

【作者】 张兴无

【导师】 刘永佶;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 政治经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 20世纪的中国社会一直处于变革之中,即从传统向现代的演进。在这个历史进程中农民问题是核心问题。市场化趋向的改革开始以后,中国农村实行了以家庭联产承包经营为基础的、统分结合的双层经营体制。大包干解决了吃饭的问题,但并没有解决农民致富奔小康的问题。农民在市场中遇到了新问题。 本文第一章指出农业产业化是现代农业的经营方式,是解决小农户和大市场的矛盾,增加农民收入的有效途径。农业产业化需要实现相关利益主体的利益联合,单纯的市场化不是农业产业化经营。农业产业化经营的模式可以分为两种:企业+农户模式与合作社模式。二者的区别在于农民是否实现了组织化,通过合作社联合起来,而不在于是否有龙头企业参与其中。 第二章介绍了企业+农户模式存在的问题,从政府、企业、农户三个利益主体的角度分析了农业产业化失败的原因。从政府方面分析,政府的政绩动机、涉农利益集团对农业政策的影响是企业+农户模式被推广但又不成功的原因。从企业角度分析,由于市场中的企业以营利为目的,希望企业在农业产业化经营中与农户利益共享,带动农户致富,实际上是不现实的。从农民角度分析,农民没有实现组织化是产业化经营失败的关键原因。农民实现组织化就可以影响政府决策,在市场交易关系上就可以和企业有对等的谈判地位。而一旦农民实现了组织化,企业+农户模式也就转化为合作社模式。 文章接着论述合作社模式是农业产业化的有效载体。 在第三章中首先介绍了合作社的性质,合作社的国际性原则以及合作社与集体经济的不同。接着着重从理论上分析合作社是农民现代化的选择;合作与竞争是市场经济的两个轮子,平等与效率是完善的市场经济并重的两个目标,因而合作社也是市场经济的选择;随着农业产业化的兴起,合作社又成为农业产业化的天然载体,因为农业产业化的真实含义与合作精神正相吻合。第三章的最后部分用国内外合作社在实践中的成绩说明合作社是农业产业化的有效载体。 第四章针对合作社发展中存在的问题从政府和农户两方面进行了概括,并从五个方面提出了发展合作社的对策,即强调合作社理念和教育;政府与学术界联合培养“合作人”;政府以优惠政策扶持;尽快立法使合作社发展有法可依;把推进农业产业化与发展合作社结合起来。在发展合作社的问题上,政府的角色至关重要,因为产业化政策就是由政府提出和实施的。发达国家的合作社都得到政府的支持,发展中国家的合作事业有的是在政府直接干预下发展起来的,这是国外的经验。文章最后强调了合作人应积极争取政府对合作的支持,能否得到一个明智政府的支持是合作社发展的关键。 本文的主要创新之处主要有三:一是在对企业+农户的分析中指出了涉农利益集团对农业政策的影响,二是从多方面论述了合作社是农业产业化的有效载体,三是从现代化进程中政府的角色,论证了在合作社发展中政府介入是大势所趋,关键是要促成一个明智政府。

【Abstract】 Chinese society in 20 centuries had been in a process of reformation which was an evolution from tradition to modernity. In this process, peasant problem is the kernel. After the beginning of market-orientation reform, China chooses family farming based on the system of production responsibility in rural area. Hence farmers confront new problems in the market economy.Chapter 1 provides that, as a modern style of agricultural management, agricultural integration is an effective approach through which we can solve the contradiction between the small farmers and big market and the farmers can augment their revenue. There are two patterns of agricultural integration. One is the pattern of firms combined with farmers, another is the pattern of the cooperative group. Agricultural integration means the interest union of concerning subjects. Their distinction lies in whether the farmers are organized through the cooperative or not, it does not depend on whether the firm participates in the agricultural integration.Chapter 2 outlines the problem of the pattern of firm combined with farmers, and discusses the failure reason of agricultural integration from three subjects - government, firm, farmer. The government motive for achievement and benefit group’s intervention in agricultural policy lead to the popularization of firm combined with farmers and its failure. Theaim of firms is profit. But in agricultural integration the firm is expected to help the farmers and share the profit with the farmers, which is unrealistic. The imperfection of the basic economic system in rural area also restrict the management of firm combined with farmers, yet farmers’ organization is the key of agricultural integration. If the farmers are organized, they can affect the decision - making of government and can obtain equivalent status in market when they negotiate with firms. When the farmers are organized, the pattern of firm combined with farmers turns into the pattern of the cooperative.Then the article proves that the cooperative is the efficient carrier of agricultural integration.Chapter 3 provides the property of the cooperative, the international principle of the cooperative and the distinction between the cooperative and collective economy. Then it analyzes theoretically that the cooperative is the choice of farmer modernization. Cooperation and competition are the two wheels of market economy. Equity and efficiency are the two aims of perfect market economy. So the cooperatives are also the choice of market economy. With the rise of agricultural integration, the cooperative naturally becomes its carrier, because its real meaning accords with cooperative spirit. Here it reaches the main conclusion of this article. The end of chapter 3 outlines the achievements of the cooperative both in domestic and foreign country.Chapter 4 tells the problems in the development of the cooperatives from two aspects: government and farmers. It also provides 5 strategy in the cooperative development among which the role of government is essential. In fact, even the policy of agricultural integration is put forward and brought into effect by government. The cooperatives in the developed countries are favored by governments, while the cooperatives in the developing countries are sometimes under the direct intervention of government. The article emphasizes that the cooperators should strive for the support of the government. A wise government is the key of the development of the cooperatives.The innovation of the article mainly exists in three points: firstly the article points out that interest group’s affect on agricultural policy; secondly it proves that the cooperatives are the efficient carrier of agricultural integration from three aspects; thirdly from the process of modernization, the article attempts to address that government should get involved in the development of the cooperatives and a wise government is the key.

【关键词】 农业产业化合作社企业农民政府
【Key words】 agricultural integrationcooperativefirmfarmergovernment
  • 【分类号】F321
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】420

