

Analysis and Research on Current Research State of Chinese Sand-volleyball, Soft-volleyball and Indoors-volleyball

【作者】 凌文杰

【导师】 屈东华;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 21世纪是知识膨胀、生产力和科学技术高速发展的世纪,随着物质文明和精神文明的发展,人们的闲暇时间逐渐增多,经济收入普遍增加,生活水平有了翻天覆地的变化,健身和娱乐成为人们普遍关心的问题。排球运动作为体育大家庭的一员,也为人类的健身、娱乐提供了广阔的活动空间,排球科研工作者为此同样做出了不懈的努力。一个学科的发展需要有自己科学的理论体系去指导,有了科学的理论做指导才能有正确的发展方向,才能提供分析和解决问题的各种方法。因此,排球运动科学理论的优劣将影响到整个排球家族的发展,而沙滩排球、软式排球和室内排球作为排球家族的主要成员,对这3项的理论研究就显得尤为重要。所以,对3项运动的科研理论性文章进行总结和概括就有了重要意义。笔者试图通过对3项科研论文进行分析与研究,总结经验和教训,为以后的科研工作提供参考。 本研究运用文献资料、调查、数理统计和逻辑分析等研究方法,对近10年来国内公开发行的13种体育类核心期刊和17种体育类一般性期刊中,有关沙滩排球、软式排球和室内排球科研论文的年发表量、论文期刊分布、研究方法、作者的年龄、性别、职称、学历、单位性质、作者人数、合作情况、作者地域分布、论文发表周期以及主要研究的领域等进行分析与研究,找出问题,总结经验,提出对策,为我国整个排球运动的发展提供借鉴。 研究结果表明:(1)10年来,3个项目的论文数量总体呈上升趋势,但是沙滩排球和软式排球期刊分布不均衡。(2)从第一作者情况看,3个项目科研论文之中,作者性别比例基本相同;沙滩排球和软式排球作者年龄相对偏低,而室内排球集中在35岁以下和36~45岁之间;沙滩排球和软式排球高学历占的比例较大,多集中在讲师群体,而室内排球多集中在讲师和副教授群体;体育类院校和师范类院校是3个项目研究队伍的主要力量;作者地域分布不均衡,主要集中在经济2004届河南大学研究生硕士学位论文发达地区;从合作情况看,沙滩排球高于软式排球和室内排球;译文或国际间合作只存在于沙滩排球和室内排球科研工作中。(3)3个项目研究的基金资助率都偏低,室内排球总体数量相对较多,但是所占比例不高;软式排球所占比例最高,再次是沙滩排球。(4)我国体育期刊所发表的论文时滞周期偏长,影响了学术论文的交流和时效性。(5)软式排球的研究主要集中于教学方面,对健身娱乐的研究较少;沙滩排球的研究内容比较分散;室内排球的研究比例基本合理。(6)3个项目的研究都存在重复研究较多,仓lJ新不足,实用价值较低的问题。

【Abstract】 Twenty-first century is the era of knowledge explosion and high speed development of productivity and science and technology. With the development of material civilization and spiritual civilization, as well as the increase of leisure and income, Chinese people’s living condition has experienced great change; sports and entertainment have gradually become Ordinary people’s main concern. Volleyball games have also provided special activity room as a member of sports family, and volleyball researchers also have made great contributions. A subject needs scientific theory system to guild its development, only so can it have a proper developing direction, and provide different rinds of methods to different questions. So the quality of volleyball sports theory hare great effect on the whole volleyball family’s development. Lt’s very necessary to research the theory of sand volleyball, soft volleyball, and indoor volleyball, which form the main member of volleyball family. So it’s of great importance to generalize the research results of these three kinds of volleyball sports. The author tries to sum up the experience and lessons so as to offer references for later research through the analysis on the three kinds of research achievement.This article uses the methods of material collecting, probe, math’s statistics, and logic analysis, to analyze the publishing amount. Achievement distribution. Studying method, the author’s age. Sex. Qualification, educational degree, unit’s quality, the author’s, coordination state, area distribution, article’s publishing cycle and main research achievements, by consulting the thirteen central sports journal and the seventeen ordinary sports journal about said volleyball soft volleyball and indoors volleyball, which are published openly in china, to generalize the experience and provide references for Chinese volleyball development.The research result shows as follow: (1) in recent ten years, the whole amount of the three treads of rising, but the distribution of sand volleyball and soft volleyball was uneven. (2) From the first author, between the three kinds of research achievement, the sex proportion was almost the same; the author’s age of sand volleyball and soft volleyball was relatively low, but of indoors volleyball, it’s mainly between 36 to 45; The proportion of high educational degree was high in sand volleyball and soft volleyball; The main authors about sand volleyball and soft volleyball were lecturer, but as to indoors volleyball, they were mainly associate professor and lecturer; sports college and normal college provided the main researchers of the three kinds of sports. The author’s area distribution was uneven, and the author was mainly in developed area; As the coordination state, sand volleyball was higher than soft volleyball and indoors volleyball; Translations and international coordination only existed in the research of sand volleyball and indoors volleyball. (3) The subsidizing funds proportion was low. The whole amount about indoor volleyball was relatively large, but its proportion was not high; the soft volleyball’s proportion was the highest, then the sand volleyball. (4) The sports article’s staying cycle was long, and thus it affected the article’s exchange and efficiency. (5) The focus of soft volleyball’s research was on teaching, and it’s too little on building up and entertainment; sand volleyball’s research content was comparatively scattered; indoors volleyball research proportion was reasonable. (6) The three kinds of research all existed the problems of repetition. Inadequate innovation and low practical value.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】644

