

The Technology and Implement of Virtual Reference System in Digital Library

【作者】 李峰

【导师】 赵文静;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 计算机应用技术, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着各个高校数字图书馆的逐步建成,在图书馆的主页上提供了大量外购的电子文献资源、自建的各种特色数据库、各种学科的导航库等等,向读者提供丰富的文献存储和检索服务。当读者在检索使用各种资源时经常会遇到一些使用上的疑难问题,图书馆需要为其提供一个网上的实时的咨询平台。 现在各个高校和单位纷纷构建了自己的图书馆虚拟参考咨询服务系统,通过Web页面向用户提供多种服务,从而使咨询服务超越时空限制,实时的多方位满足用户的需求。 结合实际课题,本文概要介绍了虚拟参考咨询的基本概念、特点和现在主要采用的服务方式,进而论述了构建一个提供多种咨询手段的虚拟参考咨询平台所涉及到的关键技术。通过对协同工作机制、应用共享技术、Java多线程技术、J2EE体系结构和MVC设计模式等关键技术的研究,详细阐述了系统的设计思路和技术方案,给出了系统的具体实现。重点讨论了系统中文本咨询、电子白板、同步浏览等几个主要功能模块的设计和实现。 为了使多个图书馆的参考咨询问题知识库能够进行资源共享,在本章最后探讨了如何使用Z39.50协议实现参考咨询的知识库记录的分布式检索,对Z39.50协议的原理和机制、Z39.50网关进行研究,实现了基于WWW-Z39.50网关的参考咨询知识库分布式检索。

【Abstract】 With the instauration of digital libraries, a lot of electronic literature resource purchased, special databases and subject navigation systems self-constituted are provided. These resources provide influence literature deposits and retrieve services. A real-time online virtual reference platform is offered for the readers when they encountered some difficulties during using library resources.Many universities’ libraries established the virtual reference service systems which offer several services for users by using web pages, and which make reference service beyond the space-time limits and supply real-time services for users.In this paper, the definition, character, the service methods used of virtual reference are recommend, moreover the key technology and research for building a virtual reference platform are discussed deeply. By studying on Sharing Application mechanism, Java Multi-threads, J2EE architecture, MVC framework, the design thinking and the system realization are expounded in detail. And the design and realization of the key function modules are offered, for example: text reference, E-whiteboard and Co-browse module.In order to share the knowledge of reference questions among several libraries, how to use Z39.50 protocol to provide distributed searches in several information fountain is investigated at last in paper. Z39.50 protocol mechanism and theory, Z39.50 gateway are discussed and the distributed retrieve of reference knowledge using Z39.50 gateway is realized.

  • 【分类号】TP399
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】372

