

【作者】 张晓飞

【导师】 张英华;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 企业如何接受和掌握先进的管理理念,并有效地将其转化为可执行的方案,迅速执行,持续提升,最终形成系统化的管理体系,是企业得以“长寿”的关键所在。本文以制造型企业为背景,较为全面地阐述了如何构建系统化的企业管理体系和其运作方式。任何理性的行为与活动都有其根本的意图和指导思想,因此,本文首先分析了当今企业生存与发展的环境,在此条件下提出构建系统化管理体系的两个根本指导思想——系统的思想与权变的思想,并以系统理论和权变理论为支撑,对企业系统化管理体系框架作了简单描述。为了能充分理清制造型企业各项管理间的基本关系,本文又对制造型企业的管理活动进行了简单分类。根据系统化企业管理体系的逻辑关系,本文先对处于基础层级的理念与技术支持体系中学习型组织和基于信息网络的知识管理体系作了较为详尽的介绍,然后针对一般制造型企业核心业务活动的开展所必须具备的支持体系——人力,财务,营销合作网络三大核心活动支持体系逐一作了说明,在这一部分,先后介绍了平衡计分卡在绩效考核中的应用,财务上的全面预算管理主要内容与开展方式以及全方位营销框架。随后进入制造型企业系统化管理体系的主要组成部分——核心业务管理活动体系。在这一体系的介绍过程中,根据企业的实际状况和不同层次按着活动的难易程度及支持关系,论述了5S管理与准时化管理的基本内容和开展方式,企业流程与组织再造实行及方法,六西格玛管理的基本理论和其真正意义所在。论述完企业系统化管理体系的整个运营体系后,本文又依照体系的层级论述了企业的战略管理体系和目标管理体系,战略管理体系以波特基于价值链分析的竞争战略为主要指导,目标管理体系以德鲁克的思想为主导。在对整个体系框架作了简要描述和分析论述后,本文又以一家上市制造企业为案例,从实证角度来阐述如何构建企业系统化管理体系,并对存在的问题与有关设想给出了基本思路。本文主要包括导论与七章内容及结论,分别从论文研究背景、系统化管理体系框架、制造型企业活动分析、支持体系、核心业务活动管理、创新体系、目标体系、案例介绍、完善设想等方面展开论述,着重框架的构造与分析,提出了对管理活动分类的方法与意义,强调理清管理活动的相互关系和支撑作用,特别重视针对当今环境的系统思想和权变思想的指导意义,从整体来说,较为辩证地指出了企业管理发展的一个趋势——系统化与体系化。

【Abstract】 Things are moving super fast in today’s business world. In the coming 10 years, most of the companies will rely on Internet and networking technology to conduct more of their work electronically, seamlessly linking factories, offices and sales forces around the globe.In order to succeed in the global competition, the companies should expand the business abroad to make full use of local resources and other comparative advantage. How one enterprise accept advanced theory and turn it into performable practices,then execute quickly,sum up in time,improve continual,build a systemic management system at last,which is the key point of long-life enterprise. The dissertation based on manufacturing enterprise discourse upon the frame and operation of systemic management system in detail.Any rational behavior and action have their purpose and steering idea, therefore, the dissertation analyses the background of enterprise surviving. According with the surrounding, two basic instructing principles: the Systematic theory and Contingency Management theory are introduced firstly. On this base, the frame of systemic management system is described. For the sake of clearing and brighten the basic relation of any kinds of action of manufacturing enterprise, the dissertation classify them into the basic action or sustaining action, core operation action and innovation action. Subsequently, learning organization and knowledge management theory and practice based on networks that are in the basic grade are discussed in the first place. Resource, finance and marketing cooperation network are bring forward secondly, in this part, the dissertation recommend the?Balanced?Score?Card(BSC), total budget management and total dimension marketing as ways of being used widely in some famous corporations like IBM and GE. Later, the most important that is the core operation action of manufacturing enterprise, including “5S”, Lean Manufacture, “6σ”management mode and Business Reengineering are go deeply into.At last, the dissertation introduced the innovation system of M. E. Porter’s Competitive Strategy and Competitive advantages based on value chain analyses, so long as Management By Objectives(MBO)put forward by Peter F. Drucker.In the dissertation, the manufacturing enterprise action classification and sustain system bring a new way for management study.

  • 【分类号】F425
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】334

