

Research on Hot Charging and Hot Transportation Process and Rolling Technics in the Rod and Wire Plant

【作者】 杨运增

【导师】 王快社; 刘良元;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 冶金工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 继连续铸钢技术问世以后,连铸坯热装热送和直接轧制技术成为钢铁企业生产技术的又一重大进步。在钢铁生产中,如何通过改进技术工艺来达到降耗、降低成本,以成为各企业研究的重要课题。 本文以新疆八一钢铁公司小型厂如何实现连铸坯连铸——热装热送——连轧为研究内容,通过对小型厂生产现状的分析,提出了对炼钢冶炼无缺陷连铸坯的控制,对热态连铸坯热装热送装置的改进,对热态连铸坯输送装炉工装——小型厂上料台架的改进,使小型厂实现了连铸坯的热装热送,达到了降低制造成本的目的。 通过小型厂连铸坯热装热送工艺研究,达到了节能降耗、缩短生产周期、改进产品质量、提高成材率的目的。八钢小型厂经过热装热送工艺的应用,小型厂加热炉燃料(煤气)单耗由原来的168m~3/t降低到126m~3/t,电耗由原来的61kw·h/吨降低到58kW·h/吨,成材率由原来的96.01%提高到97.11%,台时产量由原来的62.95吨/h提高到96.58吨/h。

【Abstract】 After advent of continuous casting technology, hot transportation and hot charging and direct rolling of continuous casting ingot indicate another great progress among production technology of iron and steel industry. How to saving the energy and the producing cost by improve the technics in this industry is one of most important subject for the corporation.This article study on the way that how the Xinjiang Bayi iron and steel corporation carry out the continuous casting ingot hot transportation and hot charging. With the analyzing of the current situation of the hot transportation and hot charging in the minitype shape plant, the control on the flawless continuous casting ingot, the improvement of the hot continues casting ingot hot transportation and hot charging and the alteration of frock which used to transport the hot continues casting to the furnace achieve the hot transportation and hot charging. The decreasing of production cost is be done.The energy saving, production cycle shorting, product quality improving and rate offinished product boosting are achieved by the study of the hot transportation and hot charging. With one year long study of the hot transportation and hot charging the fuel consume (coal gas) in the minitype shape plant is reduced from 168m3/t to 126m3/t, the electric power consume is reduced from 61kW/h to 58kW/h. The rate of finished products and output per hour is boosted from 96.01% to 97.11% and 62.95t/h to 96.58t/h respectiverly.

  • 【分类号】TF777
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】271

