

The Problem Analysis of a Hospital’s Underground Wastewater Treatment Plant

【作者】 王俞舒

【导师】 王志盈;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 环境工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 医院和医疗机构在医疗、诊断、科研和日常管理中产生各种医疗污水,若不加以处理会对人体健康和生态环境造成危害。某医院地埋式污水处理站自投产以来无法正常运行,且无相关资料。受某医院的委托,我们对该地埋式污水处理站存在问题进行调查诊断分析,并提出改造对策。 1、该医院污水处理站在没有污水的水量、水质数据、生产运行记录及设计、竣工资料的条件下。我们通过对该医院污水的水质、水量的实际测量和化验确定了最大日污水量为825m~3/d(近期)和900m~3/d(远期),水质(COD、SS、Ph、氨氮)等有关参数。 2、我们通过查阅有关资料和现场对构筑物进行测量查对,明确了该地埋式污水处理站的生物接触氧化工艺和主要设备的结构,重新绘制了各构筑物图纸。 3、根据测定的水量和水质,我们对污水处理站各构筑物进行了能力核算,从工艺讲,原设计的工艺选择基本是合理的,各构筑物处理能力基本能满足需要。不能正常运行的根本原因是关键设备存在结构不合理,导致了主要反应器的水力学特性不好,生物反应条件不好,因而效率低下。 4、但用生物接触氧化法处理医院污水在工艺上是可行的。该污水处理站隐蔽的地埋式处理系统是掩盖其质量问题的关键。我们通过对其各构筑物的诊断、分析查找出存在的问题,并提出了改造的重点在于生物接触氧化罐和二沉罐,以及其他构筑物的配水、集水和空气管路的改造对策。 5、我们通过对医院污水处理站接触氧化罐和二沉罐的水力特性和生物学特性的分析,认为其主要设备存在问题在于填料、设备结构、曝气装置等不利于生物膜的形成和生长。 6、我们对该医院污水采用R-120-60型软性填料进行试验,通过挂膜试验、净化效率试验的研究,获得了采用该填料的接触氧化法处理该医院污水的有关参数,西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文在容积负荷为1,SKgCoD/m3·d,水力停留时间为4小时时可取得较好的处理效果,为以后的工艺设计提供了可靠的依据。 7、医院污水消毒是医院污水处理的重要工艺。我们通过对医院污水进行次氯酸钠消毒试验,确定了对该医院污水处理合理的投氯量。

【Abstract】 The hospitals and the medical treatment organizations produce medical wastewater in their usual work. If the wastewater is not treated properly it will damage to human health and environment. One hospital’s underground wastewater treatment plant could not work well since it had been built. The hospital commission us to analysis the problem of the treatment plant.1 The hospital’s wastewater plant have no data about quantity, quality and record of operation. We measured the water quantity and water quality in practice, and know the QMAX is 825m3/d in the near future and 900m3/d in the far future , and water quality (COD, SS, pH, NH4+-N ).2 We consulted some references and measured the structures. We make clear the underground wastewater treatment plant’s submerged biofilm reactor process and the constitution of the main equipment.3 The submerged biofilm process can be used to treat the hospital wastewater in the technology. The key problem of the hospital wastewater treatment plant is "the underground" style. We analysis the problem of every structure of propose the reconstruction that the submerged biofilm tank, the precipitation tank, the water pipe and the air pipe.4 We analyzed the hydraulic and biological characteristics of the submarine biological filtration process tank and the precipitation tank in the wastewater treatment plant. The stuff, the structure of the facilities and the aeration unit are not to benefit the formation and growth of biofilm.5 We choose the R-120-60 stuff to treat the hospital wastewater. Furthermore, we tested the submerged biofilm process, formation of biofilm and removal efficiency ofbiofilm. We obtain the relevant parameters, Lv=1.8KgCOD/m3 d(HRT=4h). It is the benefit foundation of the technological design in the future.6. Disinfection is important technical in the process of the hospital wastewater treatment. We got the properly quantity of the hospital wasterwater by the NaClO disinfection.

  • 【分类号】X799.5
  • 【下载频次】387

