

【作者】 文晖

【导师】 韩小兵;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 经济法, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 中国加入世贸以来首先遭遇到的就是美国针对钢铁产品实施的保障措施,中国加入世贸以后第一次运用世贸许可的保护国内产业的手段也是保障措施,一时间,保障措施成了世界关注的焦点。目前对保障措施的研究,多集中在经济学领域,法学界的探讨往往只是对WTO保障措施制度进行介绍,很少有人通过比较其他国内法来对WTO保障措施的具体法律问题进行阐释,即使对之进行阐释,也很不透彻。因此,本文的研究目的主要集中在两个方面:一方面是对保障措施的国际法律规制进行完善,以减少国际贸易争端的频繁发生;另一个方面是促进我国保障措施法律规制的完善,同国际规制相接轨,以合理使用保障措施,保护本国国内产业。 本文的题目是《保障措施国际规制之研究》,首先,释题。既然是研究保障措施,那么保障措施是什么?价值性何在?通过研究,笔者认为,保障措施有其客观价值性,但容易被滥用,要对之进行严格的规制。这一观点对全文起基础性的铺垫作用。怎么规制?规制方式一般分为两种:一是国内法规制,另一种是国际法规制。笔者通过比较主要发达国家和发展中国家的保障措施的立法,发现国内立法既存在趋同性也存在差异性。立法的趋同性使得保障措施在这一领域能够用国内法规制就足够,但是差异性使得各国由于这种立法上的冲突,导致国际贸易争端的激化,这样就需要国际法律规制。然而,由于现行WTO国际保障措施立法的缺陷和漏洞,又进一步凸显了这种各国立法上的冲突性。因此,就需要对WTO的保障措施的国际规制进行完善,以解决国内法差异性带来的贸易争端。我国入世之后,一方面由于贸易机会增多,可能使我国传统有竞争力的产业遭受其他国家频繁的保障措施调查,譬如上面说到的美国钢铁保障措施;另一方面,我国仍有许多产业缺乏国际竞争力,面对外国产品的大量涌入,急需WTO所认可的保障措施来进行保护。我国现有保保障措施立法,总体而言,能与WTO国际法律规制相接轨,但是仍存在很多的缺陷,如果不加以完善将会使我国在适用时与其他国家的发生冲突,最后还可能招致别国的报复。 本文采取了跨学科的、历史的、比较的、条文的和实证的多种研究方法,通过比较、分析归纳,最后得出自己的结论。 本文的结论有以下几点:首先,保障措施有其价值上的客观性,但是应该对其进行严格的规制;其次,世界主要发达国家和发展中国家保障措施的国内立法以及与WTO国际立法之间的冲突和协调,彰显国际规制的必要性;再次,对于WTO保障措施国际规制,笔者认为问题主要在于一些重要概念界定不明以及制度设计的不合理方面。针对此,提出了个人见解,要对一些重要概念进行界定,以及延长“90天”的期限来提高报复补偿机制的现实有效性,最后是在补偿机制上应适用“最惠国”原则的例外;最后,我国保障措施立法总体而言是与国际相接轨的,但是仍存在着不足,需要在具体一些概念如“国内产业”、“及时性”的明确界定,以及对产业调整计划、农产品分别规定的内容加以充实。

【Abstract】 China had encountered the safeguard measures of the United States in steel products , since China had acceded to the WTO. Temporarily, safeguard measures have been a focus in research field. Today’s research on safeguard often focuses on the economic field and WTO relevant regulations while neglects some primary developed countries and developing countries’ laws and regulations. As to the articles concerning the WTO safeguards , they are limited to simple introduction of regulations without deep analysis of many important specific legal issues. The aim of this article include two aspects: on the one hand , it will promote the prefect of the WTO safeguards’ regulations; on the other hand , combined with the practice of Chinese safeguard mechanism, it will help China to carry out possible countermeasures.It is the international jural study of safeguard mechanism. Firistly, we should know the meanings of safeguards . what is the safeguards’ value? Secomdly , how to restrict and regulate the safeguards? The method of regulation have two kinds: native legislation and international legislation. When the native law can’t resolve those disputes, they have to fall back on the international legislation. While, because of the limitation of international legislation, the conflicts becomes acute. So those international legislation need be amended . China’s accession into WTO our domestic economy are confronted with rare opportunities and unprecedented challenges. On the one hand, aggrandized market opportunities probably result in more frequent safeguard investigations taken by other WTO members. On the other hand. Many domestic Industries, which lack international competitiveness, require perfect safeguards regime to protect them from the impacts of foreign goods. Therefore, china should perfect its relevant legal system and make full use of interaction between China’s legislation and WTO. In 2001, regulation of safeguards was enacted in China . Despite its surface acceptability to WTO rule, the regulation contains defects that will appear in its application. So its provisions for implementing conditions and procedural conditions should be elaborated and expanded so as to afford greater certainty. In this respect, legislative experiences of some countries can give a reference.By reading literatures, sorting out materials and analyzing cases, with comparison method and balancing of interest. The author draws her own conclusions through comparison, analysis and induction.The conclusions of this paper are as the follows: 1 safeguards have their value, but we should stipulate them strictly. 2 WTO and other countries has conflicts and coordination at the same time which reveals their containing each other in WTO system. All of above indicate the necessities of international regulation. 3 The problems of international regulation lie in that some important conception cut both ways and some regulation have no reason . The author reckon that those conception should be defmituded, besides, prolong the time limit of "90 days" .4 some important conception about our country’legistion such as "domestic industries’ "betimes" should be defmituded and bring forword the plan of adjusting domestic industries.

【关键词】 保障措施国际规制WTO
【Key words】 safeguard measuresinternational legislationWTO
  • 【分类号】D996
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】90

