

【作者】 马兰

【导师】 陈欣;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 金融学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 《中华人民共和国保险法》自1995年10月1日实施以来,作为行业的基本大法,对我国保险业有着重要的指导作用,直接关系到整个行业的健康发展。尤其是在中国加入WTO之后,《保险法》迫切需要与国际接轨,符合WTO的基本原则。本文从“保单所有人”这个小的概念入手,对照英美保险法的相关规定及通行保险惯例与我国保险法律及实务,希望能够看出我国《保险法》的几个尚需完善之处,阐明一些基本的保险原理,提供少许分析和解决保险法律问题的途径。本文开篇提出保险合同是财产的观点,进一步指出投保人自然成为保单所有人,获得所有权权利。在第二章,本文详细阐述了终身寿险保单所有人的所有权权利,其中指定及变更受益人、拥有保单现金价值所有权和将保单权益进行全部或部分转让是相对来讲最重要的几个部分。尽管由于篇幅所限,本文并没有深入探究保单所有人的义务,但义务作为权利在法律上的对称关系,是所有权关系中不可或缺的一部分。此外,保单所有人之外的人也会对保单享有利益,本文第三部分的论述充分体现了保单所有人所有权的相对性和可分离性。第四部分的论述集中于我国保险法律和实务与英美保险法律及惯例在保单所有人方面的比较分析,建议在我国《保险法》中增加有关“保单所有人”的内容。

【Abstract】 Since the Insurance Law of People’s Republic China took into effect on October 1, 1995, it has been directing the healthy development of China’s insurance industry. Especially after China’s entry into WTO, the insurance law needs to obey the principles of the organization. By discussing the concept of “policyowner” and comparing the provisions of western insurance laws and the prevailing insurance practices with those of China’s, the paper aims at illustrating some basic insurance principles, indicating a few problems in China’s insurance law and giving some ways of analyzing and solving insurance issues.At the beginning, we point out that insurance contract is a property and an applicant naturally becomes a policyowner who is entitled with the ownership rights. The second chapter illustrates the ownership rights of a policyowner of permanent life insurance, among which naming and changing beneficiaries, owning the cash value of the policy and making assignment are the most important ones. Because of the space limitation, we don’t discuss about the obligations of a policyowner. However, the obligations are indispensable part of ownership. In addition, parties other than the policyowner can also have interests in the policy. The third chapter explains the relativity and separability of the policyowner’s ownership. The fourth chapter focuses on the comparative analysis of regulations and practices of western insurance industry and that of China’s. The suggestion is to add provisions on a policyowner in China’s insurance law.

  • 【分类号】D922.284
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】269

