

【作者】 罗程远

【导师】 滕星;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士


【摘要】 自上世纪90年代以来,以农村劳动力向城市流动为重要形式的城乡人口流动成为我国社会最为重要最为引人注目的现象,城市打工子弟即第二代移民问题也受到越来越多的关注,而打工子弟就学问题就是在人口流动大潮中突显出来了,对打工子弟就学问题的重视、加以有力解决已具有十分重要的现实意义。 本论文以北京市打工子弟为调查对象,试图通过对其就学问题的现状、原因分析并最后得出解决这一问题的结论建议。在研究过程中,笔者将打工子弟“就学问题”这一论题分解成“如何就学”和“就学中有何问题”两个方面来论述。“如何就学”说的是就学渠道的问题,调查表明北京打工子弟主要有“进入公立学校”或“进入打工子弟学校”两种方式。而在“就学中有何问题”这一方面,笔者着重对打工子弟教育现状进行描述并加以归因分析。 在本论文中,笔者采用美国人类学家马文.哈里斯(Marvin Harris)提出并系统阐述的“主客位研究方法”,在文章的前部分进行主位研究,主要是对文化负荷者,即政府教育行政人员、公立学校校长、打工子弟学校办学者、学生家长和打工子弟本身的观点进行描述,以为下文的结论打下基础;接下来笔者进行了客位研究,即从研究者角度对问题进行分析,主要从我国的户籍制度、现行的教育分级管理体制方面对打工子弟就学难进行体制原因解析,并论证了打工子弟学校的现实问题及改革的必要性,还从“进入公立学校”这一角度分析了打工子弟的状况并引发了对“教育公平”问题的思考。在客位研究中,笔者借鉴了奥格布(John u.oghu)教授的“阶层化社会理论(casteTheory)”,分析出打工子弟在“教育身份”上不同于城里同龄人,处于弱势地位,进一步说明了打工子弟就学之难。 在文章的最后,笔者借鉴了专家学者的观点,并参考了印尼、泰国和菲律宾这三个东南亚国家在解决同类问题的举措,提出了北京及全国其它地区对打工子弟就学问题的解决方案并得出本论文的最后结论。 本论文主要结论如下:第一、户籍壁垒及教育分级管理体制是打工子弟就学难的体制原因,而教育经费不能有效流通是其就学难的现实症结。从而推进体制改革以适应时代要求才是解决这一问题的根本所在。 第二、打工子弟在就学时具有“弱势”身份。城里的打工子弟是因为“流入”到城市里,没有城市户口而在受教育问题上处于不利地位的“弱势群体”。在他们选择学校时有着城里同龄人不可能遇到的困难和阻碍。 第三、打工子弟就学选择时,进入公立学校比较困难,而进入打工子弟学校是一种无奈却更现实的选择,这是他们就学的两种基本渠道。由于户籍体制、教育分级管理体制,一直到进入公立学校时的政策门槛及收费门槛等原因,使打工子弟进入公立学校显得困难很大;而收费低廉加上地域等原因,他们进入打工子弟学校更加容易。 第四,打工子弟在就学过程中,特别是进入公立学校的同学,他久们会面临来自同学甚至老师方面的歧视或偏见,这体现出了教育的不公平。 第五,进入打工子弟学校固然更容易,然而打工子弟学校存在着很多问题,需要政府和教育部门进一步加强管理和整顿,以规范其办学活动,促成良好的教育环境。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, the stream existing as the important form of village labor moving to cities has become the most considerable and attractive phenomenon in our society. The second generation of the villagers migrating to cities is receiving more and more caring, especially the point about entering school for them which appears obviously in the huge stream. It has immense significance in realism to pay much attention to the problem and to solve it strongly.My papers mainly researches in the children of migrant workers in Beijing. Through the research about education actuality and analysis of reasons, I have tried lots of ways getting final concluded suggestion on how to figure out the settlement of the problem. In the research, I divide the thesis "problem of entering school for children of migrant workers" into two aspects to discuss, "how to enter school" and "what problem to face during this course". As for the first part, it talks about how to accept the education. The research shows that there are two ways for the children of migrant workers in Beijing, "going to public school" or "going to floating school". For the other side, education actuality will be described and analysis of its reasons will also be explained further.In the paper, I take method of Ernies and Etics Revisited which was raised and expatiated systematically by American anthropologist MarvinHarris. While doing the Ernies visit at the foreside of article, in order todevelop well later, I picture the opinions mostly on culture-carrier,Government Education Administrator, Public School Master, Floating School Runner, patriarch and children of migrant workers themselves. Following is Etics visit which analyses the thesis from the angle of investigator. In this piece, I parse whys of the tough system entering school for those children largely at the two sides, census institution in our country and education classified managing system nowadays. What’s more, I have demonstrated the real problem of floating school and the necessity of reformation, construing the situation about them from the aspect of "entering public school", which arouses thinking on "fair education" in my mind. Besides, I use Caste Theory by Professor John U.Ogbu to make out the difference concerning "educated identity" between those children with low position and their peers in city. That illuminates more the hard task going to school for the children of migrant workers.In the end, consulting measures taking by Indonesia, Thailand and Philippine as solving the similar issues, I also borrowed some experts’ views to bring forward the solution on problem "accepting education for the children of migrant workers" in Beijing and other local areas in China, getting the final conclusion of my papers.Main conclusions are as follows:1. Census institution Bulwark and compulsory education managingsystem is the institutional reasons for the difficulty of going to school for children of migrant workers; Education expenditure can’t be circulated effectively is a realistic sticking point for this issue. Reforming these institution and system to adapt the new epoch is the most import solution toward this problem.2. The children of migrant workers are in low position while accepting education, these children float into cities without hukou. it put them into a disadvantageous position, they must face more difficulties and obstructions compared with the peer in city.3.For the children of migrant workers, it is more difficult to enter public school, they mostly cannot help but to choose floating school. The census institution and education classified managing system, the policy and charge doorsill make these children face huge difficulty when enter public school. It is easier for them to enter floating school ,due to the low tuition and convenient location.4. The children of migrant workers, especially those studying in public school, would experience the discrimination or prejudice from the classmates or even the teachers, it reflects the unfair education status.5

  • 【分类号】G527
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】680

