

【作者】 覃晓丹

【导师】 唐丽子;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 国际法, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 2003年12月,我国制定了《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》,为我国银行业监管制度的发展奠定了基础,但该法没有对外资金融机构的监管做出原则性或者具体的规定。纵观我国现有的外资银行监管的法律框架,存在着诸多的问题,例如立法的层次低,权威性不高,规则滞后,体系不协调,规定不够全面尚存在很多空白,为我国的监管当局依法履行职责带来困难。外资银行的监管属于银行监管制度的一部分,与中资银行的监管相比,外资银行的监管有其独特的一面。在监管目标、监管原则和市场准入等方面,我国应借鉴发达国家的经验和世界通行的惯例,完善我国的相应规定。并且要注重从市场准入、运营过程到市场退出的全程化监管,把监管的重点放在对风险的监管上。外资银行的监管不仅是东道国的问题,还涉及到国际合作和协调,在东道国和母国之间合理分配管辖权和监管责任的问题。巴塞尔协议确立了很多跨国银行监管的原则和规则,在世界范围内产生了广泛的影响,体现了跨国银行监管制度发展的潮流和趋势,值得我们借鉴采用。本文在介绍世界各国外资银行监管制度的具体做法和巴塞尔协议确立的规则的基础上,分析了我国现行的监管框架,指出了立法中的不足之处,在考虑到加入世界贸易组织对我国的影响的情况下,对完善我国的外资银行监管制度提出了一些具体的建议。

【Abstract】 In November, 2003, the Law on the Regulation and Supervision of Banking Industry of People’s Republic of China was enacted in our state, which laid the basis for the development of the banking regulation and supervision system in our country but failed to contain provisions in principle or in detail concerning the regulation and supervision of financial institutions of foreign capital. In the overview of the current legal framework of regulation and supervision of financial institutions of foreign capital, there exist many issues, for example, the low level and authority of legislation, the lagging behind of rules, inharmonic systems and incompletion of provisions with many uncovered areas, which make it difficult for the regulation and supervision authority to perform its duty in accordance with the law.The regulation and supervision of banks of foreign capital is a part of banking regulation and supervision system, but the regulation and supervision of banks of foreign capital is featured by special respects in contrast to the regulation and supervision of banks of Chinese capital. We shall make reference to the experience of developed countries and world-wide accepted practice to perfect our corresponding provisions in the fields including regulation and supervision objectives, principles and market access. And attention shall be paid to the regulation and supervision throughout the course of market access, operations and market exit, and the focus shall be placed on the regulation and supervision of risks.The regulation and supervision of banks of foreign capital is not only issues of the host countries, but also involves the issue of international cooperation and coordination and the reasonable allocation of jurisdiction and liability of regulation and supervision between the host country and home country. The Basel Committee’s agreements establish many principles and rules of regulation and supervision of multinational banks, which exert a comprehensive influence worldwide, represent the tide and trend of the development of regulation and supervision system of multinational banks, and deserve our reference and adoption.This thesis analyzes the current regulation and supervision framework of our country, points out some deficiencies of our legislation on the basis of introduction of detailed practice of regulation and supervision system of banks of foreign capital in various countries and rules established by the Basel Committee’s agreements, and puts forward some proposals on perfecting the regulation and supervision system of banks of foreign capital in our country taking into account the influence brought about by China’s accession to the WTO.

  • 【分类号】D922.28
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】215

