

【作者】 陈娟

【导师】 刘建明;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 新闻学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文把美国学院派的媒介批评本身作为文本进行解读,对媒介批评的思想理论进行了初步的探讨。首先,本文分析了美国媒介批评的起源、发展历程,然后,以此为基点,集中诠释了学院派媒介批评的几个着陆点:媒介体制批评、媒介责任批评、媒介性质与功能批评、媒介政治批评、媒介经济功能批评。一方面,本文将批评的文本和对文本的再批评相结合,揭示了作为社会这一大系统内的子系统的媒介批评在美国新闻专业权威建构和社会发展过程中的作用与反作用。另一方面,作者从历史和人物的角度,对美国学院派媒介批评与社会、民主制度之间的关系进行了梳理,分析了在社会的各个领域媒介是如何被用来作为统治的工具。在每一个章节的最后,文章都探讨了每一个媒介批评家们对现实的意义以及我们对于媒介批评所应有的期望。媒介批评所具有的叙事性和道德性使媒介批评成为社会角色的对话空间,在这个空间里,文明型的媒介批评家和颠覆型的媒介批评都可以畅言对媒介的期望,无论是不是得到实现。 作者以史为纲,按学术的规则来完成对美国式的媒介批评的解读,以化解当前学术界把媒介批评庸俗化的趋势,其目的在于系统地引入国外媒介批评的概念、方法、理论等,在国内媒介批评在学术研究和实践中都缺乏自足的情况下。这对我们的学术研究有所帮助。另外,与完成与政治紧密结合的媒介批评,尤其解读的是全世界媒体最发达的美国的媒介批评,为我国越来越市场化的媒介发展提供了可借鉴的领域。这对于无论在形式上还是在内容上都落后美国多年的中国媒体来说是个可以借力的跳板。 论文的主要研究方法为描述性研究、解释性研究、个体研究。 在研究过程中完成了以下工作: ·用美国式的思维去解读美国文化; ·完成对大量材料的占有,在资料充分的情况下去阐释而非定论; ·把知识分子的话语权掌握在学术的手中,避免其成为非学术界的工具。 本文以对文本内容的解读完成了对美国学院派媒介批评,具有独创性。这不仅避免了陷入具体论战的陷阱,还让学术的研究与业界的操作保持了适当的距离,更重要的是,这一解读从社会系统的各个领域展示了媒介批评,对于理解学院派媒介批评呈现出的矛盾现象具有相当的价值。同时,将媒介批评作为社会大系统的一个子系统,这是社会学结构主义的一个视角,为分析媒介批评与民主政治的关系提供了新的视角。

【Abstract】 Regarding academic media criticism as a kind of text to unscramble, the present dissertation is in possession of American academic media criticism and criticism to American academic media criticism. First, the dissertation analyzes the origin and developed course in American media criticism. Based on this viewpoint, the dissertation concentrates on some connections between social and media: criticism to media system, criticism to media responsibility, criticism to media function and criticism to media economic system. On one side, the dissertation link the texts of criticism and the criticism to text of criticism, which reveal the actions and counteractions of media criticism, as a sub-system to the total social system, as shown in the construction process of professional authority of journalism in the US. On the other side, the dissertation also takes the historical perspective to examine the relationship between US academicmedia criticism and society, democracy, to analyze the governor--howto use media as tool to maintain their controlling, according to every scholar. At the end of every chapter, author analyzes the signification of every media critic to realism, and explores the expectations we should have of media criticism. Media criticism has been made as a dialogic platform for social actors because of the narrating nature and morality of media criticism. In this platform, every media critic can criticize everything about media, whether his comment is euphemistic or uncompromising, whether his suggestions can be accomplish.Author accomplishes unscrambling American media criticism according to scientific rule to alter the current of misunderstanding media critic, to arm to boost our media critic, to help us to improve our developing media system, which is increasing marketable. Media goes with politics tightly, the mostly developed American media critic will provide us experience to deal with some problems about media and politics. After all, American media is more salted, whether in surface or in inherence.The method of study is: narrating study, explaining study, case study

【关键词】 学院派媒介批评责任
【Key words】 academismmedia criticismresponsibility
  • 【分类号】G219.712
  • 【下载频次】257

