

On the Humane Reflection and Construction of Digital Education

【作者】 董宏建

【导师】 刘黎明;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 教育学原理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 在数字化的浪潮下,仿佛在一夜之间,以“比特”为载体的数字信息技术突然渗透到人们生活的各个层面——衣、食、住、行、娱乐、教育、发展。当然,教育也毫不例外,数字化教育在我国已蓬勃发展,发挥着日益重要的作用。它已经并正在改变着我们的教育理念和教学面貌,丰富和影响着我们的办学形式,为教育创新提供了广阔的前景。每个事物的发展都有其两面性,数字化教育的发展也是如此,况且,数字化教育本身是对传统教育的全新挑战,人们有一个适应过程,因此,在其具体实施过程中也已经出现了一些不正常的问题,有的问题将直接影响数字化教育的未来,需要我们去正视。 教育是面向人、为了人的事业,本身就蕴含着深厚的人文底蕴。在数字化教育中却存在着种种人文缺失的现象,面对数字化教育中人文意蕴的缺失,我们不应从否定数字化技术的角度思考问题,而应在技术不断发展的同时,加强“以人为本”为核心理念的人文教育,使我们的教育事业能随着时代的发展而健康发展。 本文主要分为四个部分: 第一部分是解读数字化。从数字化的意蕴、数字化的发展阶段、数字化的特征、数字化的影响四个方面对数字化进行解读。数字化在技术上是人类技术发展比较高级的形式,它也深深影响着人类社会和个体各个方面,这为下面对数字化教育进行人文角度分析确立了基础。 第二部分是数字化教育人文意蕴的缺失。本文主要关注数字化对教育中的人文意蕴产生的负面影响,并归纳为:教育异化为训练;造成了人际关系的隔膜与异化;造成道德与心理的困境;造成青少年对书本知识学习的厌倦;造成人的抽象化、符号化。 第三部分是数字化教育人文意蕴缺失的归因分析。在数字化教育的过程中,由于人们受技术理性的影响对数字化技术崇拜,导致了教育在一定程度上成为了训练;在数字化技术影响下的虚拟化生存导致青少年发展的异化,在一定程度上抽象化和符号化;主体思考能力的丧失使青少年获取更多信息和知识的同时对学习产生了仄倦,也造成了道德和心理的困境;人文知识在数字化过程中的弱化使青少年知识学习片面化,对于青少年发展来说缺失了人文精神养青,在一定程度上造成道德和心理的困境;数字化教育中情感教育的缺乏更是造成人际关系的隔膜和异化。 第四部分是数字化教育人文精神的建构。数字化教育要发挥培养人的功能,必须在传递信息的同时,传达一种精神,一种人类的优秀品质和优良的人性传统,即进行人文教育。首先要树立“以人为本”、“面向生活世界”的人文教育价值取向;其次是在数字化教育中营造人文教育“生命环境观”环境;最后是提出在数字化教育中一些人文教育原则的遵循,如人文化原则、生活化原则、情感性原则、互动性原则。

【Abstract】 Information technology which talcing " bit " as digital media permeates through each aspect of people’s life suddenly 桟lothing, food, shelter and transportation overnight in the wave of digitalization. Certainly, education can not yet make an exception at all. Digital education has already grown vigorously in our country, playing an increasingly important role. It has already changed our education idea and teaching appearance, enriched and influenced our educational forms, offering wide prospect for educational innovation. Everything’s development has dual characters, the development digital education is the same. Moreover, digital education itself is a brand-new challenge to traditional education, and there must be a adaptive course for people. So, some abnormal problems has already been emergent while in the course of concrete implementation. Some problems will have influences to the future of digital education directly, so we must to face them.Education is a kind of career that faces people, for the people, having deep humanity itself. But there is a phenomenon of all sorts of humanity lack in digital education. We should not consider from the perspectives of denying digital technology, but strengthen humanity education that centers on "human-based" ideas with constant technology development, in order to make education develop healthily with the development of times.This article is divided into four parts mainly:The first part is the analysis of digitization. It is analyzed from four aspects: the meaning, the developing stage, the characteristics and the influences of digitization. Digital technology is a more advanced form of human’s technology, and it influences all aspects of human society and individuals. This establishes the base for the analysis of digital education from the perspective of humanity.The second part is the humanity lacks of digital education. This article mainly pays close attention to the negative influences that digitization causes to the humanity of education, and is summed up: Education is dissimulated as training;it has caused the diaphragm and alienation of the interpersonal relationships, caused the predicaments of the morals and psychology, caused the tiredness of studying the book knowledge of teenagers, and caused people’s abstract and symbol.The third part is the reason analysis of the humanity lack in digital education. Inthe course of digital education, because people worship digital technology affected by technological rational, it has resulted in educating becoming training to a certain extent; survives under the influence of digitized technology virtually result in the alienation of teenagers’ development; the forfeiture of ability of subject think makes teenagers be tired of studying while obtain more information and knowledge, and also causes the predicaments of the morals and psychology; humanity knowledge reduction in the digitized course leads to the unilateralism of teenagers’ knowledge study, cause the predicaments of the morals and psychology to a certain extent having lacked humane spirit brings up teenagers’ development; The shortage of affective education in digitized education causes the lack of mutual understanding and alienation of the interpersonal relationships.The fourth part is the construction of humane spirit of digital education. Digital education must be transmit a kind of spirit, a kind of human outstanding quality and fine human nature tradition while transmitting information, namely carry on the humane education, in order to gives play to the function of training people. First, we should establish the humane education ideas that centers on "human based"; secondly, we should build the environment of" environmental point of the life " of humane education in digitized education; finally I Propose that some humane education principles are followed in digitized education, such as humanity principles, living principle, emotion principle, interactive principle.

【关键词】 数字化数字化教育人文精神
【Key words】 DigitalizationDigital EducationHumane Spirit
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】G40
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】368

