

On the Pavilion Type Masonry Pagoda in Henan in Song Dynasty

【作者】 王东涛

【导师】 张家泰;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国古代史, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 塔的历史可谓是源远流长,在中国,塔更是悠悠华夏文明不可或缺的一个重要组成部分,在某种意义上,塔是名副其实的中国历史的见证者,然而,至今我们对它还缺少调查研究,已成为愈来愈多的专家学者的共识,并且正在努力改变这种状况。 本文共分四个部分,即塔的起源、东传与发展,河南砖石塔综述,河南宋塔的建筑特色,河南境内宋塔的价值作用及其研究意义。 第一部分,塔的起源、东传与发展纵向考察了塔的源流,特别是中国古塔的历史演化轨迹,扼要分析了各个不同历史时期塔的时代特征;又从空间着眼,横向比较了同一时期古塔(以楼阁式和密檐式为代表)呈现出的不同地域特征。 第二部分从河南古塔建筑材料的变化、层数、造型以及功能演化等方面入手,对现存(包括文献资料记载的)河南境内的古塔作一概要描述,并从社会的、经济的、历史的角度重点分析了产生变化的原因;接着,对楼阁式和密檐式砖石塔作了重点分析,然后又对河南境内现存39座宋代砖石塔进行了比较分析。 第三部分先从外观造型、平面形式、层数高度、细部与建筑装饰风格等不同方面对河南境内现存砖石塔的建筑特色进行了细致分析,从而得出河南宋代砖石塔(主要是楼阁式)建筑特征:宋代的砖石塔,总体风格较唐代砖石塔更加繁缛华丽,其造型挺拔有力,比例匀称,雕饰精美,结构独特,以八角形楼阁式塔为基本形制;河南境内的宋塔平面形式却主要为六边形;早期的塔身较为高大,后期塔身边长变小,高度降低,整个塔身也变得优雅秀丽,塔身装饰更加细腻;早期的塔基较为简单,皆为砖砌,且台子较低,后期基座变得越来越高大;塔身大多镶嵌佛像砖;斗栱体量减小,更加精美,仿木构建筑的铺作构件也愈加准确完善;塔的出檐深度减小,反叠涩收进尺寸增加,高度增大,风格从唐塔的雄伟壮丽变得优雅清丽而筋骨具佳,是塔的发展历史上一个重大转折;门窗的雕饰变得简单明了,假窗饰形体变得更加绢秀,凸凹比唐代更浅,但使用的频率和范围有了大幅度的提高;塔刹简洁明了,形制成熟,广泛使用金属材料,工艺较之以前精美;宋塔对内部结构进行了大胆改革,在主体结构上完全摆脱了以木材作为辅助楼板、楼梯的作法,塔身、楼梯、楼板、回廊塔檐等全用砖石砌成一个整体,结构复杂,将塔之壁体与塔内砖石结构紧紧连为一体,增强了刚度,加强了塔的整体性。 第四部分从历史价值和研究意义两大方面对本文的研究价值进行了自我评价:将其价值归纳为历史文化、建筑与雕饰艺术、砖石结构的科学创新三个方面。

【Abstract】 History of the pagoda is of long standing and well established. The pagoda is an important civilized component of China. In a sense, it is the qualified eyewitness of China history. However, more and more experts think, we still lack and make investigations of it so far and we are now making great efforts to change this kind of state.This article consists of 4 parts: 1.The origin of pagoda and its development. 2. A summary of the pagodas in Henan Province. 3.Characteristic of building of the pagodas in Henan Province in Song Dynasty. 4.The value function and research significance of the pagodas in Henan Province in Song Dynasty.1. In this part, the author introduced the origin and development of the pagoda, especially the history of the ancient owers in China in which they evolved, analyzed the characteristic of the pagodas in different times, compared their different regional characteristic in the same age.2. This part, starting from the changes of the building materials of the Old pagodas in Henan Province, from the pagoda’s modelling, function and floor numbers, has briefly described the extant Old pagodas in Henan Province; analyzed the reasons of their changes socially, economically and historically; mainly analyzed the masonry pagodas with the pavilion and dense eaves type. The 39 extant masonry pagodas in Song Dynasty in Henan Province have also been analyzed at last.3. This part has pointed out in detail the building features of the pagodas in Song dynasty in Henan Province. The general style of the pagodas in Song Dynasty are more overelaborate and resplendent than in Tang Dynasty. Its modelling was forceful. Its proportion was well-balanced. Its carving was elegant. The pagoda shape was basicallyinstituted by octagon. But the shape in Song Dynasty in Henan Province was normally hexagon. The pagoda body in early stage was usually taller and bigger than the later ones; But the latter was more beautiful. The base of the early pagodas was simple, with lower platform made of only brick; But the base of late ones was becoming more and more tall and big, with figures of Buddha inlaid, so as to be more beautiful. Especially its building technology was more elegant with metal materials used, and Its rigidity and entirety had both been strengthened.4. This part starts with the historic value and research significance to self-evaluate the study value of this paper. The value can be concluded in three respects: the historical culture, the art of building and carving, the scientific innovation of masonry structure.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】K879
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】567

