

Training Mode Design of Human Resource of High-Technology Firms

【作者】 田丽敏

【导师】 吴林源;

【作者基本信息】 天津财经学院 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在总结和分析国内外各种培训模式的形成和发展的基础上,采用系统论的方法对高新技术企业人力资源培训模式的设计进行了研究。国外的系统型培训模式对本文的研究产生了很大的影响,本文认为高新技术企业人力资源培训模式设计在注重自身特点的同时,其培训模式的设计是通过一系列符合逻辑的步骤,有计划的进行的。因此,本文对人力资源培训模式重新进行了定义,认为人力资源培训模式是企业开展的多种员工培训活动的不同层次要素间的有机组合,这些要素包括:培训对象、培训项目、培训形式、培训方法和培训管理流程。人力资源培训模式是以培训管理流程为核心的一种培训管理系统,在该系统中,企业根据实际情况对员工培训进行总体规划和管理,每一个单独的培训项目之间、单独的培训项目与培训总体规划之间都是相互联系的有机体;每一个培训项目的选择都是在系统的支持下进行的,培训的实施和管理在系统中处于一个有机的、动态的循环。在研究过程中结合了定性分析和案例分析方法。定性分析主要是在人力资源培训理论分析的基础之上,吸取现有各种培训模式的优点,探索人力资源培训模式设计受到哪些因素的影响和制约,研究高新技术企业人力资源培训模式的内部结构要素。由于受其人力资源的特点的影响,高新技术企业人力资源培训模式的设计具有自身的特点,在分析其特点的基础上,结合其培训模式的内部结构要素,本文提出了高新技术企业培训模式设计应遵循的原则和程序。为证明培训模式设计的理论框架的合理性和程序的可操作性,本文运用了案例分析法,通过在北京CBD通信科技有限公司工作实习的机会,在公司内进行调研,通过访谈、实验等途径获得资料信息,对人力资源培训模式设计作系统整理,并撰写出案例分析报告。在探讨高新技术企业人力资源培训模式的发展与改进方面,采纳开放系统的观点,结合泼富尔的资源依附理论,提出资源整合人力资源培训模式,并对其在高新技术企业中的运用进行探讨研究。资源整合人力资源培训模式是指在特定的资源系统中,利用先进技术手段挖掘开发多种可用于企业员工培训教育的资源,促进各类资源的综合协调,实现各种资源因素在培训中的整体优化功能,以提高企业员工综合素质、培养员工持续发展的一种具有特色的培训模式。总之,本文希望通过对人力资源培训模式的研究,为高新技术企业提供设计符合自身需求的人力资源培训模式的理论框架和可操作程序。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, the formation and development of some domestic and international human resource training mode are summarized and analyzed, the training mode designs of high-tech enterprise by adopting the method of system theory is researched. The system-training mode of the abroad produced the very big influence to the textual research. In this thesis, I think that the high-tech enterprise employee training mode designs at make a point of oneself characteristics; the design of its training mode is to passes the logical step and designing process.Therefore, the definition of the human resource training mode is afresh, in which the employee training mode is different factors of various employee training activity are combined organically. These main factories include: Training object, training item, training form, training method and the process of employee training management. Human resource training mode is a kind of training management system, in which the training management process is the core. In this system, business enterprise according to actual circumstance of every employee to program and manage the training proceeds totally. Each training item, alone item and total training programming are all organizable and mutually contacting. The choice of each training item is supported by the system; the execution and management of employee training is to be placed in an organic and dynamic circulation in the system.Joined the qualitative analysis in study process with the case analysis. The qualitative analysis absorb the advantage of current all kind of training modes in the foundation of the analysis about the human resource theories, investigating the employee training mode design under the influence of which factors with make roughly, studying the internal construction. In this thesis, I put forward the principle and procedure of training mode design about high-tech enterprise. To prove the rationality of the theories frame of the training mode design and the maneuverability of the procedure, I made use of case analysis method, using the practice opportunity in the Peking CBD Telecom Co., Ltd. to compose the case analysis reports with logical analysis method.Adopting the open system standpoint and combining resource dependence theory, in this thesis, I probe into the development and improvement about high-tech enterprise human resource training mode. Putting forward the resources integrates human resource training mode, I probe to the application in the high-tech enterprise. Resources integrates human resource training mode is a fresh and distinctive human resource training mode, which is to point in particular resources system, used of the advanced technique means to seek after various educational resources to train the employee, promoting various resources to be coordination.In conclusion, to design suited human resource training mode for high-tech enterprise, in this thesis, I offer a theory frame and useful operated procedure for the training mode design.

  • 【分类号】F276.44
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1261

