

【作者】 贺光前

【导师】 张杰;

【作者基本信息】 对外经济贸易大学 , 工商管理, 2004, 硕士

【摘要】 本文首先阐述了智能建筑经过十多年的发展,在中国的行业现状,并且从组织、计划、风险、现场管理等角度论述了项目管理工作的重要性,分析建筑智能化系统的项目管理以总包与分包管理结合的四种项目管理模式及特点。  项目管理学作为一门新兴的学科已引起全社会的广泛关注,学术界也在广泛吸收发达国家和地区的项目管理先进经验,结合我国的国情,逐步建立和发展中国的项目管理体系。   每类项目管理具有共性,但也有其固有的特点,建筑智能化项目也不例外。首先,智能化系统上要求配合主体工程的进度要求;其次,智能化系统依附于建筑体内,与建筑的其它系统具有相关性,需要配合其它工程项目,同时需要其它工程的配合,是配合要求较高的项目,必须进行广泛的沟通和协调;再次,建筑智能化系统属于高科技领域的产物,其综合性强,系统结构和功能复杂,其科技内涵涉及的领域包括计算机学与电子学、控制理论、声光学、系统集成理论等不同的学科,具有高科技特征和目标复杂的特征。所有这此都表明,建筑智能化项目管理应从管理体系、技术、计划、组织、实施和控制、沟通和协调、验收等各个环节都应与其特征相匹配,才能保证达到项目的最终目标。笔者通过对建筑智能化项目管理的摸索和学习,谈谈对智能建筑的认识及智能化系统项目管理的经验和体会。

【Abstract】 This article first elaborates the current status of Intelligence Building (IB) industry after more than 10 years development. Then it dissertates the magnitude of the project management work in the IB industry through some points, e.g. organization, planning, risk management, field management, etc. It also analyses the 4 types of project management models based on the combination of total contracting and subcontracting.As a new subject, the project management has got rise to the concentration by the whole society. Chinese academe is progressively abstracting the advanced project management experiences from the developed countries. Meanwhile connecting to the situation of China, the academe gradually establishes and develops the project management system for China.   The project managements in each industry have their individualities as well as certain commonness. The project of IB is not excluded as well. First, IB system requires the project should match the schedule of the master engineering of the building. Second, IB system leeches on to the body of building. It has certain relativity with other systems inside body of building. It requires the cooperation by other engineering projects; meanwhile, it is required to collaborate with them. Third, Intelligence system belongs to high-tech industry. The much complexity of the system structure and function involves a lot of science and technology, e.g. computer science, electronics, control theory, light and sound theory, system integration technology etc. All these analysis proves that, to achieve the final project target, all the aspects of project management (like management system, technology, planning, organization, implementation, controlling, communication, cooperation, acceptance, etc.) are required to match the characteristics of IB system. By studying the intelligence building industry and the related project management, the writer share his own experiences and practices in the paper.

  • 【分类号】F426.9
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】550

