

The Study on the Management and the Attendance in the National Volleyball Matches

【作者】 史友宽

【导师】 屈东华;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国女排在改革开放初期,曾荣获“五连冠”的殊荣,在全国上下掀起了学习“女排精神”的热潮,所以,排球运动在我国具有特殊的意义。 本文运用的研究方法有:文献资料法、访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法。 本文首先对现场观众进行了研究,在对现场观众的研究中,把现场观众分为两种:现场消费者和现场非消费群体。研究内容包括:人口基本特征、对门票价格的认可、对联赛相关活动的期望、消费动机等。其次,本研究对全国排球联赛各主场经营状况进行了分析,主要内容包括:赛区冠名、场地广告、祝贺标语、观众与门票、俱乐部推广活动等经营情况。最后,文章总结了全国排球联赛市场的影响因素并提出了发展对策。 本文认为:全国排球联赛现场观众学历层次较高;观众人数随着年龄的增大依次递减;学生群体、工人群体和企业干部群体是构成现场观众的核心群体;收入越高的群体越有可能到现场观看全国排球联赛;单位发票是现场观众获得门票的最主要方式;现场观众愿意接受的全国排球联赛每场门票的价格集中在10元和20元左右;现场观众对联赛的相关活动表现出较高的积极性;促使观众到现场观看比赛的最主要原因是“欣赏到高水平的排球比赛”、“喜欢排球运动”和“家乡荣誉感驱使给自己的主队加油”;各俱乐部主场的经营情况差距较大,有些已经形成了较为规范的经营模式,而有些还完全处于放任自流的状态,影响了全国排球联赛市场的整体发展;影响全国排球联赛主场经营状况和现场观众群体的主要因素有:联赛水平;经营理念;主场选择;门票价格;明星效应;广告策略;赞助和中介机构等。 建议:全国排球联赛市场开发部门应该做好市场调研;各俱乐部应该争取和当地媒体单位联姻,共同经营主场相关权利;充分保护消费者的利益,满足消费者需要;经常向球迷或者体育爱好者提供一些和球员沟通的机会;转变经营理念,同消费者建立联系;积极进行市场调研,精心选择主场所在城市;完善广告策略,同赞助商建立合作伙伴关系;引进、培养和发展熟悉全国排球联赛业务的经纪人等。

【Abstract】 China women volleyball team had been wined the laurel of "five joined champion" in the initial stages in reformation and the spirit of China women volleyball team was raise in whole country. So the volleyball sport has special meaning for China and Chinese.Data, chat, questionnaire, statistics and logic analyze were the mainly methods used in the paper.In the first, the paper analyzed the locale audience and thought that the locale consumer and locale non-consumer colony were differentiate. The content include: population character, carfare, the presume upon the league matches, motivation, and so on. Secondly, the paper studied the status of management in apiece club. The content include: name for the home towns, ad in the field, congratulate slogan, audience and ticket, extend activity of the club, and so on. In the end, the paper summarized the influence factor and putted forward the developing countermeasure. The conclusion of the paper is that the academic level of the audience is high. The number of audience decreases as the age increases. Most of the audience are students, workers, and cadres of corporation. The income is higher, the possibility is higher. There are few audience who buy tickets by themselves. The ticket price that could be accepted by attendance audience is 10 or 20 yuan. The main reasons for them to watch the game are enjoying the high level contest, liking the volleyball sport and cheering for the hometown’. The management level of apiece home towns has great gap. Some have been come into being canonical management model and some however located the state of flow automatically. The main factors influenced the management were the level of the league matches, the thought of the management, the local of the field, the carfare, the domino effect of the star, the resource of the ad, the support and agency organization, and so on.The suggestion is that the department of exploitation should make out the investigation of the market. The club could unite the local media units and manage the correlative droit together. The managers should protect the advantage of the consumer and to the best of own abilities to satisfy their requires, provide some chances for communicate between the athlete and the fan, change the management idea, carry through .the investigation actively, choose the home towns seriously, consummate the strategy of ad, establish the cooperate fellowship with sponsor, bring up the man of business that know the operation of the national volleyball matches very well, and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】G842
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】530

