

Study on the Image Construction of Urban Touism--Taking Xi’an City as an Example

【作者】 张敏霞

【导师】 吕仁义;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 城市规划, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,旅游业正如火如荼的迅速发展,城市旅游业快速兴起,由此而产生了一系列旅游研究的新领域。城市旅游形象就是其中之一,并且在实际工程中,形象工程也在红红火火的进行中,而有关城市旅游形象的理论、范例也不多,从事这方面研究的人也不多,而它的发展、它的操作都是需要一定的理论来指导的。即使有一些对于旅游形象的研究也是针对于旅游目的地的,而且是有关形象的某一方面的,对于城市旅游形象的研究在国内外都很少,而目前的城市旅游的快速发展越来越需要对他进行科学的研究。所以,对它进行理论上的、实际问题上的探讨是非常紧迫的。 本论文在对城市旅游及其有关研究的基础上提出了城市旅游形象,并对城市旅游形象的研究现状作了初步调查,对城市旅游形象的有关概念等做了初步的介绍。在对城市旅游形象有了初步了解后,进一步探讨旅游形象的建设的有关问题。首先,分析了影响一个城市旅游形象的硬件和软件因素的主要构成元素,这些因素对于建设好形象是具有很大影响的,所以有必要对他们作分析;其次,提出了城市旅游形象设计的方法,引入企业的CI理念,从理念识别(MI)、行为识别(BI)、视觉识别(VI)三方面来论述形象的系统的构建;之后对城市旅游形象的树立、维系与更新的方法、内容等作了简单论述;最后在构建了城市旅游形象建设的理论体系的基础上以西安市为例,应用这一理论体系对西安市的城市旅游形象进行了初步探讨。本论文从旅游形象影响因素、旅游形象的CI系统、旅游形象的树立、维系与更新这几个方面对西安市的旅游形象进行了探讨,但由于本人的知识能力的有限、在对西安市的旅游形象建设进行探讨时、对于某些问题的把握不是很准确,本论文以西安为例的目的是为了更好的理解本论文前几章所构建的城市旅游形象建设理论的系统性。西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 本论文通过理论上的分析、研究初步构建了一个城市旅游形象建设的理论体系。可能它的完善性、准确性并不很完美但是它是本人构建的一个理论系统。并且运用它对西安市的旅游形象川于了初步探讨,为西安市旅游形象建设提出了一些可布于的方向,一些实际的建设内容等。

【Abstract】 The fast development of the tourism and the urbanization make the image of urban tourism be a new area for study, at the same time come out many other new subjects about the urban tourism which need to been studied too. And now in China there are many projects about the image of the urban tourism is under construction without the theories leading, which makes many waste of the city resource including the money, the labor and so on. So it is urgent to make a study on this subject. And there are not many persons who concentrate their spirits on such study. So it is necessary to begin this study both in the theory and the reality projects.This article gives some concepts about the image of urban tourism on the basic of introducing some studies on the urban tourism first. Then it continues to study on how to build the image. It begins to build the image mainly from the three facts that are mind identity, behavior identity and visual identity according to the corporate identity. After this it gives some common measures on how to maintains and regenerate the image. At last chapter in order to have a good understanding of the theory that is built in the former chapter it takes Xi’an city as an example. This is just a measure to have a look if the system of this theory is complete or not in the construction and maybe some opinions are too personal. After all this will give some good idea about the image of Xi’an city tourism.This article is mainly to construct a theory system to give some suggestions to thepeople who is working on building the image of the urban tourism and at the same time show the people how to uses this system through taking the Xi’an city as an example.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】1244

