

【作者】 张静

【导师】 沈四宝;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 国有独资公司从其一出现,就集国有、独资、有限责任于一身,而倍受众人瞩目。它是我国建立社会主义市场经济体制过程中为国有企业实行公司制改造而设计的一种特殊的公司形式,同时也是最具有中国特色的公司形式。根据《公司法》规定,国有独资公司是指国家授权投资的机构或者国家授权的部门单独投资设立的有限责任公司。国有独资公司最基本的特点就在于国有独资公司投资主体的单一性,即国家作为单一的股东。产权结构的单一性决定了国有独资公司实际上并不是一种现代企业制度的典型组织形式。产权结构的单一性也决定了在国有独资公司这一制度框架内,不存在规范公司治理结构的最优选择,只能求得公司治理相对独立性的次优选择。笔者在本文研究中的一个最大特点就是坚持理论联系实际。既从理论上分析了公司法人治理结构的概念与特征,内容涉及德国与美国;又联系了我国目前国有独资公司法人治理的实际,指出了其在法人治理结构中现存的六大主要问题。力求从问题入手,找出完善国有独资公司法人治理结构的良方。最后提出了完善我国国有独资公司法人治理结构的六点建议:1、修改公司法,构建内部监事会。2、加强董事会建设。3、合理分配董事与经理的权责。4、建立有效率的激励和约束机制。5、正确处理“新两会”与“老三会”关系。6、利害相关者参与管理。

【Abstract】 The solo-owned corporation of state draws a lot of attention at the very beginning of its establishment because of its special identities, i.e. state-owned, solo capital, limited liability. It is created specially for the state-owned enterprises to change into limited liability companies in the process of establishing a socialistic market economic system. In the mean time, it also retains a company system that has Chinese characteristics. According to corporation law, the solo-owned corporation of state is a limited liability company, which is solo invested by authorized government agency or department. The fundamental feature of the solo-owned corporation of state is that there is only one investor in the corporation, which means the state is the only shareholder. This oneness of property right decides that this type of corporation is not a modern corporation organizational structure. This oneness also results in that in the system structure of the solo-owned corporation of state, the best choice of corporate governance pattern does not exist. We have to use the second best choice, which is to keep its relevant governance independence, to manage it. Theory approved by facts is the outstanding feature when I write this thesis. I not only analyze the concepts and features of the corporate governance, the content of which relates to China, U.S.A. and Germany, <WP=6>but also tell the?current governance reality of the solo-owned corporation by state in China, point out the six major issues that exist in its corporate governance pattern. I start with these issues, try to look for proper solutions to improve the corporate governance pattern of the solo-owned corporation of state. In the end, I present corresponding suggestions: 1. Modify the corporation law. Establish a internal board of Supervisors.2. Strengthen the board of directors. 3. Rationally allocate the liabilities and rights between directors and managers. 4. Set up effective rewarding and punishing system. 5. Deal well with the relationship between “two new meetings” and “three old meetings”.6. The stakeholders participate in the management.

  • 【分类号】D922.29
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】209

