

On Zhang Fangping and His Political and Economical Thoughts and Practice

【作者】 张祥云

【导师】 程民生; 贾玉英; 刘坤太;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 北宋中期是一个充满各种矛盾和复杂多变的历史时期,内忧外患时时困扰着赵宋王朝,围绕着如何摆脱困境和重振国势,有识之士无不在思考和探索医国之方,并积极付诸实践,张方平就是其中杰出的一位。他身历宋真宗至宋哲宗五朝,耳闻目睹了北宋中期波澜壮阔的社会变革,经受过庆历新政、熙宁变法等重大政治运动的洗礼,宦海几度沉浮。其曲折而丰富的社会阅历成为反映这一时期历史事实的一面镜子。张方平以其高才卓识、施政才能博得了宋仁宗之识、宋英宗之知、宋神宗之遇,践履中外要职,曾三入玉堂、二主计司,并一度入参大政。针对时弊,张方平提出了“崇主威,隆堂陛”、“因时损益”、“敦礼厚俗”及“富国阜民”等政治、经济思想主张,有效地指导了其社会实践活动,为国家做出了应有的贡献。限于篇幅本文主要就张方平的生平、政治经济思想与实践进行了论述。 本文框架结构由绪言和正文构成。其中正文包括“张方平生平述论”及“张方平政治经济思想与实践”两部分。正文第一部分从纵面以评传的形式,对张方平曲折漫长而颇具争议性的人生历程作了展示和评论,并从个人、社会等方面分析探讨了造成“张方平现象”的原因;正文第二部分则从横面深入剖析和论述了指导张方平社会实践的政治经济思想及其特点。

【Abstract】 The mid-term of the Northern Song Dynasty is a Complicated and changeable historical period full of all kinds of contradictions. Zhao Song Dynasty was perplexed by the domestic troubles and foreign invasion. Centering on how to get out of difficult position and restore national power, men of insight were considering and exploring the way of treating the country and put it into practice actively. Among them Zhang Fangping was a prominent one. Zhang Fangping experienced five terms of Northern Song Dynasty from Song Zhenzong to Song Zhezong, saw the surging social reforms of mid-term of Northern Song Dynasty and went through the baptism of the great political movement such as Qingli and XiNing Reform. He had been up and down in official circles for many times. His complicated and abundant social experience was a mirror reflecting the historical facts of this period. Zhang Fangping got the discernment of Song Renzong, the knowledge of Song Yingzong and the treatment of Song Shenzong. He held the important post inside and outside, entered Yu Tang for three times, was in charge of Ji Si for two times and Joined Zhong Shu for a time. Zhang Fangping put forward the political and economical propositions of worship the monarchical power, flourishing the court, decreasing and increasing according to the time, stressing the etiquette and custom, enriching country and people. His propositions guided effectively his social movement and made his own contribution to the country. This paper is mainly on Zhang Fangping’s life story, political and economical thoughts and practice.This paper is made up of introduction and main body. Among this, the main body comprises of two parts, the review of Zhang Fangping life story and Zhang Fangping’s political and economical thoughts and practice. In the first part of main body, the writer describes and reviews Zhang Fangping’s tortuous, long and disputed life story from vertical section in the form of review, analyzes and inquires into the forming cause ofthe phenomenon of Zhang Fangping from individual and social aspect . In the second part of main body .the writer analyzes and expounds thoroughly the political and economical thoughts guiding Zhang Fangping’s social practice and its characteristics from transverse section.

【关键词】 北宋张方平思想实践
【Key words】 Northern Song DynastyZhang Fangpingthoughtspractice
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】K244
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】196

