳坡复杂,灌木和草本层的物种多样性指数和丰富度指数均较阳坡为高的规律。(5)黄河小浪底库区山地植被的物种多样性受自然环境条件和人为因子的影响,其中当地恶劣的自然生态环境是造成库区山地植被退化严重的主要因素。 <WP=9>2、以各样地物种多样性指数和海拔、坡度、坡向、土壤类型、土壤厚度、土壤石砾含量、水土流失状况等因素为指标,采用主成分分析和聚类分析方法,对黄河小浪底库区山地植被生态系统进行退化阶段划分。结果表明:四个主成分包括了物种多样性和自然环境两类主要影响因素,结合当地自然环境条件和植物生长的状况,可以将黄河小浪底库区山地植被生态系统粗略划分为四个不同的退化阶段:有少量乔木林分布的退化初期阶段、以高大灌木丛为主的退化进展阶段、以草本植物为主的严重退化阶段和植物盖度几乎完全丧失的极度退化阶段。在各退化阶段,群落结构特征和环境特点均有显著差异。根据不同退化阶段的环境和生物特征,提出了相应的恢复重建措施。

【Abstract】 Xiaolangdi project on Yellow river is the second important water conservancy that crossing century which is only inferior to the Three-Gorge engineering in China. The project is the pivotal engineering about controlling and exploiting Yellow river, which belongs to the vital item of the eighth five-year plan of our country. The aim of the project is mainly to prevent or control flood, decrease sullage, then water supply, irrigation, generating electricity, cumulating clear water and letting muddy water, eliminating calamity and bringing benefits, utilizing synthetically are the part-time goal of the project. This paper analyzed the community diversities of vegetation on the mountanious region and plotted out different degradation phases of the upland ecosystem that surrounding Xiaolangdi reservoir area by means of setting 51 plot samples including seventeen 10×10m2 plot samples for arbor woods and thirty-four 2×2 m2 ones for shrubbery and tussock. At last, some advice were bring forward for resuming the healthy ecosystem of the research area.1、Using all plot samples as analyzing objects and the investigated information of arbor woods, shrubbery and tussock as basal data, The Shannon-Wiener index(H’), Simpson index (D1), interspecies encounter odds (PIE), Pielou evenness index(Jsw and Jsi), Patrick species richness index(D2)and Margalef species richness index(D3)were used to study the community diversities of vegetation of Xiaolangdi reservoir area and the variety rule of the community diversities along with environment facters such as altitude, slope aspect and so on. The results are as follows:(1)According to the measuring results, the upper seven indexes appeared consistent changing rules. (2)As a whole, the community diversities of different layers in 51 plot samples had a variety law that the herb layer has the highest values of diversity index, shrub layer the second, <WP=71>and tree layer the least.(3)Along with the rising of altitude, the species richness index and diversity index of shrub layer and herb layer descended gradually.(4)Because of the difference of light, heat and water conditions between south and north slope, the north slope has the more flourishing vegetation, more complicated community structure and species buildup and higher values of species richness index and diversity index than the south slope.(5)the community diversities of vegetation of Xiaolangdi reservoir area were influenced by nature environment conditions and people’s activities, among which the atrocious local nature environment conditions were the primary reason for the severe degradation of vegetation of Xiaolangdi reservoir area.2、Through major component and cluster analysis on computer, diversity index and altitude, gradient, slope aspect, soil types, soil thickness, gradient content, water-soil loss degree were used to study and plot out different degradation phases of the upland ecosystem of Xiaolangdi reservoir area. The results are as follows:The four major components contained two kinds of effect facters that were diversity index and nature environment conditions. According to the local nature environment conditions and vegetation situations, upland ecosystem of Xiaolangdi reservoir area should be plotted into four different degradation phases: the initial stage of degradation with a few trees, evolving stage with tall shrub, serious stage with herbage and extreme stage with no vegetation. There were distinct difference in community structure and environment characteristic among each degradation phases.According to the environment and biologic characters, some measures were bring forward to restore and rebuild local healthy ecosystem.

  • 【分类号】Q948
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】184

