

Studies on Effect of Agronomic Management Practices on Organic Fertilization of Sandy Soil

【作者】 寇太记

【导师】 李有田; 介晓磊; 谭金芳;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 土壤学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文采用大田试验和培养相结合的研究方法,系统的研究了农艺措施对砂薄土壤有机培肥效果的影响及机理,分析了土壤有机质腐解规律和转化特点,及有机培肥改良,肥料、灌水、化学试剂对有机质数量和质量的影响,以期对该土壤中不同农艺措施对有机质的质和量的影响机理和程度有进一步的认识,并为有机培肥提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:  1、通过砂滤管和尼龙网袋法研究了有机物料在砂薄土壤的腐殖化和矿质化规律,研究表明供试的几种物料总的分解趋势为:玉米秸杆>小麦秸杆>鸡粪>牛粪>猪粪。秸杆类的分解速率明显高于粪肥类。各种有机物料在进入土壤后的前90 天各物料的分解速率都最快,均超过全年总分解量的 60%;然后其分解速率变缓;在不同时间段的分解趋势基本相似。 有机物料施入土壤 180 天时土壤活性有机质含量达最大值,360天时低于腐解 90 天时的含量,活性有机质一般在每年的 3、4 月份达到最大值;同时发现土壤有机质和活性有机质二者之间具有明显的相关性。研究发现,砂薄土壤有机质的矿化速率为 3.06%;  2、通过定位有机培肥试验,研究了不同有机(物)肥对有机质数量与质量的影响,结果表明,在玉米-小麦轮作条件下,各有机培肥处理土壤中有机含量较培肥前均明显增加,施用秸杆、鸡粪、猪粪的增幅分别为 22.9%、12.8%、16.5%。培肥进行到第三个月时,各处理的 TOM、NLOM 均明显增加,而LOM 无明显规律;同基础土样相比,在玉米收割后,秸杆、鸡粪、猪粪等处理土壤中,TOM 较培肥前的增幅分别为 22.9%、4.8%、5.5%;前二者的LOM 增长为 13.4%和 7.7%,但后者的 LOM 则下降了 22.6%。 在轮作条件下,各培肥处理的 Kos 1<WP=7>农艺措施对砂薄土壤有机培肥的综合研究明显低于对照;对照的 Kos 值从玉米季的 2.13 下降至小麦季的2.08,而培肥处理的 Kos 都有不同程度增加。  3、通过施肥,研究了不同肥料配施对土壤有机质的积累与转化、有机质的数量与质量的影响。结果表明,砂薄土壤单施氮肥不利于有机质的积累和培肥土壤;而氮磷、氮磷钾、氮磷钾-有机肥配施有利于土壤有机质的积累。同时单施氮肥有利于LOM 的增加而不利于 TOM 的积累;氮磷、氮磷钾、氮磷钾-有机肥配施有利于 TOM 含量的提高,却不利于提高 LOM 的含量。  4、研究了灌水处理对有机质在土体中分布的影响并明确了适宜的灌水量。结果表明(1)灌水易造成砂薄土壤中粘粒的淋溶与淀积;1m土体中,粘粒含量与土体中有机质含量具有明显的相关性。 (2)耕层有机质随灌水量的改变呈现出一定的规律性,即随灌水量的增加耕层土壤有机质含量增加,而后又呈下降趋势。土壤有机质含量在灌水量为 30t·mu-1时达到最大值。(3)灌水间接影响土壤有机质在土体中的分布。土体中的有机质随着灌水条件的改变,具有向下迁移并重新分配,且迁移量与灌水量成正比的特性。  5、研究了保水剂对土壤有机质的转化与积累的影响,结果表明保水剂的施用不利于旱地培肥土壤,而是促进了土壤有机物质的分解与矿化,降低了土壤中有机质的含量。且随保水剂的施用量增加,提高了有机质矿化程度。砂薄土壤经客土改良后,施用保水剂能减轻土壤有机质矿化,但仍不利于土壤有机质的积累。分析表明,施用保水剂不利于土壤中 TOM 和 LOM 的积累与提高。施用保水剂量越大,越促进TOM 的分解,降低了 TOM、LOM 在土壤中的含量;经过客土改良后,小剂量降低了 LOM 的含量,而大剂量增加 LOM 含量。

【Abstract】 The paper systematically studied the effects of agronomic managementpractices(AMP) on the fertility of a infertile sandy soil by method of field trial andculture experiments. The decomposition and mineralization laws of organic matterswas analyzed, the qualities and amounts of organic matters affected by addingorganic-fertilizer, fertilizer, irrigation and water-retaining agents. And there was a clearunderstanding on the mechanism and degree of organic quality and quantity impactedby different agricultural measure impact on have with the soil this, and on this basis,the research will develop the scientific and technical theories for addingorganic-fertilizer inthe soil. The main results were as follows:1. The decomposition and mineralization laws of organic matters were systematicallystudied by pipe and nylon-bag experiment. The research showed that thedecomposition trend of several used organic matters. Maize straw >wheat straw>chicken manure >cow manure >pig manure. The decomposition rate of straws wasobviously higher than that of manures. Various kinds of organic materials weredecomposed fastest the beginning 90 days of used soil, exceeding 60% of all amountsof the whole year decomposition, and then it becomes slow. The decomposition trendis basically similar during different stages. During different stage of one year, LOM had obviously rise or fall, and there isthe LOM maximum on 180 days. The LOM content of 360 days decomposition waslower than one of90 days in various degree. LOM generally reaches the maximum inannual March and April. And both organic content and LOM content had the obviouscorrelation. The research had shown minerization rate of sandy soil was 3.06%, too.2. Through a long-term experiments of adding organic-fertilizer making a research thatthe effect of organic quantity and quality impacted on different organic fertilizer used,The result indicated, Under maize-wheat crop rotation terms and adding 56<WP=62>河南农业大学 2004 届硕士学位论文organic-fertilizer of sandy soil, after one year, it is obvious to increase in the treatmentof adding organic-fertilizer than before.The treatment of straws increase 22.9% ,chicken manure for 12.8% , pig’s manure for 16.5%. While organic-fertilizers wereapplied for three months, TOM and NLOM of each treatment obviously increased, butLOM didn’t have obvious law. Compare to CK, And TOM ofeach treatment of addingorganic-matters appeared in various degree increase than before. Straw, chickenmanure and pig manure increasing 22.9% , 4.8% , 5.5% respectively. LOM of theformer two increased as 13.4% and 7.7%, but the latter’s LOM had dropped by 22.6%.Under maize- wheat crop rotation terms, Kos of each fertilizer treatment was obviouslybelow than CK’s, and CK’s Kos dropped from 2.13 of maize season to 2.08 of wheatseason. Kos of fertilizer treatments had a increase in various degree.3. Showed that the effect of accumulation and transformation, quantity and quality oforganic matter were influenced by compound of different fertilizers at sandy soil, theinfluence and change law of organic matter were clearly further shown throughapplying fertilizer. The result showed, Nitrogen fertilizer used alone was unfavorableto accumulation of organic matter and organic fertilizer in sandy soil. The compoundof nitrogen and phosphorus was favorable to the accumulation of organic matter, sowas the compound of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and the compound ofnitrogen, phosphorus and potassium with organic too. At the same time, only appliednitrogen-fertilizer was favorable to the increase of LOM, but unfavorable to theaccumulation of TOW. NP , NPK and NPK +M were favorable to the improvementof TOM content, but unfavorable to the content of raising LOW.4. Pour water condition impact and function mechanism on organic matter of sandysoil was determined clearly. The effect of pour water condition on organic matterdistribution in soil bo

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