

【作者】 邹运昌

【导师】 桑百川;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际贸易学, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 加入WTO,对我国各个领域活动正在产生着重大影响,尤其对政府的管理职能提出了更高更新的要求。本文以WTO、政府、企业、政企关系为线索,对照WTO基本原则以及我国加入WTO承诺的约束,分析了我国依然较多地受到以往形成的与传统计划经济体制相适应的僵化的政企关系模式影响的现实情况,认为目前我国政企关系存在着许多与WTO规则不相适应的方面,而最关键的便是政府的管理职能应当作出大的转变,其中调整与规范我国政府与企业的关系则是政府职能转变的核心课题。解决好这一课题,无疑地对我国进一步深入改革开放,加速市场经济健康发展从而带动全社会更加进步具有重大意义。因此,本文以“加入WTO后我国政企关系的构建”为题,首先分析了市场经济下政府与企业的一般职能,对两者各自的角色进行了定位;接着介绍了国际上三类典型的市场经济国家的政企关系,然后分析了WTO规则对政企关系的约束以及加入WTO对我国政企关系的影响;最后在借鉴国际政企关系的基础上,对积极构建适应WTO要求的新型政企模式作出了初步探讨。即:(一)转变政府职能,深化行政管理体制改革;(二)树立政府对企业的服务意识,为企业发展创造宽松的外部环境;(三)政府与企业的关系要从行政隶属关系转变为经济法律关系,将企业运行纳入法制化轨道加以规范;(四)转变政府对企业的行政管理方式,让企业真正成为自主经营的市场主体;(五)按市场经济规律办事,取消不合理的政府支持或扶持政策,制定符合市场机制和WTO规则的政府公共政策;(六)完善市场体系及市场中介组织;(七)加强对国有企业的宏观管理。

【Abstract】 China’s entry to WTO is having significant effects on the activities of all sectors of the country, especially its own governments, whose administrative functions are necessitated new and higher requirements.Following a thread of WTO—the governments—businesses—government-business relationship, and with references to the WTO’s fundamental principles and the commitments China made to WTO, this article analyses the current status quo of the country that is still under the heavy influence of a stiff mode concerning the government-business relationship formed in the past, and suitable only to a planned economy. The article holds that the present government-business relationship in China is in many ways incompatible with the WTO’s rules, and the key to this problem lies with a big shift of the governments’ administrative functions, of which the core issue is the adjustment and standardisation of the government-business relationship. A successful solution to this issue will surely have great significance in the country’s further reform and opening, and will speed up the healthy growth of its market economy hence the progress of it social reform.Thus, the article, entitled “Build China’s Government-Business Relationship After Its WTO Entry”, first analyses the functions of governments and businesses at large under market economy and defines their roles therein; and then gives an account of three typical kinds of government-business relationship in countries under market economy, followed by an analysis of the constraints that WTO rules exert on government-business relationship and the implication of China’s WTO membership on its government-business relationship; and finally, based on the experiences of other countries in their government-business relationship, examines our own possible steps to build a new type of government-business relationship that is in line with the WTO requirements. Theses steps are: Change the functions of the government and deepen the administration system reform;Establish the concept that government serves businesses, and create a relaxing external environment for their growth;Change the government-business relationship from the one of administrative subordination to one of economy and law, and put business operation on the right track of legality and regulate business practices;Change the way the government conducts its administration over businesses to ensure the latter become the real players of the market who operate on their own;Follow the law of market economy and stop unfair policies of governmental sponsorship and support, and formulate government public policies that are compatible with the market mechanism and WTO rules;Perfect the market system and market intermediary agencies; andStrengthen the macro-control of state owned enterprises.

【关键词】 WTO政府企业政企关系
  • 【分类号】F123.15
  • 【下载频次】179

