

Analyzing Marxism and the Problem of Modernity

【作者】 陈伟

【导师】 吕世荣; 陈志生;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 现代性问题是在后现代主义思潮的批判下凸显出来的,后现代主义思潮是20世纪60年代以后兴起的西方思潮,它对现代性问题展开了政治、经济、文化全方位的批判。由于现代性问题渗入到现代生活的各个层面之中,也就呈现多层面性,复杂性及不确定性的特点。本文首先对“现代性”的概念作一考察,分析比较了后现代主义者对“现代性”的不同理解,认为“现代性”是一个包容性极大的文化范畴,它既是理论的,也是实践的;既是事实的;也是价值的;既是确定的,也是流变的,很难从单一的层面加以界定。总的来说:“现代性”是指从文艺复兴特别是自启蒙运动以来的资本主义历史时代及基本原则。从内涵上说,是以启蒙运动为思想标志,以法国大革命为政治标志,以工业化及自由市场为经济标志的社会生存品质和样式。它有三个基本特征:1 以理性主义为核心的启蒙精神。2 世俗化的“祛魅”过程,3 人的主体地位的确立。西方现代性在人类社会历史曾起过非常重要的推动作用,但由于自身的局限,渐渐陷入了危机和困境,引起了后现代主义者的激烈批判。后现代主义者对现代性问题的批判主要集中在对启蒙精神的批判,对“元叙事”的批判;对西方传统思维方式的批判等几个面。 马克思主义与现代性问题有着十分密切的关系,马克思最早全面洞察和把握了西方社会的现代性特征并作了准确的描述。作为启蒙运动之子和现代性的产儿与追随者,马克思对现代性的历史作用作了充分的肯定和称赞,作为现代性的批判者,他对现代性的危机和困境又有敏锐的观察和揭露。马克思不仅仅满足于批判西方社会现代性危机的表象,而是深入本质地挖掘造成这一危机的社会根源所在。通过对资本主义社会深入全面的剖析,他的社会批判思想从抽象的伦理价值批判上升到科学的政治宣判,进而进入细致的实证分析,从而成为了丰富深刻的社会批判思想体系。马克思主义对现代性问题的批判是为了超越,它对未来理想社会的到来充满信心。马克心主义的批判理论和批判精神对后现代主义思潮的兴起产生了重大影响,后现代主义者对现代性问题的批判某种程度上可以说是马克思主义批判思想在当代的延续。但马克思主义与后现代主义又有着根本的不同,马克思主义在批判的同时还有肯定,并且追求最终的超越,是辩证的态度;而后现代主义追求单纯的解构和破坏,完全否定启蒙精神的态度走上了理性的反面,决定了它不是一种有广阔发展前景的社会思潮,我们要以辩证的态度来对待它。 马克思主义的当代价值或马克思主义的当代性问题就是在中国的现代性构建和现代化进程中发挥什么样的作用。本文认为,中国的现代性和现代化虽受西方的影响与之有相似之处,但中国现代性和现代化与西方有很大的不同,最重要的是马克思主义在中国现代性形成中有塑造作用,在中国现代化进程中有指导作用。马克思主义对现代性的肯定和批判在当代中国仍有极为重要的规范和指导意义,这是因为当代的社会发展状况并未脱离马克思主义的问题域,更因为马克思主义有与时俱进的理论品质,只要我们以与时俱进的科学态度去对待马克思主义,马克思主义就能永葆勃勃生机,在中国社会主义建设事业中体现出不可估量的当代价值。

【Abstract】 Modernity emerges from the trend of postmodernism, such a trend of which originates in 60s of the 20th century and criticizes the political, economical and cultural aspects of modernity. Because the modernized question exists in every aspect of modern life, it shows up multi-sidedness, complexity and the uncertainty. This essay firstly discusses the notion of "modernity", and analyses and compares the different understanding of "modernity" from the post-modernist, regarding that "modernity" is the openness for the extent cultural category. It not only is theoretical, but also practical; not only factual, but also valuable; not only certain, but also moving, so it is very hard for us to define it from certain stage. Generally speaking, "modernity" indicates the basic rule and historical time of capitalism from the renaissance, especially -enlightenment. From the internal part, it is a form and living character of society marked by enlightenment ideologically, by French revolution politically, and free market economically. It has three basic characters: 1. the renaissance centered on rationalization. 2. the "charming" course of conventionalizing. 3. the certainty of man’s subjective position. The western modernity has greatly promoted the development of human society. But because of the self-limitation, it gradually gets trapped in the cries, and results in the criticism of post-modernists. About the question of modernity, the post-modernists center on the criticism of enlightenment, the non-narration, and the way of western thought.Marxism and modernity has close relationship, and maxis firstly master and get the overall insight of the modernity of the western society. As the son of the enlightenment and the modernity, matrix praise and fully affirm the historical function of modernity. As the critics of the modernity, he reveals the crises and difficult position. Matrix not only satisfies the critics of the surface of the modern cries of the western society, but also deeply and essentially finds out the source for this crisis. According to the overallanalysis of the capitalist society, his social critics theory rise from the abstract moral value to the scientific political sentence, and get into the careful empirical analysis, so that it becomes the deep thought system of the social cruises. Marxism’s critics of the modernity are for transcendence, and it is confident for the future society. Marxism’s critics theory and its spirit has great influence for the development of post-modernity, and the post-modernists’ critics for the modernity, in some respect, can be said that it is the lasting of Marxism’s thought. But Marxism and post-modernity have the essential difference. Marxism also give positive side as well as its critics, and purchases the ultimate transcendence, so it is dialectical; but post-modernists just purchase the pure deconstructions and damage, and totally deny the enlightenment spirit, finally going to the opposition of rationalism. This decides that it is not social thought that has broadly developed future, so we should have dialectical manner.What does Marxism’s modern value or its modern question play in Chinese modernity construction and modem development? This essay supposes that although Chinese modernity is influenced by the west and has the similarity, it still has great difference. The most important thing is Marxism’ shaping function in the development of Chinese modernity, and its guiding function. Marxism’s confirm and critics has greatly important rule and guiding meaning in modern China. It is because that the development situation of modern society moves from the question register for Marxism, and Marxism has the theoretical character of development with time. As long as we use the scientific attitude of development-with-time to tread Marxism, it can be living all the time, and show out the modern value in the construction of Chinese society.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2004年 03期
  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【下载频次】530

