【作者】 宝山;
【导师】 杨武;
【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族经济, 2004, 硕士
【摘要】 中国加入WTO和国家西部大开发战略给内蒙古呼和浩特市奶业发展带来了千载难逢的历史机遇。奶业发展将作为全市农业产业结构战略性调整的一个重要突破口,对增加农民收入、推动地区经济增长和提高人民健康水平具有重要意义。内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市背靠全国最大面积的优质天然牧场,劳动力成本底,资源丰富,具有发展奶业的良好区位优势和资源优势。改革开放二十多年来,特别是从2000年呼和浩特市实施“奶业兴市”战略至今,在短短的几年里,全市奶业发展取得了可喜的成绩,走向了以企业为龙头、科技为动力、资源为优势的发展道路,逐步向“资源转换、结构优化、产业升级、技术创新”的目标迈进。全市的总产奶量、乳制品加工量、人均占有鲜奶量跃居全国前列,而“伊利”、“蒙牛”两大龙头企业则因其令人眩目的发展速度在国内外的市场上创立了品牌,产品畅销全国而在行业内部誉为“伊利现象”和“蒙牛速度”。龙头企业一头连着原料奶的生产,一头连着消费市场,对呼和浩特市奶业的发展,乃至整个地区的经济增长起着巨大的拉动作用。但随着我国加入WTO,面对市场竞争日趋激烈和奶业市场需求量增大的新形势,内蒙古呼和浩特市能否在新的发展时期保证奶业持续、快速、健康发展,真正把呼和浩特建成全国最大的绿色优质奶源基地和优质乳品加工基地,成为名副其实“中国乳都”,需重新审视奶业发展机遇,适时调整研究“奶业兴市”战略的新思路和中长期政策措施是至关重要,对做大、做强奶产业,推动地区社会经济全面发展,亦具有重大的理论价值和现实意义。 本文通过对内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市的奶业发展状况,实施“奶业兴市”战略所取得的成果,以及从市场压力增大,竞争激烈;奶牛单产量和饲养管理水平较低;市场机制不够完善;原料奶和乳品质量不稳定,产品的研发力度不足;奶源基地建设较落后,配套服务体系不够完善等目前呼和浩特市奶业发展面临的形势及存在的问题进行了分析,结合国内外先进经验,从地区实际出发,为呼和浩特市进一步实施“奶业兴市”战略,提出转变政府职能,健全经营机制,加强市场开拓力度;培植壮大龙头企业,加强奶源基地建设,打造绿色品牌;认识目身发展的诸多不利因素,依靠强有力的政策作为发展奶业的保障,营造一个公平竞争、积极向上的市场环境和氛围,不断完善奶业的市场体系等一系列对策,为呼和浩特市实施“奶业兴市”战略,保持奶业持续、健康、快速发展献计献策,使奶业真正成为呼和浩特市经济发展、农村繁荣、农民增收的中流砒柱。
【Abstract】 China’s entry into WTO and country’s western development strategy provided an unprecedented opportunity for the development of Hohhot’s milk industry. Milk industry development will become the main breakthrough point of the whole city’s strategic adjustment of agriculture industrial structure. It is of vital significance to increase farmers’ income, to promote the local economy and improve local people’s health care . Lying in the country’s largest high-quality natural grassland, with the low labor cost and rich resources, Hohhot has the advantages of its geographical position and abundant resources. Hohhot’s milk industry has made rapid progress during the past several years since China’s reform and opening-up started in 1978, esp, the year 2000, when Hohhot began to implement the strategy of Milk Enriches City. The milk industry of Hohhot has stepped on the developing way with enterprise for the lead, science and technology for power, resources for advantage. Now, the milk industry of Hohhot is striding forward to the target of resource transmission, structural optimization, industry upgrading and technology innovation. Hohhot’s gross milk product, gross milk production and fresh milk per capita procession all lead the country. The two lead milk enterprises: Ili and Mengniu, have won their own brands in the marketsboth at home and abroad in their surprising development speed. And their products have been sold well around the country, therefore, so-called "Ili’s phenomenon "and "Mengniu’s speed "appeared. The lead enterprises promote the development of milk industry of Hohhot even the whole region’s economic development by connecting the raw milk production with the sales market. Under the situation of China’s entry into WTO, fierce market competition, and increscent market requirements, Hohhot must reconsider the development for its milk industry and timely adjust the new thought and medium-term policy: the Strategy of Milk Enriches City. Hohhot shall guarantee the sustainable, rapid, and sound development of its milk industry and become the nation’s largest green milk base of good quality, and the fine milk processing base, and the real "Milk Capital of China" only by that reconsideration and adjustment. Because this reconsideration and adjustment have the important theoretical value and the practical significance to strengthen the development of Hohhot’s milk industry and even to promote the development of regional economy.This article firstly analyze the trend and difficulties exists in the current milk industry development of Hohhot, including the increased market stress, fierce competition, low cow product and the low breeding management; under-developed market system, unstable raw milk and the quality of the processed milk products, weak ploughing efforts of theproduct, behindhand milk base construction, under-developed market system and the supporting service network; secondly, proposes a series of countermeasures for Hohhot’s "Milk Enriches City "strategy by combing the advanced experience both at home and abroad with the local real condition. These countermeasures are to transform government’s function, improve the administrative system, strengthen the market ploughing efforts, cultivate the lead enterprises, strengthen the milk base construction, build the green brands, and study the concerned disadvantages, safeguard the milk industry development with solid policy support. The aim is to create a fair and positive market competition environment, and gradually improve the market system of the milk industry and to make proposals to maintain the sustainable, rapid and sound development through implementing Hohhot’s "Milk Enriches City" strategy. Meanwhile, to make the milk industry become Hohhot’s tower of strength for the economic development, rural prosperity and increasing income of farmers.
- 【网络出版投稿人】 中央民族大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
- 【分类号】F327
- 【被引频次】8
- 【下载频次】340