

Analyzing the Framework Design of State Investment Holding Company

【作者】 张晓峰

【导师】 侯渡舟;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 控股公司作为社会经济生活的一种企业组织形式,产生100多年来,凭借其以少量自有资本控制和支配大量社会资本的功能,充分发挥规模经济的优势,以及分散市场需求风险和经营风险、促进技术创新和应用、促进企业集团化发展的优势,推动了企业的进步,对社会经济发展产生了许多积极影响。 由于社会主义市场经济体制建立的时日尚短,我国控股公司组织结构,特别是国有投资控股公司组织结构设计,还没有成熟的理论和足够的实践经验,在此方面做些有益的探索,不仅可以为本企业提供解决问题的思路,也可以对我国此类企业进行组织结构设计起到一定的借鉴作用。 本文从控股公司基本概念、组织结构特征入手,对国有投资控股公司基本功能、控制机制进行了分析;在简要介绍组织理论与设计的历史、流派、发展现状的基础上,结合国有投资控股公司的特点,参照国外同类控股公司组织结构模式,提出了我国国有投资控股公司组织结构设计的主要原则与基本思路,并以国家开发投资公司为例,设计了新经济形势下国有投资控股公司的组织结构方案。

【Abstract】 With the history of over 100 years, holding company has played important role in promoting the economy of all the countries based on its advantages of controlling large amount of dispersive funds with its small amount of capital, promoting economy with fully use of the advantages of scale economy, promoting enterprise to develop to group through property management, sharing the risks of market demand and the risk of operation, and promoting technology innovation and application.At present, there is no available theory and advanced experiences on organizational structure of controlling company, especially those on state investment controlling company. Discuss on this issue is helpful not only to create methods to solve problems of it, but also to design organizational structure of such company.This assay, based on general concept and the characteristics of organizational structure of controlling company, conducts analysis on general functions and controlling mechanism of state investment controlling company. While introducing the history of organizational theory and desgine, theoretic schools, and current conditions of new theories, this assay, based on analysis on the specialties of state investment controlling company and the organizational structure modes of foreign controlling companies of the same kind, puts forward general principles and basic thoughts on designing organizational structure of state investment controlling company. In this assay, a case of organizational structure design of State Development & Investment Corp. is listed as an example.

  • 【分类号】F272
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】542

