Study on the Reliability Appraisal and Reinforcement and Defact Analysis and Measure to Remedy of Existing Heavy Factory Buildings
【作者】 梁雨多;
【导师】 郑山锁;
【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2003, 硕士
【摘要】 本文结合太钢(集团)有限公司第二炼钢厂主厂房由于生产工艺改造要求,加大多台重型吊车吨位及BC跨(1)~(8)轴线框排架各层竖向(设备)荷载后,对厂房结构,尤其钢吊车梁系统进行检测鉴定与加固设计的实际工程,首先对厂房结构进行了现场调研、技术检查、测试以及内力和承载能力的计算与分析(考虑抗震),并根据检测、计算与分析结果,对厂房结构、构件的可靠性进行了评定,并综合提出鉴定结论和加固处理建议。然后结合工程实际情况,提出了一种在不停产情况下采用钢斜撑方案加固在用钢吊车梁的方案设计,并对其可行性进行了分析。最后结合对已经加固施工并投产使用的3榀钢吊车梁的现场实际动测结果,按考虑下部钢斜撑与钢吊车梁二者协同工作的原理对钢吊车梁与下部斜撑之间的荷载分配比例以及加固后钢吊车梁的承载能力进行了进一步的计算验证和对比分析,论证了采用钢斜撑方案加固已有钢吊车梁的合理与有效性。计算分析及试验研究结果表明,采用钢斜撑加固钢吊车梁以满足吊车吨位增加要求的方案设计是经济合理、切实可行的,且对相应排架柱的平面外受力影响很小。本文提出的按协同工作方法对钢吊车梁采用钢斜撑方案进行加固的设计与计算方法可行,可以在今后的工业厂房吊车梁系统改造工程中推广应用。另外,作者对重级工作制焊接钢吊车梁腹板与上翼缘连接焊缝的纵向水平疲劳裂缝进行了长期的观察和研究,根据疲劳裂缝产生的不同机理,将其分为支点裂缝和肋间裂缝,并讨论了两类裂缝产生的原因、分布规律、机理以及防治的措施;对工程中经常遇到的结构构件,尤其混凝土构件的几种主要病害(损伤、裂缝、腐蚀与老化)进行了机理分析并提出了防治措施。
【Abstract】 Based on practical project of inspecting, appraising and reinforcing a main heavy factory building, especially its steel crane girder system, of the Second Steel Mill belonging to Taiyuan Steel & Iron Corporation, whose technology renovation leads to increase tonnage of many heavy cranes and vertical load of frame-bent structure, First the structure and its members were investigated, inspected, calculated and analyzed, and their reliability was appraised respectively and the strengthening projects or the measures to remedy were given. Then, in accordance with the requirement to strengthen the girders under non-stop production, the feasibility of strengthening the crane girders by adding steel diagonal braces underneath the existing girders has been studied by inspecting and evaluating the strengthening effect of the crane girders and comparing with other reinforcing scheme. Dynamic test has been performed on three strengthened girders after they were being put into service. According to the measured data from the dynamic test and the calculated results of the proportion of the load distribution on steel diagonal braces and steel crane girders as well as the increased carrying capacity after strengthening in consideration of the principle of cooperative work between braces and crane girders, the feasibility, rationality, and economy of this strengthening scheme have been verified. This scheme can be applied extensively to strengthen crane girders system including concrete crane girders system hereafter. In addition to, the fatigue crack between web and upper flange of welded steel crane beam on heavy duty service was discussed, and based on long-term observation and research, the author classified fatigue crack into bearing type and middle type crack along the horizontal direction. The causation, distributive law and mechanism of the crack were analyzed, and the precautions to take and the measures to remedy crack were presented. The main defacts including damage, crack, erosion and aging in structures, especially in concrete structure were introduced; the defact mechanism was analyzed and the precautions to take were also given.
【Key words】 heavy factory buildings; reliability appraisal/reinforcement; defact analysis/measure to remedy; welded steel crane girder; fatigue crack/analysis to causation/measure to remedy; strengthening method adopting steel diagonal braces; cooperative work; dynamic test in site;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 西安建筑科技大学 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
- 【分类号】TU746
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】417