

【作者】 杨勇

【导师】 王军;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 法律, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 不论大陆法系还是英美法系,侵权行为法都是构筑其市民社会基本生活秩序和社会安全结构的基础性制度安排,发挥抑制侵权行为并补偿受害人的双重功能。时至二十世纪七、八十年代,一批研究侵权行为法的西方学者对侵权行为法的威慑、补偿功能及其作用的发挥提出质疑,认为传统的侵权行为法产生了危机,并进而提出了用责任保险、社会保险和社会保障等手段取代侵权救济手段的多种制度构想。侵权行为法和保险制度的发展,与各种社会条件,特别是物质生活条件的变迁密切相关。本文第一章回顾了近代侵权行为法的形成及其现代演变过程,分析了其背后蕴含的社会、经济和法理基础的变迁,从侵权行为法的理论和实践的变迁中,表明侵权责任的每一方面都在新的社会背景和知识下不断地获得新的诠释。侵权行为法正试图在其效用和结构上寻求稳定性和妥当性相平衡的同时,努力通过过错衡量标准的变化和归责原则的发展以适应社会发展的需求。本文第二章在认定侵权行为法与保险法是两种意义上的法律制度,保险法的法理是契约理论,与侵权行为法是民法的两个基本分支的基础上,认为在现代法律制度中,这两者达成了某种意义上的结合,即保险制度突破并侵入了传统侵权行为责任领域,对其产生了相当程度的影响。保险制度同传统的侵权责任制度的结合(影响)在两个方面:第一,侵权行为法的内部,即责任保险制度借助于侵权行为法上的责任原则得以确立;第二,在侵权行为法的外部,即社会保险制度上,它以社会风险责任概念取代个人风险责任概念,主张责任负担由社会来分担。本章在分析保险制度对侵权行为责任制度影响中,对两者的功能、适用范围、法理基础及法律技术方面进行了讨论。本文第三章认为我国由于法律文化的落后,以至侵权行为法和保险法的发展是相对落后且不完善的。我国应当移植国外先进成熟的立法。本文第四章基于上文的分析认为近现代侵权行为法的渐进式演变和法学理论的发展已使其具有了一定的灵活应变机制,能够满足社会局部领域的变化需求,在未来的侵害赔偿领域中,侵权行为法、责任保险和社会保险应当是共存的。

【Abstract】 Not only in the civil law system but the common law system, tort law was the basic system arrangement for establishing the basic living order and social security structure of their civil societies, and made most of its double function both in restraining tort behavior and compensating the injured party. As time went to 1970s, some authorities focusing on torts doubt the deterrence, compensation function of tort law. They believed that at present tort law was in an unfortunate situation, and should be replaced by liability insurance, social insurance and social security system.The first part of the article reviews the formation of the tradional tort law and its changing procedural to its modern form, also analyzes the differentiation of the social, economic and juris-prudence supporting it. From the theory and practice difference of torts, the article believes that tort law was getting new contents from its new social background and knowledge. Tort law was trying to make balance between its function and structure, and meet the requirement of social development through the expansion of fault principal.The second part of the article demonstrates that insurance law and tort law are different legal institutions in essence. The theory of insurance is based on contract theory; the contract law and tort law both constitute the main body of civil law. In modern legal system, tort law and insurance law actually integrate with each other. This kind of integration did have impact on tort law in its inner part. At the same time, Insurance law not only internally influences tort law, but also externally challenges tort law seriously. The rise of social insurance and social security is an obvious example. This is because originally the idea of social insurance is completely different from the idea of tort. Social insurance believes in social risk liability instead of individual liability, claims that the burden of liability should fall on society. The third part of the article regards that the development of the integration between tort law and insurance law in China accords with the line mentioned above. Because of the lag of legal culture, there are some defects. In some areas, for example, there are conflicts between legal rules. We should in some areas adopt foreign developed legislation.The fourth part shows the conclusion of the article that, in the future, the co-existence of tort law, liability insurance and social insurance in regulating personal damage is a basic trend.

  • 【分类号】D912.28;D913
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】277

