

Research of Enterprise Accounting and Other Business Process Improvement and It’s Applied Method in ERP

【作者】 付建华

【导师】 杨宝刚;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 会计学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息技术的发展,企业所处的竞争环境发生了根本性的变化,企业要想达到预期的占有率和经济效益,就必须提高自身的应变能力与竞争能力,ERP便成为企业提高竞争力的有效利器。但ERP的实施不仅是一项简单的信息工程,它给企业带来的是管理的变革。因此,作者提出ERP的成功应用需要先行BPI,对企业的会计及相关业务流程进行优化;同时,ERP系统也是承载流程的最佳工具。文章首先对BPI重新进行界定,分析了BPI的必要性,其次,重点描述了BPI的理论体系并应用实证研究方法建立企业会计及相关流程优化模板,最后,作者根据实践经验提出几点BPI成功的关键因素供业界参考。

【Abstract】 With the development of IT,the environment of enterprise changed basically,so if the enterprise wants to realize it’s target,it must improve it’s adaptability and abiity of competety.At this time,ERP becomes a effective means.But not only ERP is a information system ,but also it will help the enterprise to realize the reformation of management.As the result of this,the writer thinks that BPI is the basic of application successfully of ERP, and ERP is also the best means of appling BPI.So at first the paper gives a new definition to BPI and analyzes the necesscity of BPI,then the paper designs the theory system of BPI importantly,at the same time,the paper offers a sample of BPI for the enterprises by a example of BPI.At last,the paper lists some key factors of application successfully for all the enterprises.

  • 【分类号】F275
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】498

