

An Analysis of the Affecting Factors in the Development of Brownfield

【作者】 朱红伟

【导师】 祝圣训;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 产业经济学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 污染土地开发在我国还是一个新领域,本论文是国内首次对该问题进行研究,因此具有重要的现实意义。本论文由以下章节构成:引言介绍了写作的动机和论文的总体框架;第一章 分析了污染土地的相关概念;第二章 介绍了污染土地开发的背景;随之而写的下述各章是本文研究的主要内容,程它们是: 第三章 分析了影响和阻碍污染土地开发的主要因素,这些因素包括市场的、政策的和技术的三个方面的诸多因素,并在第随即而写的第四、五、六三章中分别进行了详细的讨论; 第七章 总结了国外为推动污染土地开发所采取的措施和经验;第八章 分别介绍了美国、欧盟国家—如法国和德国、以及英国在污染土地开发方面的的情况; 第九章 简要介绍了我国污染土地开发的实际情况;第十章 对我国的污染土地开发提出了一些建议。总之,本文的目的在于推动我国的污染土地之实际开发工作。

【Abstract】 Brownfield development is a new area in China now. This study is the first time to be studied in China, which is very meaningful now. This thesis is composed of one introduction and 10 chapters as the following: Introduction giving the initiatives of my study and the framework of my thesis;Chapter1 analyzing some related conceptions on the brownfield development;Chapter 2 presenting background of the development of brownfields.The chapters just below are my main studies in the thesis which are: Chapter3 analyzing some factors or obstacles affecting the development, those including mainly three kinds of factors, such as marketing, political, technical factors, these factors are discussed in Chapter4,Cchapter5 and Chapter 6 in details respectively; Chapter7 summarizing some measurements carried out by some developed countries in order to promote the development.Chapter8 reviewing some case studies of brownfield development in USA, EU countries, such as French, Germany, and UK; Chapter9 being discussed some real situation related to the brownfield development in China; andChapter10 discuss on the development in China being made with some new suggestions of mine.In a word, the study could give impetus and facilitate the development of brownfield in China I hope.

  • 【分类号】F301
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】379

