

The Comparasing Analysis of How to Supply Public Houses

【作者】 向寿生

【导师】 刘晓君; 薛小荣;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 社会低收入家庭的住房保障问题是各个国家都比较重视的问题,西方国家解决社会低收入家庭的住房问题已经经历了几十年的发展和探索,但是在国内住房保障制度随着住房制度改革的深入才慢慢地被提出来。 廉租房制度作为我国分层次住房保障体系的一部分,在国内一些城市已取得了一定程度的发展,但是进程还很缓慢,有的城市还没有开始实施,主要原因是廉租房保障制度在实施中存在:无稳定的资金来源、保障对象难以界定,房源的提供方式不确定(供房模式)等一系列的实际问题。 本文主要以廉租房保障制度实施中存在的问题之一——廉租房房源提供方式的优劣势比较分析为核心内容,对廉租房的供房模式:政府集中兴建、利用私房、政府出资购房、公房认定、利用空置房转化等模式进行优劣势比较分析,分析这些供房模式各自在推动房地产市场、减轻政府财政压力、廉租户管理、廉租房推出机制形成等方面的优劣势,并利用NSFDSS(非结构化模糊决策支持系统)评价方法综合评价排序各供房模式,并结合实际情况对西安市实施廉租房制度时采取的供房模式进行适应性分析,为决策者决策选择的理论指导依据,促进廉租房的发展。 同时本文还分析了国内外住房保障制度的发展情况和国内廉租房发展中存在的主要现实问题。 低收入阶层住房保障的房源提供问题是一个复杂的问题。本文运用了具体问题具体分析、实事求是的方法,借鉴国内外的实施办法,充分学习国内的成功经验,西安建筑科技大学硕士论文对国内廉租房住房的诸多问题进行研究,对国内廉租住房制度的供房模式进行深入探讨分析,力求为政府的决策工作提供理论依据。 本文的研究中,一些问题的研究不够深入,还存在某些缺陷,希望专家和学者予以指正,笔者将会在以后的工作、学习、和研究中将其进一步完善。

【Abstract】 The housing problem of the lowest-income family is a problem attentioned by almost of every contries, western contries have experienced tens of years to solve it, in our countries, it was came up with the reform of housing policy.Public housing as a part of our country’s housing ensure policy, have got a certain development, but the course of its development is very slow, some cities even don’t do it, the main reason is there are many hard problem can’t be easily settled, they are how to get steady money surpport, how to define the object of pubilic housing, how to supply pubilic houses, how to manage the pubilic houses and so on.The paper want to solve one of the problem, using how to supply the pubic houses as the core part, and mainly analyzing its good and bad of the supply model of public houses. Analyse the government heavily constructing housing, using private houses, government buiing houses, reassure government houses as pubilic housing, using the vacant houses as public houses and so on, analyzing these supply model’s influence on real estate market,government ’s financial pressure, and the management of the public houses,and at last use the NSFDSS (non-structure fuzz decsion surport system) apprasial method apprise these suppling model. Connecting the facts of XI’AN, analyse the fitfull of the result.The paper also analyse the development of the housing ensuring policy of foreign countries, and the public housing policy of our country, some problem in the development of our country’s public housing policy.The lowest-income family’s housing ensuring problem is a complex question. When I do the work, does it as it is. Learning some succsseful and good experience, and try my best analyse the supplying model of public housing.At last, there may be some faulty in the paper, I sincerely hope your instruction, so I can do better in the future.

  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】33
  • 【下载频次】1712

