

【作者】 孟宏钟

【导师】 张新民;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济转型和资本市场的蓬勃发展,公司治理的重要性日益凸显。合理的上市公司治理结构将在很大程度上保证我国证券市场和整体经济的健康发展。目前,我国上市公司不规范操作的情况相当严重,公司治理结构的严重缺陷已在证券市场上表现出来,需要给予高度关注。笔者在文章的开始部分就提出了“理解并完善公司治理结构要善于抓重点”的想法,认为只有这样才能在现在论点庞杂的公司治理结构研究界保持清醒的头脑。在这一新思路的指导下,全文以“有效建设公司治理结构需要重视两个关键因素”的观点为主线进行了写作。文章就两个关键因素简要分析了公司治理的英美模式和德日模式及其对我国上市公司治理模式选择和建设的借鉴意义,对我国上市公司治理结构在两个关键因素上存在的问题进行了剖析,并以较大篇幅提出了完善我国上市公司治理结构的相关对策。在文章的最后,笔者指出了本研究存在的不足,即“抓住了重点就有可能会失去论题的全面性”,因此需要在今后对其它次重要问题作更细致的研究。

【Abstract】 Along with our country’s economy transformation and the booming development of the capital market, corporate governance increasingly shows it’s importance. A reasonable corporate governance structure of the listed companies will guarantee the sound development of the stock market and the whole economy. Now, there are a lot of serious problems in the operation of those companies, so we need to be highly concerned with the topic of corporate governance.At the beginning part of the thesis, the writer brought up the viewpoint that it is very important to grasp the key points when a good corporate governance structure is comprehended and constructed. Led by this new way of thinking, two phrases were emphasized which were ownership structure and supervising system. And according to these key phrases, the writer made a comparison of the two prevailing patterns of corporate governance in the western countries and drew out the useful information to help constructing the Chinese special pattern. Also, the writer made an analysis of the problems in Chinese present corporate governance and brought up the solutions to each of the problem.In the final part, the writer pointed out the shortcomings of the thesis and expressed the intention to do a further research on the core topics.

  • 【分类号】F276.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】287

