

【作者】 伊崇巍

【导师】 马春光;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 企业管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 中国手机市场截至2004年初,手机用户达到2.69亿,居世界第一位。本文论述的是,在中国的手机产业高速增长并朝成熟期迈进的过程中,市场格局和竞争规则不断发生变化,诺基亚公司如何通过合理、有效的企业经营战略来加速发展在中国市场的业绩。诺基亚公司是全球最大的手机生产厂商,2003年年末全球市场份额约39%,在8个国家设有移动电话生产基地,是世界上最受认可和尊重的消费品牌之一,产品行销130个国家。诺基亚凭借其果断的战略调整、卓越的产品创新能力、强大的品牌推广能力和“科技,以人为本”的口号奠定了了今天在全球竞争中的地位。中国的手机市场在近10几年间,从一家垄断到数家割据,发展到现在,演变成了众多企业激烈竞争的局面,国产品牌异军突起,占领了“半壁江山”。政府对于该行业也出台多条重要政策。同时,消费者的消费习惯也发生着巨大的变化。本文通过对市场环境的分析,强调了该产业的特点、现状和趋势,勾勒出诺基亚公司在中国的市场背景。本文对摩托罗拉、三星及波导等国产品牌企业的经营特点做出了分析,可以看出当前的中国手机市场竞争异常激烈,各企业都在根据自身特点和市场需求,调整策略,抢占市场份额。中国市场是诺基亚全球的第二大市场,诺基亚对此也非常重视,远景目标是成为中国最大的手机生产厂商,并以技术、服务、产品、销售等多方面的手段来实现目标。然而,与诺基亚在全球的竞争地位相比,其在中国市场的成绩是很不理想的。本文试图通过全球化与本地化的矛盾、渠道管理、大企业规模弊端等多方面的调查分析,解释诺基亚在中国市场相对落后的原因。本文还将具体分析诺基亚中国营销组合的特点,提出歧异化的竞争战略、平衡全球化经营与本地化经营、细分市场策略和扁平化营销渠道等竞争战略。并探讨了诺基亚在中国应该采取的营销策略组合,包括产品策略、品牌策略和渠道策略等。一个完整的企业经营战略至少应该包括三个层次的内容:(1)企业的战略观念是什么?(2)面对竞争对手,企业采取何种竞争战略?(3)企业通过怎样的营销战略组合来体现企业战略观念、形成企业的竞争优势?综合诺基亚在中国面临的市场环境、竞争分析和诺基亚自身的竞争条件,本文认为:诺基亚公司的中国经营战略观念是需求方战略。诺基亚中国市场的竞争战略的是歧异性的产品和经销网络战略,即适用中国市场的本土调整和针对不同细分市场的产品和经销网络。诺基亚中国市场的营销战略是适应中国审美及消费习惯的产品外观设计和细分的产品线;营销网络的调整应通过联手大型手机连锁店、电器大卖场和运营商,建立起更加扁平化的渠道,形成自己的竞争优势,为消费者提供更好、更便利的服务,体现诺基亚重视消费者价值的战略观念。

【Abstract】 This dissertation provides an analysis of the business strategy of Nokia, i.e. the world leader in mobile telecommunications market and mainly answers three questions: the strategic intent, the competitive strategy and marketing mix of Nokia in China.In the beginning of 2004, Chinese handset subscribers reached 269 million. China has become the largest handset market in the world and now is taking center stage in a global trend in which handsets are becoming a commodity. The considerable growth potential and thriving manufacturing trends have caught the attention of many entrants. For domestic players, the disintegration of the handset value chain has made technology solutions readily accessible to them. Domestic electronics and white goods manufacturers are rushing to enter the handset manufacturing market. The market structure has also transformed from the monopoly to the current competitive one. The purchasing habits of Chinese consumers are changing over time combined with the new regulations and restriction stipulated by the Chinese government, the competition is reaching an ever-intense status. This dissertation portrays the market structure, the competitions, future trends and outlines the market background of Nokia.This dissertation also makes competitive analysis for Motorola, Samsung, Bird, TCL and other domestic brands respectively. Fashion is as important as function. Domestic companies like TCL are winning market share not through price cuts but through investments in new designs and aggressive marketing as well as innovative channel design.As the second largest market for Nokia, China will play an important role in Nokia’s worldwide competition position. Nokia wants to become No.1 in this market by a set of measures. Currently, however, its performance in China is not as good as that in Global. This dissertation tries to analyze and explain the reasons from the viewpoint of contradiction of globalization and localization, channel management and bureaucracy. Based on the classical theory review and analysis, Nokia should adopt a customer-based competitive strategy mind-set.This dissertation describes marketing mix of Nokia China and proposes a differentiation strategy, that is, a balance of globalization and localization and the segmentation for product and channel strategy.

【关键词】 经营战略需求方营销组合
  • 【分类号】F279.26
  • 【下载频次】1610

