

Study on the Architectural Typology--On the Spatial Utilization Basis

【作者】 刘谦

【导师】 李志民;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的发展和城市化进程的加速,现有的一整套建筑类型划分在建筑教育和实践中出现了一些问题,主要是各个类型过于强调其不同于其它类型的个性而忽视了它们之间相似或相同的共性,这样带来的结果是建筑物在适应不同功能类型之间的转化过程中遇到了许多困难,不利于建筑的经济性和环境保护的要求。 本论文由两个方面的内容组成。研究的一个方面是在建筑层面通过对建筑功能与建筑类型的理解,并结合若干个不同建筑类型之间转化实例分析,在总结共性的基础上应用建筑计划学中空间使用方式的研究方法,对现有建筑类型进行重新划分,这种划分方式更接近于建筑物的实际使用方式,有助于重新认识建筑类型。接着,通过比较与总结我国古代通用式建筑设计方法与国外两类灵活空间设计理论和实例得出一种通用式建筑设计模式。 论文研究的另一个方面是在城市层面,通过我国“单位化”用地与“建筑类型”的结合现状,说明这种方式不利于建筑的充分利用与城市的集约化发展,阐述适应市场经济体制的建筑类型分布与发展以及对建筑综合体的客观需要。 论文最后总结归纳上述两个方面的研究内容,提出了针对建筑类型设计的一些建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of marketing economy system and rapid urbanization in China, Architectural types in use has some problems both in educational area and practical area, problem is mainly in the fact that we place too much importance in the differences between these types, but ignore the common features between them. The result is that there are tough difficulties in the process of buildings’ reuse and renovation when one type changes into another, thus this have negative effect on buildings’ effective use and environmental protection.This paper consists of two aspects. One aspect is mainly about the architectural types themselves. Firstly, the author discusses the concept of function and architectural type. Secondly, analyses some examples of type changing in order to sum up some commonalities. Thirdly, with the theory of architecture planning, the author classifies a new set of architectural types. This new classification is based on the spatial utilization, and this can help us comprehend architectural types better. Finally, the author gets a kind of all-purpose design pattern after comparing three different theory and examples.The other aspect is about the changes of architectural types in cities. At present, the combination of unit land-utilization and architectural types makes our cities ineffective, bigger and bigger. Obviously this situation is not suited to the development of economy and our rapid urbanization, so this part discusses the changes that marketing economy brings to these architectural types in cities and the actual need for complex.After summarizing the two aspects, the author gives some advice on architectural type design.

  • 【分类号】TU-024
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】490

