

Analysis on the Spatial Organization of Hulun Buir-Aershan Tourist Region

【作者】 汪德根

【导师】 陆林;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 空间分析是旅游地理学研究的重要领域,国外于20世纪70年代初期开始研究旅游空间,而我国关于旅游空间的研究出现在80年代末期。目前,国内学者研究旅游空间主要包括旅游者空间行为、旅游景观空间结构、旅游区空间布局、旅游供给与需求空间关系、旅游客源市场空间结构、旅游空间竞争与合作等领域,而利用最近邻分析法研究旅游活动的空间组织,以及以“点-轴”理论为基础研究旅游地系统空间组织等领域尚未涉及。本文在大量实地调查和文献分析的基础上,结合地理学、旅游学、经济学、建筑学、心理学以及数学等相关学科知识,运用旅游地系统理论、“点-轴系统”理论、旅游行为空间模式理论、旅游地边际效用理论、最近邻分析法等理论和方法深入研究旅游空间组织。本文在结构上分为五章:第一章绪论。全面回顾了八十年代以来我国地理学研究四大权威性核心期刊——《地理学报》、《地理研究》、《地理科学》和《自然资源学报》关于旅游地理学的研究进展。旅游空间分析是我国目前研究旅游地理学的重要部分,但关于旅游空间组织和以草原型旅游地为案例区的研究较少,在此基础上提出了本文的研究内容和研究方法。第二章相关理论与方法分析。主要阐述了旅游地系统理论和“点-轴”理论的内涵、作用和特点;探讨了国内外关于旅游空间行为模式的研究;从经济学角度分析旅游地边际效用理论的内涵和数学模型;阐述了最近邻分析方法的数学模型以及研究进展。第三章研究区概况。概述了呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区的区位、地形地貌以及旅游业发展的基本情况;按照《旅游资源分类、调查与评价》国标(GB/T18972-2003)分析了呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区的旅游资源类型及其空间分布特征。第四章旅游活动空间组织研究。主要运用最近邻分析法研究呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区旅游资源的空间分布状态,并以海拉尔市和阿尔山市为中心的空间点分布集聚性更为明显的A、B两个团簇为典型研究对象,分析A、B簇区的旅游资源特征与旅游活<WP=5>动类型逻辑关系,旅游地边际效用和旅游活动空间组织模式,并根据建筑学剖视图原理,运用“使用者温度计量”模式分析旅游地资源特征与目标细分市场游客偏好之间的紧密程度,开发不同类型旅游产品以满足短期观光和长期游览需要。第五章旅游地系统空间组织研究。在分析呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游地系统现状基础上,以“点-轴系统”理论为基础,确定旅游区重点发展点和发展轴,并利用重点发展轴将以“点”为中心的“面”即各级旅游地系统空间网络化,形成“点”、“轴”、“面”相结合的“板块旅游”空间结构体系,从而优化呼伦贝尔-阿尔山旅游区空间结构,实现旅游业可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Spatial analysis has been an important field of study in tourism geography, and while this field has been researched since the early 1970s in foreign countries, it didn’t emerge as a significant field of tourism study until late 1980s in China. At present, tourist spatial analyses in China encompass researches on tourist spatial behavior, spatial structure of tourist landscape, spatial allocation of tourist region, spatial relationship of tourist supply and demand, spatial structure of tourist market, tourist spatial competition and cooperation, etc. However, studies on spatial organization of tourist activities based on nearest-neighbour analysis and on spatial organization of tourist destination system based on “Pole-axis tourism” theory have not emerged so far. This research paper aims at an indepth study of tourist spatial organization, based on on-the-spot investigations and analysis of papers and documents, with the application of such theories as tourist destination system, “Pole-axis tourism”, patterns of tourist spatial behavior, marginal utility of tourist destinations, and nearest-neighbour analysis, together with related theories from Geography, Tourism, Economics, Architecture, Psychology, and Mathematics. The thesis consists of 5 chapters:Chapter 1, General Introduction, is an overview of the historical development of researches in tourism geography in the four major journals since 1980s. The four major journals – Geography Journal, Geography Research, Geography Science and Natural Resources Journal – are the four authoritative periodicals in China’s Geography research. At present, tourist spatial analysis is an important field of study in tourism geography in China; however, only a few studies in this field from the perspective of tourist spatial organization and using grassland tourist region as the subject of case study are found. Against such background, the author put forward his object of study and methods of research.In Chapter 2, Related Basic Theory and Research Method, the author sets out with an explication of the implications, effects and characteristics of tourist destination system theory and “pole-axis theory”. He then explores the patterns of tourist spatial behavior in foreign countries and in China. Thirdly, from the <WP=7>perspective of economics, the author analyzes the implications and the mathematic modal of marginal utility theory of tourist destinations. Finally, the author expounds the mathematic modal and progresses in the research on nearest-neighbour analysis.In Chapter 3, General Conditions of Hulun Buir-Aershan, the author analyzes the general conditions of Hulun Buir-Aershan tourist region including geographic location, topography-landforms and tourist development of the region. According to Classification, Investigation and Evaluation of Tourist Rresources (GB/T18972-2003), the author analyzes the different categories and spatial distribution of tourist resources in the region.In Chapter 4, Spatial Organization of Tourist Activities, the author applies the approach of nearest-neighbour analysis to the analysis of the spatial distribution of tourist resources in Hulun Buir-Aershan tourist region. He takes Clusters A and B (Hailar and Aershan as the centers), which have a discernible density of point “collection”, as study object of this research project, and analyzes the logical relationships between their characteristics of tourist resources and the types of tourist activities, the marginal utility of the tourist destinations and the spatial organization models of tourist activities. According to the theory of architectural diagrams of section elevation form, the paper applies the model of “thermometrical users” to analyze the congruence degree between the site attributes and the tourist presences expressed by the target tourist segments, in order to organize tourist activities effectively and to exploit various tourist products.In Chapter 5, Spatial Organization of Tourist Destination System, the author suggests key points and lines of developm

  • 【分类号】F592.3
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】355

