

A Study of the Theory and Practice of the Design of the Variant Steel Arched Girder Construction

【作者】 苏宜根

【导师】 苏明周;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 结构工程, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以典型的工程——徐州师范大学体育中心游泳馆为实例,从理论和实践上研究了变异钢拱架结构的设计和施工。论文首先对变异钢拱架结构设计可采用的软件、结构模型的建立、支座构造形式、变异拱梁的设计,以及保证拱梁平面外稳定所采取的措施等进行了研究,然后研究了大跨度变异钢拱架弧形梁吊装、角度的调整、铰支座穿轴销等的施工方法,最后对施工完成后的位移进行了实际量测。 根据实际工程屋盖建筑的外形,确定变异钢拱架分高跨和低跨部分,中间采用短柱焊接成一整体,高跨和低跨由两个不同曲率的弧组成,且每一跨又有多个曲率。 借助有限元方法,分析了钢拱架的受力性能。本文采用中国建筑科学研究院PKPM软件的钢结构设计模块STS,从结构建模入手,根据规范要求研究了支座的构造形式,通过对变异拱梁的力学分析,设计出符合力学模型的铰支座、滑移支座和变异拱处钢梁的施工图。滑移支座处连接的两个杆件均要求设铰接,以保证无弯矩存在。同时与施工技术人员研究了钢梁施工就位的方法,将钢梁设计为11段,低跨基本为3段,L1-2(就位后焊接)、L3、L4,长度分别为14.421m、17.157m、10.079m;高跨基本为3段,L7、L8、L9-10(就位后焊接),长度分别为8.85m、12.996m、15.962m。相邻梁段之间的连接形式为栓焊混合型连接,采用节点板把腹板用高强螺栓连接后上、下翼缘板分别对焊。变异拱高低跨连接处采用短柱焊接,形成一个完整的钢拱梁。为保证钢梁在变异拱处平面外的稳定,纵向设一通长管桁架。 钢梁吊装方案采用吊车配合脚手架的方法。变异拱就位时,先在该处下方搭好脚手架,并把脚手架断开留出0.8m间隙,利用脚手架搭设龙门架,用手拉葫芦把梁提升到位。起吊后的钢梁灵活、方便的角度调整是关键,吊装时用有足够行程的手拉葫芦代替钢丝绳,以便进行角度调整,要求吊点相距要大一些,而且吊点尽量靠前端。铰支座穿轴销顺利与否是施工的关键,采用提前做一锥销来引导轴销的方法来实现。 最后对施工安装后的结构进行了位移实测,实测结果与计算结果吻合较好,表明该工程的设计和施工达到了预期的目的。

【Abstract】 This thesis takes a typical project--the Natatorium of the Sports Center, XuzhouNormal University--as a case to study the theory and practice of the design and theconstruction of the variant steel arched girder. After an introduction to the research on the software for the design of the variant steel arched girder construction, the creation of the structural model, the structure of the supporting seat, the design of the variant arched girder, and the measures taken to ensure the stability of the plane surface of the arched girder, the thesis goes to study the methods for the hoisting and the angle setting of the long-span arched girders, as well as the bolting of the axle pin in the hinge support. Displacement was measured after the completion of the project.In view of the external form of the roof construction, it was decided that the variant steel arched girder should be composed of a higher straddle and a lower straddle, with a stump welded between the two straddles. The straddles are two arc-shaped roofs of different curve rates, and each of the straddles is made up of segments of various curve rates.A finite-element analysis was carried out to study the stress performance of thesteel girders. In this study, STS--the steel construction design module of PKPM,a software program of China’ s Institute of the Construction Science --is employedto create the construction model in order to study the construction of the supporting seat. A mechanical analysis of the variant arched girders was Implemented, with the result that consturction documents meeting mechanical requirements were designed for the hinge support, the roller support and the steel girders. Hinge joints are need for the two member bars near the roller support to ensure that no flexual torque exists.In collaboration with the worksite technicians, studies were carried out to move the girders into their place. The girders were designed to be 11 segments, 3 for the lower straddle (L1-2, welded after being put in place, L3 and L4, their lengths being 14. 421m, 17. 157m and 10. 079m respectively), and 3 for the higher straddle (L7, L8, L9-10, welded after being put in place, their lengths being 8. 85m, 12.996m, and 15. 962m respectively). Neighbouring segments are linked with bolts and welding. After the girders were segmented, guesseted plates were used with high-strength bolted oints to connect the web plates, and the higher and lower flange plates were butt-welded. Stumps were inserted and welded between the two straddles so that the girders become an integrated arched girder. A steel tubular trssed structure was vertically fixed to ensure the stability of the plane surface of the arched girder.The hoisting of the girders was achieved by the combination of a hoisting machine with scaffolding. Before the variant arch was moved into its place, scaffolds were set up under the place where the arch would be, and a clearance of 0. 8m was maintained between the scaffolds. With the help of the scaffolds, a gantry was set up, and the girder was lifted with a hand drawn chain hoist. It was essential that the lifted girder could be moved by any angle. A hand drawn chain hoist was used instead of a steel wire rope to enable the girder to be moved freelyby any angle. The suspension centers should be kept far apart but to the front as much as possible. Whether the axle pin can be smoothly bolted into the hinge support is crucial for the whole project. To achieve this goal, a prefabricated taper pin was used to induce the axle pin.Finally, after the completion of the project, a displacement measurement was carried out, and it was found that the measured displacement satisfactorily was in good agreement with the actual displacement, indicating that both the design and the execution of the project have achieved the expected goals.

  • 【分类号】TU391
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】137

