

PE. Teaching Reform under Credit System in Colleges and Universities in China

【作者】 高亮

【导师】 魏登云;

【作者基本信息】 安徽师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文运用多种研究方法,从学分制的特点与实施要求出发,对我国目前普通高校体育教学在学分制下的课程设置走向、体育理论课教学现状、体育实践课教学现状、体育教师管理现状、体育选修课开设现状等进行调查、分析和研究,并针对上述几方面存在的问题,提出目前改革设想和实施方案:1.体育教学不宜立即实施选修制。2.应取消传统体育理论课“大班讲授”的教学模式,实施“实践课中有机分散讲授体育理论知识点——(无固定时间)报告型专题讲座系统总结体育理论知识点——授学生体育课理论部分学分”的体育理论课教学模式。3.取消“传统的体育实践课”教学模式,实施“俱乐部”制教学模式。4.应建立“专业化”的体育教师队伍。5.应开设系列体育选修课等的改革方案。但从长远来看,学分制下我国普通高校体育教学实施选修制教学将是必然的趋势。

【Abstract】 By using the methods of documents , questionnaires interviews, statistics and analysis of data, this paper tries to explore some problems that need to be solved in credit system reform of PE teaching in Chinese general colleges and universities from the angle of characteristics and demands of credit system based on the comprehension of present situation and problems of PE teaching reform in Chinese general colleges and universities: the tendency of PE teaching in Chinese general colleges and universities under credit system; the problems of PE teaching reform mode and credit system ;the problem of training teachers under credit system ;the problem of constructing PE courses system.The research result shows that: l.The selective system should not be implemented immediately. 2.The teaching of PE theory should abolish the mode of teaching in big classes ,and adopt the mode of organic groups in practices ,without fixed time summarizing it through lecture on special topics ,applying some credits to PE theory. 3.Tt should abolish the traditional mode of PE teaching in practice and employ the mode of club. 4.The training of teachers should be directed towards the specialization under credit system. 5.There will be broad prospect to set up a series of optional courses .in the long run, it is necessary to carry out selective system under credit system in PE teaching.

【关键词】 学分制普通高校体育教学改革
【Key words】 credit systemcolleges and universitiesPE teachingreform
  • 【分类号】G807
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】761

