

Effects of Different Soil Moisture and Potassium Fertilizer on the Absorption、Distribution and Circulation of Potassium in Flue-cured Tobacco

【作者】 王景

【导师】 刘国顺;

【作者基本信息】 河南农业大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2002~2003年,以K326为供试品种,以河南省襄城县的褐土为盆栽用土,在河南农业大学科教园区进行了不同水分和钾用量对烤烟钾素吸收、分布和循环影响的试验。试验结果总结如下:1不同水分和钾用量对烟株钾素吸收的影响 在各生育期,较高的土壤水分(FC>≥80%)和钾用量(N/K≥1/3)能够提高根系活力和根系ATP酶活性,降低根系质膜透性和K+外渗率,增加烟株总吸钾量、地下部钾积累量、地上部钾积累量及烤后烟叶含钾量,降低地下部K积累量/地上部K积累量。随土壤水分和钾用量的增加,根际土壤中的速效钾和缓效钾含量升高,而非根际土壤中的速效钾含量呈降低的趋势,对非根际缓效钾含量的影响强度稍低;较高的土壤水分和钾用量提高各生育期土壤速效钾和缓效钾含量,土壤水分对速效钾的增加效果表现为旺长期>现蕾期>成熟期,增施钾肥时,土壤水分对速效钾的增加效果表现为成熟期>现蕾期>旺长期。2不同水分和钾用量对烟株体内钾素分布的影响较高的土壤水分(FC≥80%)和钾用量(N/K≥1/3)能够增加各生育期烟株的干重,促进地上部钾素的积累和分配,提高中、上部茎和下部茎的钾浓度梯度,明显增加各部位烟叶的含钾量。对于叶片各组织含钾量而言,在旺长期,上部叶和中部叶均表现为栅栏组织>海绵组织>下表皮>上表皮;在现蕾期,上部叶表现为栅栏组织>海绵组织>上、下表皮,中部叶多表现为海绵组织>栅栏组织>下表皮>上表皮;在成熟期,上部叶和中部叶均表现为栅栏组织>海绵组织,下表皮>上表皮。土壤水分和钾用量能提高叶片栅栏组织和海绵组织的含钾量。 <WP=8>对于叶脉各组织含钾量而言,在旺长期,上部叶表现为远轴薄壁组织>近轴薄壁组织>韧皮部>木质部,中部叶整体上为韧皮部>木质部>远轴薄壁组织>近轴薄壁组织;在现蕾期,上部叶整体上表现为韧皮部>木质部>远轴薄壁组织>近轴薄壁组织,韧皮部中的含钾量最高;中部叶表现为近、远轴薄壁组织>韧皮部>木质部的模式;在成熟期,上部叶整体上表现为近轴薄壁组织>木质部>远轴薄壁组织>韧皮部,中部叶表现为远轴薄壁组织>韧皮部>近轴薄壁组织>木质部。土壤水分和钾用量能够提高叶脉各组织的含钾量,降低组织间的浓度梯度。对茎部各组织而言,在旺长期,皮层、韧皮部和髄的含钾量在中部茎含量最高,而木质部的含钾量则随茎部位的升高而增加;在现蕾期,最明显的特征是下部茎各组织含钾量显著降低,而中、上部茎保持不变或呈轻微的降低趋势;在成熟期,中部茎各组织含钾量最大,各组织的含钾量多表现为中部>上部>下部;较高的土壤水分(FC≥80%)和钾用量(N/K≥1/3)能够提高中、上部茎各组织的含钾量,减少水分较小处理下部茎各组织含钾量。整体上看,各个生育期烟叶钾分布模式均表现为叶脉>叶片;叶脉上表现为基部>中部>顶部;叶片上表现为叶基部>叶中部>叶顶部,近叶脉部分>叶缘。在旺长期,各处理上部叶的钾素分布模式基本不变;较少的土壤水分(FC≤80%)能够增加中部叶叶脉中的相对含钾量,降低叶片边缘的相对含钾量,使钾素的分布侧重于叶脉及近邻部位,叶片边缘分布较少;土壤水分能够显著改变旺长期下部叶叶脉的含钾量,较少的土壤水分(FC≤80%)能增大叶片钾分布的不均匀性。增施钾肥能够提高叶脉中的含钾量,减小不同水分处理在叶片钾分布上的差异。 <WP=9>在现蕾期,土壤水分明显影响上部叶的钾分布模式,随着土壤水分的减少,叶脉中的含钾量较稳定,叶缘却显著降低;土壤水分能使中部叶中的钾素更多地分配到叶片中去,增施钾肥能使各处理叶片的最大钾浓度梯度趋于一致;随土壤水分的减少,下部叶中的钾素更多的分布在叶脉中,致使叶片边缘的含钾量相对较少,增施钾肥不改变现蕾期下部叶的钾分布。在成熟期,土壤水分和钾用量对上部叶钾分布的影响与前期较为相似;较高的土壤水分(FC≥80%)和钾用量(N/K≥1/3)使中部叶上的钾素相对更均匀,明显降低下部叶上的钾浓度梯度,使叶缘保持相对较高的含钾量,这在一定程度上减少了钾素的外移。 3不同水分和钾用量对烟株钾素循环的影响 烟株所吸收的钾素中,除了用于地上部生长外,大部分又通过韧皮部重新回流到根部,在地上部/根间形成钾的循环流动。在打顶后15天内,木质部和韧皮部中钾的循环流动量远远超过这一时期内烟株的钾吸收总量,增加土壤含水量能提高烟株体内钾素的循环量。 土壤水分较低(FC≤80%)时,烟株根和地上部获得分配的钾量较土壤水分较多处理明显减少,烟株中钾分配到根的比例明显高于土壤水分较多的处理;钾用量较多时,各部位的钾分配量均有增加,但变化趋势与钾用量较少的处理一致。

