

【作者】 何思源

【导师】 来春刚;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 少数民族文学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在梳理香港文学脉络的基础之上,把香港新生代作家黄碧云的小说放在香港文学史这个大背景中进行分析,指出黄碧云以其小说叙事姿态上的双重性(既切近又超拔),艺术上的前卫性(主要表现在语言技巧上),审美上更大的饱和度和冲击力(主要表现在主题的拓展深化上),开创了香港书写/书写香港的另一种可能。她关注香港人特殊的生存境遇,同时又超越了自己的前辈比较狭窄的视野,不再局限于香港本土的故事以及非此即彼的二元对立,自然而然地从现代走向了后现代。这表明,香港小说在进入转型期(1984——1997年)后整个审美指向正在发生深刻的变化。 论文分五部分。第一章概述了“香港文学”的脉络及香港书写的三种姿态。这是我们考察黄碧云小说创作的文化背景和文学背景。第二、第三章分别在话题、话语上对黄碧云作品进行分析和解读,在和前代作家、同时代作家的比较中,找出黄碧云作品里的“特质”,进而阐释梳理文中无处不在的“香港意识”。黄碧云的作品,关注生活原生态的同时,亦重视人性纵向度的发掘,“向外转”与“向内转”两兼顾,提供了香港书写/书写香港的另一种可能。最后指出,香港文学长久以来的被边缘化,很大一部分的原因是它亦步亦趋地跟在“中心”文学之后,没能建立起自身的品格。香港文学在中国文学格局中建立自身的主体性的策略,对中国文学如何在世界文学格局中古据应有的地位来说,具有借鉴的意义。

【Abstract】 On the base Of carding history of Hong Kong literature, this text analyzes Huang Biyun’s novels and points out that as a new generation writer, with the compatible attitude, the advanced on art and aesthetic, Huang Biyun provides another Hong Kong writing/ write Hong Kong. She pays attention to the Hong Kong people’s special circumstances of existence, at the same time oversteps the narrow field of vision in elder generation, no longer limited at Hong Kong’s story and relationship between Hong Kong and the mainland. She abandoned "either-or" dualism, transforming naturally from modern to post-modern. It indicates that after entering to the transform period (1984-1997), aesthetic orientation of the whole Hong Kong literature is undergoing great change.This text contains five chapters. The first chapter summarizes the skeleton of history of Hong Kong literature and several attitudes of Hong Kong narrate. Those are the literature and culture backgrounds of analyzing Huang Biyun’s novels. The second chapter and third chapter are analyzing and unscrambling Huang Biyun’s novels. Comparing with the same generation writers and older generation writers, Huang Biyun’s characteristic is drawn. Then the fourth chapter shows that this characteristic is some kind of native consciousness of Hong Kong". Huang Biyun’s novels focus on command real life while excavates human nature, providing another Hong Kong writes/ write Hong Kong. The last chapter points out the reason why Hong Kong literature had beening fringefied for long time. That is: Hong Kong literature imitated "center" literature every move, and failed to set up its quality and style. The strategy that Hong Kong literature came to the whole Chinese literature structure provides use for reference to how Chinese literature come into the whole world literature structure.

【关键词】 香港文学黄碧云边缘中心
【Key words】 Hong Kong literatureHuang Biyunfringecenter
  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【下载频次】585

