

Studies on the Sprinkler System and Hydraulic Calculation

【作者】 蒋克伦

【导师】 高羽飞;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 市政工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在我国,自动喷水灭火系统管网一直采用枝状布置,安全性与可靠性低,曾出现火灾发生后自喷系统不能有效灭火的现象。因此有必要对自喷系统环状布置和管网的水力计算进行研究。 首先,本文总结了自动喷水灭火系统的类型和作用机理。同时,根据建筑物的平面和竖向布置、城市管网的供水压力、水箱或稳压装置的设置情况、水泵工作状态、竖向系统工作压力要求和喷头数进行各种系统分区,讨论各种分区形式的适用条件、优缺点。针对枝状管道系统,对满足条件的几种最不利区域形式进行了水力计算,讨论了这几种不同选择形式对系统管道管径的确定和水泵选择的影响。 根据自喷系统的作用原理、灭火过程和效率,提出用环状管网代替目前广泛采用的枝状管网的观点。根据建筑物的类型、高度和防火等级等因素,提出配水支管环状、配水干管环状、立管环状和消防水源环状这四种基本环状形式,分析了四种环状管网的环状布置方法、特点和适用性。在此基础上又提出了支管与干管环状、干管与立管环状、支管与立管环状、立管竖向环状以及不规则区域环状等几种实用的环状形式。 在自喷系统环状布置的基础上,采用有限单元法建立了同时适用与枝状管网和环状管网的自喷系统水力计算的数学模型,采用VB6.0编写计算程序,并用该程序对一示例工程进行实际应用。 自喷系统环状管网的推广应用将大大提高其扑灭初期火灾的成功率,减少火灾造成的损失和人员伤亡,具有很大的实用性。

【Abstract】 In our country, sprinkler systems always adopt ramiform arrangements.because its’security and reliability is low, it’s necessary to study on ringed arrangements and hydraulic calculation of the sprinkler systems.Types and mechanisms of the sprinkler systems are summarized at first. And, the applicable conditions and the merits and shortcomings of every kind of subarea forms are compared according to the plane and vertical arrangements of buildings, water supplying pressure of cities, water tanks or pressure stabilization devices installed in buildings, working states of fire pumps and working pressure of the vertical systems and sprinkler numbers. Then hydraulic calculation of the most disadvantageous district in ramiform pipe system is carried out. The influences of different design forms on the choice of piping diameter and fire pumps are also discussed.According to action principle, extinguishing process and efficiency of the sprinkler systems, it is put forward that the ringed arrangements replace the ramiform arrangements. According to the types, height and fireproof grade of the buildings, four basic ringed arrangements are brought up, namely the ringed arrangemensts of branch lines,the ringed arrangements of cross mains, the ringed arrangements of feed mains and the ringed arrangements of fire waterhead.On the basis of analyzing the means, characteristic and applicability of the four basic ringed arrangements,several practicality ringed arrangements are brought up,namely the ringed arrangements of branch lines and cross mains, the ringed arrangements of cross mains and feed mains, the ringed arrangements of branch lines and feed mains, the vertical ringed arrangements of feed mains and the ringed arrangements of sprinkler system in the abnormity buildings.On the basis of the sprinkler systems’ ringed arrangements , FEM is used to build Mathematic Model of sprinkler systems.The Mathematic Model applies to both the ringer arrangements and the ramiform arrangements. VB6.0 is used to compile caculation program, and a practical engineering use it to caculate.Extensive use of the ringed arrangements of sprinkler systems will improve the efficiency that sprinkler systems extinguish fire in the initial stages of fire. The ringed arrangements haveprodigious practicability.

  • 【分类号】TU892
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】536