【Abstract】 Experiments in pot were carried out to study the effect of different soil moisture and potassium amount on the absorption、distribution and circulation of potassium in flue-cured tobacco with K326 and soil from Henan Xiangcheng town at Henan Agricultural university experiment field from 2002 to 2003. The results are as follow:1 Effect of different soil moisture and potassium amount on the absorption of potassium in flue-cured tobacco During three growth periods, higher soil moisture(FC≥80%) and potassium amount(N/K≥1/3) could increase root activities and ATPase activities, decrease plasma membrane permeability and K+ leakage, add the whole absorption amount of potassium in tobacco、accumulation amount of potassium in root and shoot of tobacco and potassium content , decrease ratio of accumulation amount of potassium in root and accumulation amount of potassium in shoot. With the rising of soil moisture and potassium amount, the contents of quick-acting and slow acting potassium of rhizosphere were added, however, the content of quick-acting potassium of non-rhizosphere was on decreasing trend, the influence strength for slow acting potassium of non-rhizosphere was smaller; higher soil moisture(FC≥80%) and potassium amount(N/K≥1/3) could add the contents of quick-acting and slow acting potassium in every growth period, the intense of influence of soil moisture for quick-acting potassium was fast growing stage>topping>ripe stage, adding potassium amount, the intense was ripe stage>topping>fast growing stage.2 Effect of different soil moisture and potassium amount on the distribution of potassium in flue-cured tobacco Higher soil moisture(FC≥80%) and potassium amount(N/K≥1/3) could increase weight of dry matter in every growth period, promoted the accumulation and distribution of potassium for shoot, added the gradient of potassium content between middle-upper stalk and lower stalk, increase potassium content of different tobacco leaves. For potassium contents of lamina tissue, in fast growing stage, both upper and middle leaves were palisade tissue >spongy tissue>upper and lower epidermis; in topping, upper leaves was spongy tissue>palisade tissue>lower epidermis>upper epidermis; in ripe stage, both upper and middle leaves were palisade tissue >spongy tissue, lower epidermis>upper epidermis. Soil moisture and potassium amount could improve potassium content of palisade tissue and spongy tissue. For potassium contents of vein tissue, in fast growing stage, upper leaves was <WP=80>far-stalk parenchyma cells>near-stalk sclerenchyma cells>phloem>xylem, middle leaves was phloem>xylem> far-stalk parenchyma cells>near-stalk sclerenchyma cells; in topping, upper leaves in a whole was phloem>xylem> far-stalk parenchyma cells>near-stalk sclerenchyma cells, the potassium content of phloem was highest; middle leaves was near-stalk sclerenchyma cells、near-stalk sclerenchyma cells>phloem>xylem; in ripe stage, upper leaves in a whole was near-stalk sclerenchyma cells>xylem> far-stalk parenchyma cells>phloem, middle leaves was far-stalk parenchyma cells> phloem> near-stalk sclerenchyma cells>xylem. Soil moisture and potassium amount could increase potassium content of vein tissue, decreased gradient of potassium content among vein tissue. For stalk tissue, in fast growing stage, the potassium content of cortex、phloem and pith were highest in middle stalk, however , the potassium content of xylem was on rising with the height of stalk; in topping, the most obvious character was that the potassium content of lower stalk decreased significantly; however, the potassium contents of middle and upper stalk were a little down; in ripe stage, potassium content of middle stalk tissue was highest, potassium content of every tissue was middle stalk>upper stalk>lower stalk; higher soil moisture(FC≥80%) and potassium amount(N/K≥1/3) could increase potassium of middle and upper stalk tissue, decrease potassium content of lower stalk tissue of the lowest soil moisture content treatment.In a who

  • 【分类号】S572
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