

Anti-Dumping in International Trade and Research on How to Utilize the Countermeasures

【作者】 吴宇凌

【导师】 陈国武;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 国际贸易学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 倾销和反倾销是国际经济中的一种现象,它早已有之,并且随着世界经济的不断发展而相应变化。伴随着20世纪70年代贸易保护主义在世界范围内再度兴起,反倾销逐渐沦为进口国实行贸易保护的得力武器。今天经济全球化和贸易自由化已是大势所趋,不可逆转。但是,在自由贸易的旗帜下,滥用自由贸易的行为给各国经济造成的危害不容低估。特别是随着世界市场的日益饱和,发达国家之间、发展中国家之间以及发达国家与发展中国家之间倾销和反倾销的矛盾愈加激烈。在这方面,我国的企业可谓经受了倾销与反倾销的双重冲击与考验。本文作者希望通过对当今国际贸易中反倾销的发展现状研究,并基于微观经济学的理论基础,分析探讨我国应对外国倾销的对策,更好利用反倾销对策保护民族工业和国内市场,以促进我国的对外贸易发展。同时对反倾销这一贸易措施我们要有正确的认识,而且应该谨慎使用。本文共分为四章,第一章介绍了倾销与反倾销的基本概念及其理论演变分析,并从相关微观经济学的角度对倾销和反倾销的经济效应进行了分析,同时介绍了反倾销中热点问题——公共利益。第二章分析了反倾销的收益及其成本。第三章介绍了国外在华倾销的现状、危害及原因分析并提出更好地利用反倾销对策保护民族工业和国内市场的建议。第四章对我国首例进口反倾销措施的经济效果进行评估同时提出应正确认识及运用反倾销措施。本文的主要观点有:外国商品在华倾销呈急速蔓延之势,对我国国内市场造成了很大的损害,遏制和防范外国商品在华倾销已成为当务之急。但同时我们必须对反倾销有一个正确的认识:如果将反倾销作为保护国内产业从幼稚向成熟发展,或保证产业调整顺利实施的辅助工具,在一定时期内适当地使用,是必要的,也是有效的;但如果将反倾销作为保护主义或贸易战的武器来使用,不仅不会保护落后,还会导致其他国家的关税报复,导致贸易战的升级,这将是一种很危险的后果。

【Abstract】 Dumping and anti-dumping is a common phenomenon in international economic society. It has a long history and is changed with the development of world economy. Anti-dumping gradually turned to be a powerful tool for trade safeguard of importers as a result of reappearing the trade protectionism in the world range in 1970s. Although economic globality and trade freedom is an unreversed trend, the abused behaviors of free trade will bring great jeopardousness to world economy. Especially, the contradiction between dumping and anti-dumping of the developed countries and developing countries will be more drastic with the world market getting more and more saturated. As a result, Chinese enterprises will come through the impaction of both of dumping and anti-dumping.In this paper, on the theoretical basis of microeconomics, the author discusses the countermeasures to anti-dumping from foreign countries through investigating the actualities of current cases of anti-dumping in international trade. We will have to utilize the anti-dumping tactics to protect our national industries and domestic market so as to promote the development of Chinese foreign trades. Meanwhile, we should have the right cognition for anti-dumping and use it properly.The paper includes four chapters. In the first chapter, the author introduces the basal definitions of dumping and anti-dumping, their theoretical evolution, and the hotspot, common benefit, in anti-dumping. The economic effects of dumping and anti-dumping are analyzed in point of the microeconomics. The income and cost of anti-dumping are further studied in the second chapter. The third chapter illustrates the anti-dumping status, harms, and causes of foreign countries to China and brings forward some useful advices to protect national industries and domestic market via effective anti-dumping. Moreover, the authors points out how to correctly understand and utilize anti-dumping measures through evaluating the economic effect of first anti-dumping case in China.The main conclusions are as follows: The pervasive foreign commodities in China make a great harm to domestic market. So it is urgent for us to limit the dumping of foreign commodities. However, we had better set up a proper opinion for anti-dumping. The anti-dumping is concept closed related with the trend of economy. It will be necessary and effective if anti-dumping is used to develop the domestic industries from infantility to maturity at a certain period. On the contrary, it will lead <WP=5>to the tariff retorsions from other countries and worse the trade battle if we employ anti-dumping as a weapon for protectionism, which will turn into a perilous result finally.

【关键词】 反倾销成本收益对策建议
【Key words】 Anti-dumpingCost profitCountermeasureAdvice
  • 【分类号】F752.02
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】627

