

The Analysis and Calculation of Steel Structural Connection

【作者】 虞和滨

【导师】 何保康;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 钢结构连接是钢结构构件的重要组成部分,本文结合工程实践,着重对钢结构中广泛应用的连接形式,如焊接连接、普通螺栓连接、高强度螺栓连接和混合连接等进行了叙述。在论文中,除了介绍上述各种连接在不同受力状态下的计算方法外,本文还结合多年来工程实践经验,对各种连接方式的施工工艺、构造形式、施工质量检查、验收等方面作了综合性论述和总结介绍。对工程中采用较多连接如高强度螺栓连接、栓-焊混合连接等作了较深入分析;对工程中容易出现问题连接如不焊透的对接焊缝计算方法及可能出现的焊接变形及处理等问题也作了较深入探讨。论文总结了工程实践经验,还对各种连接的加工时的材料选择、加工程序、质量保证等方面均作了较全面总结交流。 随着钢结构的广泛应用和使用年限的增长,加之使用中荷载变动和施工过程中可能留下的质量隐患等问题,在实践中,不少钢结构构件需要进行加固处理,因此本文对连接加固技术原则与方法作了一些简要的介绍。 文章最后,结合上海宝钢工程的实践,提供了涉及连接技术二个工程实例。一是宝钢炼钢厂钢包加固修复实例,二是宝钢二号高炉易地大修高炉框架焊接方案。通过这二个工程的加固修复实例,说明了焊接技术应用的普遍性、可靠性和检测手段的必要性;连接工程对管理、设备、材料、工艺、人员、操作、安全的系统性和重要性。

【Abstract】 The connection of steel structures is an important part for the steel structural member. The types of connections which are commonly used in practical engineering, such as welding, bolting, high-strength bolting and mixed connections are discussed in this paper. Except the introduction of the types and calculation under different state loading, the technique, quality test, examination and acceptance for the steel connections are also summarized in this paper by author’s years practical experiences. The commonly used methods of connections, especially the high-strength bolted connection and welding with bolting mixed connections are discussed in more detail. The analysis for the problems, such as partial penetrated butt weld and welding deformation is also discussed in the paper. The selection of connection materials, connection processes, quality control, assurance etc. are discussed also.Some steel projects which have been used for years, may have troubles caused by changing of loads and possible hidden problem during construction. So some members in the original steel structures need strengthening. So this paper gives a brief introduction on the rules and methods about connection strengthening.This paper ends up with two living examples concerning connection techniques. One is the strengthening and overhauling of steel ladle in Bao Steel. The other one is overhauling of No.2 blast furnace frames also in Bao Steel. These examples prove that the applications of connection techniques are popular and reliable. In addition, they also show that the management, equipments, materials technique, operations and security of connection projects are more important.

  • 【分类号】TU391
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】649

